Powdered Wheatgrass?


Active Member
I forget where I was reading this, but I read in another thread that a few ladies were taking powdered wheatgrass for hair growth (and various otehr reasons). Well, I went and bought me some, but now I have questions.

The taste didn't bother me any, but the powder didn't mix well just by me shaking it in a bottle of carrot juice so I think I'll either be sprinkling it on food or using my blender every morning. Anybody else hav any suggestions on how to consume this stuff without being freaked out about the consistancy?

Second question: am I the only one who could actually FEEL THE BLOOD FLOWING THROUGH MY VEINS? Boy did that freak me out! I was at work sitting at my desk and started to feel funny. So I stopped working to concentrate on exactly what I was feeling, and it was my blood moving. Not in that scary my blood pressure is too high or anything like that. More like in Friday when Craig says he can hear his heart beating? I could feel my blood pumping. Weird.

BTW, I got the Amazing Grass kind.
Re: consistency, you could try it in smoothies. I've never tried putting it in juice because it's too chalky and thick for that, IMO. I always blend into fruit smoothies.

I've never had the blood flowing experience.
I've been using Amazing Grass for almost a full year now. I drink it five days a week for breakfast. I mix it in an eight ounce bottle of orange juice and drink it in my car on the way to work. I have more energy since I started drinking it. I'm also healthier...but I did cut out red meat, too. It is now a nutritional requirement for me. I've also mixed it in Smoothies also. I guess I just like the stuff. I don't know about the blood rush, but it detoxifies. I don't know...that could have something to with it.
ALWAYZL8 said:
I've been using Amazing Grass for almost a full year now. I drink it five days a week for breakfast. I mix it in an eight ounce bottle of orange juice and drink it in my car on the way to work.
Are you mixing it in a blender or just shaking it?
I just shake it. It took a couple of weeks for me to adjust to it, but now I'm so used to it that it doesn't faze me. If you mix it in a smoothie, you won't even notice it. I've found that OJ works best because it is lower in sugar/carbs than the other juices I find that OJ is thick enough to blend smoothly with the powder. Apple, Cranapple, and grape just didn't cut it and it was just too sweet.

Give it another week before you give it up.
I mix mine with water, and I know exactly what you mean. Maybe I will try blending it with my fruit juice.
Thanks ya'll. I'm gonna try it again in a couple of weeks after I join the Y so I can hit the steam room and see what both of them do as far as growth and detoxing.
Is the powder just as good as the fresh. I always go to Jamba Juice and get a shot of it, the people say you must take it on an empty stomach.
Sorry for not responding. Thought someone with more knowledge would've given you an answer. Honestly, I don't know if on is better than the other. All I know is, since I don't grow my own wheatgrass or have a wheatgrass juicer, it's more convenient for me to use the powdered stuff. That, and I cain't be going to Jamba Juice everyday since I don't really have one that's close to me.
ALWAYZL8 said:
I've been using Amazing Grass for almost a full year now. I drink it five days a week for breakfast. I mix it in an eight ounce bottle of orange juice and drink it in my car on the way to work. I have more energy since I started drinking it. I'm also healthier...but I did cut out red meat, too. It is now a nutritional requirement for me. I've also mixed it in Smoothies also. I guess I just like the stuff. I don't know about the blood rush, but it detoxifies. I don't know...that could have something to with it.

wow, what a great review! I have it on my list now.