Post Your Braid-out Pics Here Please!

See my avatar. I flat twist my hair in eight twists on wash day. 4 in the front and the back. Then after 24 hours I undo them.
Here goes nothing :lol: -->

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This was my first successful attempt at a flat two strand twist style, before that I struggled lol. Granted, the definition leaves too much to be desired, but overall, I was happy with the results. Though I must say, I experienced some frizz in the back.

Have been trying out different styles: flat two strands twist out, flat twist out and now a bantu know out for tomorrow. I believe the secret is to twist / braid damp hair instead of wet hair and use as little styling products as possible. In my case I use coconut oil. Back in the days I use to wet each piece of hair and apply coconut oil. No more.

Now I just wet the whole section and comb through it. Dip my fingers in coconut oil a few times and continue to twist piece by piece. There's always some residue on my fingers for the next piece, so no need to exaggerate. Will post other pics later on :yep:
