Postpartum Hair Regimen


With Love & Silk
Hi Everyone,

We have tons of threads on postpartum shedding. This thread is different. I want to know how your hair regimen may have changed after you had a baby. I have found that I just don't have as much time to devote to my hair as I did pre-baby. Deep conditioning is seriously out of the question!

I imagine as the baby becomes more independent, I may have more time for my hair. My hair isn't suffering, because years of healthy hair practices make the hair resilient, thank goodness! But I always enjoyed my "hair time." It was always fun, therapeutic, pampering, you know.

So what regimen adjustments did you have to make after baby?
If you don't mind me asking... Where are the postpartum shedding threads? I'm 7 months postpartum and I think I'm still shedding from it but am not sure. I guess I'm not sure if it actually lasts this long! Lol. Anyways, if you could point me in the direction of where those threads are, I would really appreciate it! :-)
Well I'm still preggo and have been trying to locate threads on dealing with breakage while pregnant! Did you ladies have any breakage? If so what did you do to get it to stop?
Well I'm still preggo and have been trying to locate threads on dealing with breakage while pregnant! Did you ladies have any breakage? If so what did you do to get it to stop?

All my breakage came after the baby got here aka pospartum shedding. I pretty much babied my hair, protective styled and gave it lots of TLC until it stopped shedding. Coconut oil helped a lot, along with alter ego garlic conditioner. I kept taking my prenatal vitamins & also starting taking Biotin.

@ the OP, I kept doing the basics: dc's, co-washing, moisture/protein treatments but wasn't as aggressive in styling. I maintained a low manip reggie until my baby was about 6 mos, then I decided to do the braid it up challenge for a year cuz I'm trying to get to BSL.
Very nice thread OP! I am not pregg nor have I ever been but this is very interesting =D. I have a great respect for mothers=D
With my first I started to shed 4 mths post and my hair stylist gave me a protein treatment however, your hair will shed what ever you do because during pregnancy your rest in a certain stage that does not allow your hair to shed as much on a regular basis. I hope I explained it well if not there is tons of information online.
With my first I started to shed 4 mths post and my hair stylist gave me a protein treatment however, your hair will shed what ever you do because during pregnancy your rest in a certain stage that does not allow your hair to shed as much on a regular basis. I hope I explained it well if not there is tons of information online.

agree, your hair will shed whatever you do!!! i did take vitamins, but still...
3 months after i had my baby, it hit me, hair coming out like mad! especially my crown and edges (edges went bald).
i have use megatek, that help, garlic paste.
kept it simple, wash and Dc(overnight) and prepoo with light protein once a week.
my edges has grown a lot, and just working n volume and retention now! but the shedding has completely stopped now. my baby is six months now!
I really didn't have much postpartum shedding so my regimen hasn't changed. My dd just turned 1yrs old so I have more time now versus when she was an infant b/c she is walking. I am able to continue doing what I was before which I am so happy about.
I DC on dry hair now since I don't have time to go in and out of the shower. One bonus was really learning how to (and embracing) air drying Sunshyne's way. My baby is 9 weeks and I have an almost 3 year old. Hair time is cherished time:)
Thanks guys, I'll take the advice and do some online research. My hair grew like crazy while I was pregnant and then shed like crazy starting a few months after until now (not as much now though). I kept thinking it was something I was doing to my hair but it sheds no matter what I do or don't do! I've heard that garlic does help, I guess I haven't tried because I'm afraid I will smell like garlic! Lol. If anyone has anything specific they did to stop the shedding and it worked please let me know :-)
Thanks guys, I'll take the advice and do some online research. My hair grew like crazy while I was pregnant and then shed like crazy starting a few months after until now (not as much now though). I kept thinking it was something I was doing to my hair but it sheds no matter what I do or don't do! I've heard that garlic does help, I guess I haven't tried because I'm afraid I will smell like garlic! Lol. If anyone has anything specific they did to stop the shedding and it worked please let me know :-)

