Praise God in Jesus Christ Name...I Spoke in Tongues This Morning!


New Member
Hi everyone,

I know that you all know I've been praying for God to baptise me in The Holy Spirit. Well, I got a pm from someone who told me to start saying Hallelujah and just focus on saying praise God. then i started, okay have to telll you later.
Okay, so I tried what the poster told me and I don't know if she wants me to reveal her name but I focused on God completely and repeated Hallelujah over and over. And I just focused on His goodness and I already knew that Hallelujah is the highest praise.

I was standing in the kitchen and I said something like, God let your will be done. God baptise me in your Holy Spirit and let your will be done in my body, in my tongue. I release it to you God in Jesus Christ name amen."

So I believed cause I felt that my tongue was getting kind of loose as I was speaking, like I could have regained control but I let it go and it formed a word. I don't know what this word is but it did and I said some more.

I went in the bathroom and continue just saying Hallelujah first and about 5 seconds later, the tongues came out and I was speaking in tongues for about 15-20 seconds. I didn't know what I was saying but I didn't have anything in my mind but the words were coming out. I mean I wasn't thinking about making words or anything plus I didn't have anything else on my mind.

So, yeah. God has baptised me in His Holy Spirit. Praise His name because I said that I was asking and I thank you God right now because you have done this. Glory to God in your son Jesus name.

Oh and right after I started speaking in tongues He told me, "It's raining in the heavens." 2x I think and I didn't what it meant so I didn't really think about it. But then as I was walking to another building where I work, it was pouring down in rain and the Holy Spirit brought it back to my attention what He said. And I was like, "Ohhhhh." Now I thought it meant that or it may have been symbolic of Him pouring out His spirit on the people in my city cause' it is what I have been praying for. But I don't really know and I told another woman who is also baptised in The Holy Spirit and seasoned and she said it is likely a confirmation that I am hearing from Him and not to worry because the enemy might try and tell me "it isn't real" or some other negative thing.
Hi everyone,

I know that you all know I've been praying for God to baptise me in The Holy Spirit. Well, I got a pm from someone who told me to start saying Hallelujah and just focus on saying praise God. then i started, okay have to telll you later.

Hallelujah! I rejoice with you!
Congratulations! It feels good, doesn't it?!

Yes, it is truly a blessing! God is so good isn't he? I can't even think of an English word that fully encompasses His awesomeness but now I just have something extra to praise Him for.

It's amazing to have the possibility of praying in tongues for hours.
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Let me "check" your Holy Ghost real quick:grin::

Now what would you say to someone who said to you: that ain't real! You been brainwashed! That was just some hypnosis!

What would you say to that?
I have discernment and every person I've told so far has rejoiced with me. But if they did overhear me talking to someone else, I would likely say, "May God bless you." Why say this? Because any blessing God gives is something He wants that person to receive because He knows what each one of us needs and know us better than we know our selves. After saying this, "I would pray on my own that God would blesss them with wisdom and understanding of His word and the truth of His Word.
I have discernment and every person I've told so far has rejoiced with me. But if they did overhear me talking to someone else, I would likely say, "May God bless you." Why say this? Because any blessing God gives is something He wants that person to receive because He knows what each one of us needs and know us better than we know our selves. After saying this, "I would pray on my own that God would blesss them with wisdom and understanding of His word and the truth of His Word.

You know I'm rejoicing with you! And yet my question was a sort of test to give you an idea that this life-changing thing that has happened is to make you stronger and endure... to allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in your life and to give you wisdom on how to respond....
Yay!! Im so happy for you!! I couldn't help but smile the entire time I was reading your post...keep asking for it daily too...
I'm happy for you too.

God says to ask and we shall receive and having the
faith behind it I believe makes God want to show up
and show out in our lives.

Thank you for sharing -- Just had a feeling that if this
can happen for you then it can happen for me as well.

I hear of people speaking in tongues and have heard the
language plenty of times but I never knew or thought that
I can possibly experience something like this and just might
be a tiny bit scared...??

~ Preciouzone ~
It is my understanding the way my bishop said the speaking of tongues is a prayer between you and God only. Now, why did I say you can God? Cause the devil can hear us when we pray aloud. However, when speaking in tongues, its between you and God so the devil can not interceed. I try to make it a habit every morning when I am cleaning my house to pray and then to speak in tongues.
I'm happy for you too.

