Power Of Sex

I remembered I'd heard the message in your link while listening to Mark Rutland today. He talked about porn being same as substance abuse, i.e alcohol or drugs - a result of seeking satisfaction outside of an unhappy reality to ease insecurities. Of course, with biblical references... I need to find that sermon online.
I remembered I'd heard the message in your link while listening to Mark Rutland today. He talked about porn being same as substance abuse, i.e alcohol or drugs - a result of seeking satisfaction outside of an unhappy reality to ease insecurities. Of course, with biblical references... I need to find that sermon online.

The Lord sure uses you in such powerful ways. Thank you for bringing this much needed message to the forefront. It is so badly needed in light of what this world has become perverting the sacredness of sex.

God bless you precious angel. :love3: