Postpartum Issues


Active Member
8 months postpartum and my shedding is finally under control...yay! But now I'm having dandruff! I need to get back to monthly henna treatments, I know that will help. Any other recommendations??
Have you tried hot oil treatments? That usually works for me. Rinse your hair, add the oil to hair snd scalp and then massage it in. Then cover with a plastic bag for about 20 minutes. Next step is to shampoo it out and condition.
No advice but here for solidarity and support... I'm 13 months pp and had to cut around 10 inches due to pp shedding :(.... essentially start all over... lost all my edges too... it was horrible.... I hope your hair issues resolve themselves quickly! Good luck <3
Thank you so much for the reply ladies!

Prettymetty - I pre poo with coconut oil but not with heat. I'll try that this weekend!

Miss JettSetter - this is kiddo number two for me so I knew what to expect with shedding and got ahead of it...but this dandruff is a suprise! My edges are also very thin but I know with time they will grow back. Thank you so much for the support..postpartum issues are no joke!
I had to cut my hair as well! From BSL to neck length! The shedding was out of control and it was causing knots and tangles! Try taking garlic pills and garlic shampoo! None of that helped though. It's just a process we gotta go through.
My baby just made two. 24 months to be exact. It took my hair almost two years for the shedding to get back under control.
I had the same issues. At 5 months and my edges were gone. No hair, they have finally grown in but are playing catch up. The positive side to it is that it's virgin hair. Lol.