God says to ask and we shall receive and having the
faith behind it I believe makes God want to show up
and show out in our lives.

Thank you for sharing -- Just had a feeling that if this
can happen for you then it can happen for me as well.

I hear of people speaking in tongues and have heard the
language plenty of times but I never knew or thought that
I can possibly experience something like this and just might
be a tiny bit scared...??

~ Preciouzone ~

Yes, you can. Okay? Yes, you can receive God's blessing to be baptised in The Holy Spirit.

This is for every Christian who has a heart focused to do God's will. Humble yourself, if there is something in you life messed up (and you know what I mean by messed up) then get rid of it. I'm talking about the immediate changes you can make right now.

For instance, if someone has problems drinking alcohol and they want to stop because they want to receive the baptism in The Holy Spirit, then they have to repent. They have to make some sacrafices to show God that they are serious about what they are asking for. If your child kept saying, "Mom I want to be a doctor," yet everyday they aren't keeping up their grades and making steps towards it, you would think they are just talking. True repentance comes from not only asking for forgiveness but turning away from the sin. So the alcoholic should stop going to the bar and go straight home after work. You have problems with fornicating, then stop putting yourself in compromising situations.

Start worshiping Him with music if you don't know how to just do it without. Sincere worship and think about and mean what you are saying. God will accept the praises and worship of His righteous people. You will invoke His prescence. Then pray diligently. Pray that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven- that His will be done in your life as it is in heaven. This blessing is for you too because if even sinful fathers can give their kids good gifts, how much more can God give you The Holy Spirit if you ask? Step out on faith and ask Him until you receive. And don't feel scared because if you pray and believe, whatever you ask for you will recieve. You are praying according to God's will and HE will honor His Word and baptise you. Focus on the awesomeness of God, lift your hands in praise during your praise and worship and just repeat Hallelujah in your mind just focusing on Him. I was thinking, "Praise God in the Highest," and completely just focusing on Him then my tongue felt like it wanted to form another syllable and I let it go and released it.

When you let it go and release it during praise and worship, and your tongue starts to feel funny after you have been praising...let it go to The Holy Spirit.

God is so good, He's gonna do it for you! You without works is dead and it is impossible to please God if you don't have faith.:yep:
When your speaking in tongues you are saying what is in your heart. Your spirit speaks for you.
1 Corinthians 14:2 For the one speaking in a tongue does not speak to people but to God, for no one understands; he is speaking mysteries by the Spirit.
You can also sing in tongues.

I remember when I first spoke in tongues, it was incredible. My tongue felt so heavy and then I just let go in church, during a Holy Visitation prayer. It changed me forever. I never looked at life the same. I spoke for a good 30 mins. I never knew I had so much to say to God. That feeling of excitement and the presents of God stayed with me for a good 2 months, I was on cloud 9. I felt like I could change the world. I wanted to run outside and tell everyone that God is GREAT and he has touched me in ways I will never understand. I wanted to sing and dance through my whole life.

Congratulations, God is AMAZING
When your speaking in tongues you are saying what is in your heart. Your spirit speaks for you.
1 Corinthians 14:2 For the one speaking in a tongue does not speak to people but to God, for no one understands; he is speaking mysteries by the Spirit.
You can also sing in tongues.

I remember when I first spoke in tongues, it was incredible. My tongue felt so heavy and then I just let go in church, during a Holy Visitation prayer. It changed me forever. I never looked at life the same. I spoke for a good 30 mins. I never knew I had so much to say to God. That feeling of excitement and the presents of God stayed with me for a good 2 months, I was on cloud 9. I felt like I could change the world. I wanted to run outside and tell everyone that God is GREAT and he has touched me in ways I will never understand. I wanted to sing and dance through my whole life.

Congratulations, God is AMAZING
:band2::dance7::bouncy::circle::lots:Thank you for this post. It moved me. Halleluja.
Glory to God. That is such a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. God is good. God has blessed you with that gift.
ETA: I don't know what I'd do the when I first speak in tongues.
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That is AWESOME! I'm happy for you. I remember when I received the gift of tongues, I was filled with so much joy.
I had been praying to God to give me the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. I remember waking up at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and literally hearing tongues in my ear. I was not speaking, but I could hear it. Then later in the week I was at an early moring prayer (in college) and the tongues came and just kept bubbling out.
I am truly greatful to God for giving me this Gift. :-)