Post-relaxer strangeness...


New Member
So, I got a relaxer (after 15 weeks) the end of last month. The first time I washed my hair after getting the relaxer, about the first inch of hair leading directly from my scalp got really wavy, like new growth, and it's been that way since.

I convinced I didn't grow a whole inch of hair in 7 days
, so I'm very curious about why this happened. I believe the relaxer was left on the appropriate amount of time, as I'm not having breakage from underprocessing or overprocessing, and my stylist used the same relaxer (Affirm) and formula that he always uses. I'm not seeing any adverse effects on the health of my hair, but I'm just making sure this is nothing to be concerned about. Is this reversion, possibly from stretching my relaxer? Is it underprocessing that I'm just not aware of? Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated.
The same thing happened to me too! Underprocessed hair....if you properly take care of your hair strands you shouldn't experience any breakage. I haven't yet, and it's been almost a month since the last relaxer. Moisturizing the growth and the ends are always essential! Good luck!
Your hair looks great!

I love that black and white that you have of Queen in your album

My question: What shampoo and conditioner did you used when you washed your hair? Did you get a lye or no-lye relaxer?
I agree with everyone else, when I used to stretch my relaxer out for too long, the hair would appear to have taken to the relaxer, but when it was dry, it was evident that it hadnt. For this reason I conduct the 'half, half' method in which you relax the front first and the back afterwards, this elliminates the problem of underprocessed areas.
If u decide to wait a long time to get a relaxer, you should use a relaxer that has a higher strength next time so get it all processed.
Thanks ladies for the feedback (and sorry for the somewhat late reply.) To answer the questions:

I got an Affirm lye relaxer, regular strength. I've used both Keracare & Pantene R&N shampoos & conditioners since my last touch-up. I also believe I did a Keraphix protein conditioning the week after (I usually do a protein conditioner the week before my relaxer, but I didn't get a chance, so I did it afterward...hmmmm...I wonder if that is something.

I think I will ask my stylist about using a different strength and/or altering the method he uses to put on the relaxer and see what he thinks. Like I said, since I'm not having breakage, I'm not too concerned, but I just want to make sure it's not a problem.

Thanks for the compliments, Supergirl & Alliyah4eva203!!! I need to update my album though, because I'm pretty sure I've made some progress since those pictures.