Posting again: No-lyes and healthy hair?


New Member
I was interested in what the outcome would be of the thread that was begun on the old board - so I'm posting this again.

I was wondering (I know you are in here Adrienne) how many ladies use no-lye relaxers and have been able to progress toward their goal with minimal adverse effects? I have always used a lye relaxer and have always believed they were better for my hair, but I got a touch up yesterday and decided to go with a no lye because my scalp has been so awfully sensitive lately.

Interestingly enough I burned mildly ANYWAY /images/graemlins/confused.gif but not nearly as badly as I have the past three times when I used my regular choice of Affirm Mild. Lately I'd considered switching relaxers, and decided to use Cream of Nature Mild Lye, because I had used this in the past with no problems whatsoever - including burning, and it was readily available. It seemed to me to be the mildest relaxer I've used and I remember the most positive relaxing experiences occurred when I used this relaxer. I discovered when I arrived at the salon, that I had forgotten the tub I'd bought and spiked with olive oil at home, so I was forced to use what she had. All she had in Cream of Nature was the no-lye, and when I expressed the problems I'd had with burning but also my reservations about using a no-lye, she assured me that the no-lye was a fine choice. She agreed with my brand choice saying that Cream of Nature was a particularly mild relaxer brand - regardless of strength or no-lye vs. lye formulation.

I was considering going with this choice for the long haul - but I wanted opinions on the "no-lye" issue.
I am hardly one to talk about relaxers. But I have been paying attention to all the relaxer talk and this seems to be said most: Lye might be better for your scalp, but it dries your hair and leaves it brittle, so you have to be CAREFUL and moisturize OFTEN. But I'll let the experts get in here...
Lye, for me, was less painful when I relaxed my hair. But like you, eventually my scalp felt a mild irritation, and within 4 well-spaced relaxers it felt like my head was on fire within 8 minutes of application. ...Of course, you're not suppose to apply relaxer to your scalp anyway, but some of it always touches.

The problem may very well be that your scalp won't take relaxing anymore. I think you should give your scalp a hiatus, during which you keep it clean and moisturized. When it's ready to take on relaxing again, you can resume. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Thanks honeyvibe and henrilou.....:)

I always believed that lye is better than no-lye. I just knew there were so many ladies here that use no lye and I wanted to see if I could assuage my pre-conceived feelings and fears about no-lye relaxers in the event that I decide that I will use one regularly.
Ultimately, I'll do what's best for my hair - but I just wanted to hear from some of the ladies that are seeing success despite this proverbial "no-no".

Thanks tho ladies! /images/graemlins/grin.gif


I believe it's the other way around - lye is better/easier on the hair - no-lye is better/easier on the scalp. No-lye causes the hair to be dry and brittle for most.
tracy, you know my results with no-lye have always been basically positive. i am considering switching to a lye relaxer the next time i get a retouch though thinking maybe my hair can be even healthier. i'm leaning toward Affirm...

I'm confused ladies!
I just posted regarding this, and I have
actually had a MAJOR problem after having
switched from a NO-Lye to a Lye relaxer!

I have used No-Lyes off 'n on for years...
("Off 'n On" for me means going as long
as 4 to 5 *months* with a No-Lye of
whatever brand on my hair and NOT
experiencing dryness or major breakage
with several inches of re-growth!)

I decide to give myself a perm after not
having done so for about a year, with
a LYE PCJ for Kids perm, and bammy!!:
rough 'n tough regrowth that breaks
off if ya' LOOK at it!!

I can't believe it. NOW I'm not gonna
be perming whatsoever until I get
my hair in better condition thanks
to this site!

This experience has made me terrified
for the 1st time in my life to Perm!

I think most people have had alot of
luck with Lye... I decided to do Lye
just *once* --- and what a disaster.

HENRILOU your observation was right
on the mark! (I just wish I knew
what you discovered much sooner...)

Wish me luck ya'll 'cause there is
some serious work that must be done

I used no lye for years, but stopped several years ago. My hair was thick and below bra strap with a no lye relaxer.
However, my hair AND scalp are less dry with a lye relaxer. My hair is also less dull looking. It shines without using anything on it. For me, a lye is much healthier for my hair. You're not supposed to put the relaxer on your scalp anyway.
Yeah, I used African Pride No-lye for a long time, and always got a nice shine from it. Didn't have dry hair problems either. After joining hairboards and reading about how evil it was
I switched to lye. I had problems with effectiveness though not with dryness or breakage.
Recently I went to the JCP and told the stylist my story, she used Mizani Sensitve Scalp, a no-lye relaxer. So far it seems to be working although I am getting some minor breakage, due probably to the no-lye being pulled thru the under-processed lye parts.
I wouldn't worry about it Tracy. You also might want to consider spacing out your relaxers even further, though. How long do you go now between chemical apps?
i use no lye and love it, when i tried using lye that thing burned the heck out of me.oh yeah i've never had a problem with no lye,my hair never broke off or seemed dry or didnt adverse affects.
I've always used no-lye. I'm terrified of using lye because my scalp is super sensitive. I wonder if my hair would see any benefits from using lye, but as it is I'm satisfied with the no-lye and the idea of switching makes my scalp itch on its own
I've tried a few different kinds of no-lye, and the best so far (and what I'm continuing to use) is Soft & Beautiful Botanicals. It has never ever burned me. I hardly feel anything at all. And it relaxes my hair perfectly. Good stuff
how many ladies use no-lye relaxers and have been able to progress toward their goal with minimal adverse effects?

