PP Biotin/B-Complex...isn't my scalp supp. to be tingling, and all that other junk???


New Member
After reading MILLIONS of threads about PP's Biotin 5000 and PP B-50 Complex I went ahead and got some. It's been about two wks and um, I don't feel nothing lol :lachen:. I have read on the threads that after maybe 3-4 days, the scalp starts going crazy; Does this mean that it's not going to work and that I'm not going to get any growth??? I know 2wks is not a lonnnnnggg time for taking pills, but when I read that after a couple of days the ladies were already feeling their scalp jump around....I'm starting to feel left out! lol :drunk: I also take a muti and flax seed oil just to let ya'll know!
Re: PP Biotin/B-Complex...isn't my scalp supp. to be tingling, and all that other jun

I just started being more consistent with my biotin, b complex and fish oil and I havent had any tingling sensation either. In fact the only time I do get a tingling sensation is when I massage tea tree oil on my scalp. Your not the only one and I do remember reading threads a long time ago sayin people did get that sensation. Not me :perplexed
Re: PP Biotin/B-Complex...isn't my scalp supp. to be tingling, and all that other jun

Girl I feel you....the only time I feel ANYTHING going on with my scalp is when I add peppermint oil to my DC! :lachen: I'm glad I'm not the only one then, becuz it seems like everyone that has used these pills had those tingling results...I thought it meant that it wasent working for me. Do you still get growth results???
Re: PP Biotin/B-Complex...isn't my scalp supp. to be tingling, and all that other jun

Different strokes for different folks:grin: Nah, seriously though, I thought the same thing was supposed to happen to me. It wasn't until about 2 months after taking them that I started to notice results:nono: I just tried to stay consistent with them. The key is patience:yep:
Re: PP Biotin/B-Complex...isn't my scalp supp. to be tingling, and all that other jun

Don't worry about it, Miss_C. I've been using PP Biotin and B-Complex for nearly a year and I don't get the tingling sensation. I don't know how others did.:look:
Re: PP Biotin/B-Complex...isn't my scalp supp. to be tingling, and all that other jun

I do know that vits in the pill or capsule form can take quite a while to actually start to work in your system. That's why a lot of people recommend taking liquid supplements b/c they enter your bloodstream faster. All I know is that some of the liquid supplements are yucky, so I have the patience to wait the recommended 3 to 6 months to see results from taking vits.
Re: PP Biotin/B-Complex...isn't my scalp supp. to be tingling, and all that other jun

Yeah I couldnt take the liquid vits....I suffer enough with the ACTUAL flax seed OIL...yuck! :perplexed But if you ladies are still seeing results maybe it doesnt matter if the scalp itches?? I thought that meant it wasent working...hmmmm..:spinning: Hopefully I can get some growth though....:rolleyes:
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