Have you tried black tea rinses? I haven't started postpartum shedding yet but before they worked for me.
If you don't mind me asking... Where are the postpartum shedding threads? I'm 7 months postpartum and I think I'm still shedding from it but am not sure. I guess I'm not sure if it actually lasts this long! Lol. Anyways, if you could point me in the direction of where those threads are, I would really appreciate it! :-)


Head over to the pregnancy/motherhood forum and click on the sticky thread at the top of favorite/most helpful threads. You'll find links to a couple of postpartum shedding threads.
All my breakage came after the baby got here aka pospartum shedding. I pretty much babied my hair, protective styled and gave it lots of TLC until it stopped shedding. Coconut oil helped a lot, along with alter ego garlic conditioner. I kept taking my prenatal vitamins & also starting taking Biotin.

@ the OP, I kept doing the basics: dc's, co-washing, moisture/protein treatments but wasn't as aggressive in styling. I maintained a low manip reggie until my baby was about 6 mos, then I decided to do the braid it up challenge for a year cuz I'm trying to get to BSL.


How did you find time to keep doing what you were doing pre-baby?

With my first I started to shed 4 mths post and my hair stylist gave me a protein treatment however, your hair will shed what ever you do because during pregnancy your rest in a certain stage that does not allow your hair to shed as much on a regular basis. I hope I explained it well if not there is tons of information online.


That's what my stylist told me--that there isn't really thing that can be done about it except to wait it out. She did say to do protein every 6-8 weeks.

I DC on dry hair now since I don't have time to go in and out of the shower. One bonus was really learning how to (and embracing) air drying Sunshyne's way. My baby is 9 weeks and I have an almost 3 year old. Hair time is cherished time:)

Okay, DCing on dry hair, great idea--I bet I can handle that. :up: I'm already a religious air dryer. Who is Sunshyne?
Not so much the regimen but the time. I did it at night. Can't do anything while they are awake. I used to roller set alot now I just air dry.

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DS is eight months now and since he's so young...I can't wash and DC every week faithfully like I used to. My hair is still retaining though- so I must be doing something right :)
This time around I'm following Ms. Lala's regimen and my hair is actually thriving. I wash and detangle in the shower, then add my AOHSR, throw on a plastic cap and towel, and let my hair soak it up. I use the DC as my leave in (I don't rinse it out), seal with Olive oil, and flat twist to air dry. I rock the flat twists with a beanie covering the back for about a weak, then rock a twist out fro for a few days, and repeat the process. It's extremely low maintenance, low manipulation, and not very time consuming. I'm natural, recently BC'd and a WAHM so this is probably totally unhelpful but I thought I'd share anywho cuz I like talking:lol:

How did you find time to keep doing what you were doing pre-baby?


That's what my stylist told me--that there isn't really thing that can be done about it except to wait it out. She did say to do protein every 6-8 weeks.

Okay, DCing on dry hair, great idea--I bet I can handle that. :up: I'm already a religious air dryer. Who is Sunshyne?

She's the owner of another hair forum but she has youtube video's - YouTube - Hairlicious Inc: The Scarf Method its called the scarf method (I don't use the same products, just technique)
My son is 8 months ols and my hair never recovered from the shedding/breakage so I BC'd in late Dec (see siggie). To OP... maybe you could DC overnight and just rinse out in the shower in the morning then wet bun and airdry. That shouldn't take much time at all.
@OP- I don't even know how I found the time to maintain a basic reggie, just like I don't remember how I managed to live off of 3-4 hours of sleep for the first 3-4 months.

All I know is that I was determined to keep all of the growth that I obtained during my pregnancy.
My son is now a lil over 2 months and my hair is falling out everytime I touch it:( I put it in celies after my wash and dc yesterday and I plan on leaving it alone till next washday im gonna go out and buy some Garlic shampoo right t now