Post your Hair Victories!


New Member
Last night I was playing in my hair :lol: and I started swinging it around like :rocker: this in my bathroom in front of the mirror :lachen: and my hair actually touched the ceiling! {ETA: it's a low ceiling because this is a 100 year old farmhouse, but still!} I was :cup: :reddancer: :yahoo: At that moment all the protective styling, all the effort and time was totally and utterly worth it!

I was full of Hair Victory!

What are your hair victory moments? Did you shut down a hater who said you'd never grow any hair? Did you get weave checked and get to proudly proclaim you were wearing your own hair? Did you get spotted by an Ex-BF who was walking with a raggedy looking chick with chewed up hair while you were looking :gorgeous:?

Let's inspire each other!!!!
Come on ladies! I know you've had :yay: moments with your hair! It doesn't have to be scraping the ceiling with it for it to be victorious, let's hear it!
You go sis; I know that felt good :grin:. We know that the things we are doing (the PS, the moisturizing and sealing etc., etc.) are beneficial but it feels great to actually see the fruit of all the hard work :yep:.

I posted a thread on this a few days ago but I recently had an unexpected victory. My hair has gotten heavier! I took my bun down one night and my hair fell and I could feel its weight. That never happens unless my hair is straight. I was thrilled :grin:.
Thanks for posting! Yeah, it sure did feel good hitting that ceiling :lachen: though I worried it might beat up my ends :blush:

I know what you mean by the bun feeling like it weighs more. Imagine how much growth and thickness you must have gained for you to be able to feel the difference like that! :cup:
I'm cracking up at the visual :lachen:

I don't have any huge hair victories since I'm only one (technically two) months into my HHJ, but I consider the fact that I still have hair on my head after the amount of bad stuff I've done to it a victory in itself :spinning::blush::look::perplexed:ohwell::yep:
:lachen: Ok! I know my poor hair was huddled in a corner rocking back and forth for years after all the abuse I put it through. For someone new to the HHJ, just having your hair be soft, moisturized and strong IS a victory! :cup:
Well, I was a little disappointed that I didn't reach WL by year-end 2009, but I just reset my goal to June 2010 and KIM. Anyway, I did my first rollerset for 2010 last weekend, and WOW, my hair was big, which tells me I gained thickness. :grin:

BTW OP, your hair looks great in your siggy. I should have taken pictures.....but I didn't think about it.:ohwell:
Thanks! I'm happy with how it turned out.

I know what you mean about gaining thickness. Some people are so eager to cut off thin ends but if you give it some time your thickness will catch up :yep:

Now :spank: You need to be taking pics of big bouncy rollersets! You know we wanna see :lovedrool:
I had a "mini" victory earlier this year.... I used a flat twistout to "strecth and airdry" I got happy because my twistout was full SL that kinda made me happy.

Nothing as exciting as you long haired ladies tho lol
Here recently when I was taking a shower and my wet hair touch the top of my butt..hahaha..At first it scared me ..I didn't know what that was...

Even though it was wet and stretched it still felt good
:cup: OMG! Wow, that is some seriously amazing growth (and retention)!!! :detective: So what's your secret???

I don't let my hair dry out. I sleep on satin pillowcases everynight, bun about 80% of the time. Cowashed all summer long and sealed the ends with oil, henna treatments monthly to strengthen, no direct heat in over a year. I only comb when my hair is wet and full of conditioner - this helps my ends as well.

Basically, I treated my hair like it was fragile.
^^^ Wow, great reggie. It's similar to my own in many ways. I also henna, I tie my hair up well and sleep on a satin pillowcase too, and I stay moisturizing it heavily. It's not rocket science :bookworm: lol but it gets results!