I've used no-lyes for 18 yrs. I'd probably have ankle length by now if I hadn't chopped it tons of times throughout.

I've never ever had a problem with no-lyes
My no-lye hair was healthy, even though I abused it with direct heat & overlapping (roots to ends) the touch-up.
i missed this thread originally, tracy... sowwy!

i used Dark & Lovely no lye up until 11/02. that's when i switched to Affirm lye. i never had a problem with the Dark & Lovely, and i used it since 1986 when i got my first perm. i don't know if it's because of the relaxer itself or the fact that i have always only gotten retouches 3-4 times a year.

i've only had 4 retouches with the Affirm. i haven't had any problems with it either. in fact, i don't see any difference in my hair except the fact that it's getting even lighter since the switch.
I've always used no lye. The only problems I've had in the past was all that heat and abuse I did unknowingly to my relxed hair - not the relaxer at all. Now that I know better, I'm seeing great results, no dryness or dullness at all using the no lye.
I always use a no-lye relaxer. I have never had any problems so I don't see the need to switch. I think my hair is pretty healthy considering it is relaxed.
Hey Tracy

I have been using no lye relaxers all my life. I do tend to still scalp 'burn' from time to time but that is usually when i don't opt for the 'sensitive' relaxer. So far so good b/c i do believe i have pretty healthy hair.

I use to burn to much with lye. I have had no problems with no-lye. I am considering switching now that I base myself and don't burn. I still looking for more info about the benefits. So far so good.
I am so glad someone bumped this! I was thinking and thinking about this - but there are so many threads on no lyes that I hated to add another.

I've been re-considering this issue AGAIN as of late because many of my stylists have mentioned that with my hair being colored, no-lye is a better option. I also notice that the times I HAVE used no-lyes my hair appeared thicker to me and seemed to break down less structurally than with a lye relaxer. I'm still not sure what the colored hair difference would be from a scientific standpoint, but it's good to be getting these responses again now. One thing that has been having me thinking is the idea that the reason no-lyes can be a problem on some is that it doesn't break the hair down as much as a lye relaxer which can lead to underprocessing that is difficult to correct on some folks. Less "breaking down" is exactly what I'm looking for. I want to really just BARELY relax my hair. I'm trying to find the best option to do that.

You girls are always right on time!

May I ask what brand of no lyes you all are using? Sorry to harrass everyone....
It is not harassment! You ladies keep me from sitting here and overly stressin'. I now use Affirm No-lye because I go to a salon. I used to use Gentle Treatment and My favorite was Luxury Care when I did it myself. I do have thick full hair with no breakage, I'm just waiting on bra-strap length.
Thanks CNG

P.S. - for those of you who already mentioned the brand in your initial responses, thank you - I don't want y'all to be like "does this girl READ!
Oh and Umsumm....I go about 10-12 weeks now, but spacing my relaxers much more will be hard for me these days because of manageablity issues. I'm having some trouble with my hair so I'm going for a "less relaxed" effect. I'm beginning to think lye relaxers are just too strong for my hair overall.
Please T, Color Guru, you HARASS... NEVER...
I use affirm sensitive no-lye. It's very gentle on my hair and scalp.
YAY! Thank you CH.
Ignore my PM.

Hmmmm - Affirm...Revlon....African Pride...Gentle Treatment....


This is going to be a big decision.

I'm seriously considering Beautiful Beginnings because 1. I know from the old BHSGO relaxed sub-club research that it has one of the lowest PH's around and 2. both JRW and Zanna use it and their hair is gorgeous....

Oh decisons decisions.
CaramelHonee said:
I use affirm sensitive no-lye. It's very gentle on my hair and scalp.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what my stylist uses, too and I haven't had any problems with it in the 4+ years I've been using it.
I never had a problem with no lye either, but I now use lye because for me my hair shines more and my scalp doesn't burn as much. A good no lye relaxer for me was Soft & Beautiful Botanicals.
I got my first relaxer when I was 7 years old, it contained lye and broke my hair off. I've been using no-lye ever since for the past 17 years and have had no problems. I guess relaxers have different effects on different people.

Ok Jell, I'm not doubting you, just trying to decide for myself whether this is a switch I want to make.

Do you really feel your hair is shinier simply because of the relaxer or better care overall?

I use to use lye and I burned and my hair broke but I think a huge portion of that can be contributed to my hair care practices at the time. I used good products but excessive heat and no moisture just provided lack luster hair.

I have no problems with no-lye, I just want super shiny hair.