Post relaxer burn: What should I do?


New Member
Hello Ladies,

Does anyone know what I should do after getting a scalp burn after a relaxer? I would like to prevent hair breakage and hair lost. My hairdresser told me to use sea breeze. Any suggestions would be well received. Thank you so much in advance.


I'm sorry about your hair burns. I normally just let them self heal. Seabreeze!!! That sounds like it might hurt and burn! Ouch!!!
Let us know if you try it.
Well first, you should smack her for letting it burn you...second, you should smack her for telling you to put alcoholic astringent on it to make it hurt....THEN, ONLY THEN...try some neosporin or vit. e oil...
not relaxed...but i was thinking vitamin E also. only i was thinking of the popping one of the capsules directly onto the affected area..using a q tip or your finger tip to even it out around the area...
Ohhh , thank you guys for responding so fast and in such a caring manner. Actually I used the sea breeze and it did not hurt that much, just a tingling sensation. It just help remove the crust that was matting my hair down in one little spot. I think it was my fought that I was burned because I washed my hair two days before my relaxer, which I never did before. However, they say all you have to do is wait 24 hours after a wash to relax, but I guess one truly needs more time. Once again thank you!
i apply tea tree oil to the area to prevent infection and sooth the itchy sensation.
I see why your stylist advised that you use sea-breez, it prevents infection. But i would only do that for the first two days and move on to either tea tree oil, neosporin, or vit e
Aloe vera gel is suppossed to have soothing properties for skin, so it might work on the scalp as well.

Also, I' read somewhere that we should not wash our hair for one full week before a relaxer so that enough scalp sebum would have accumulated to protect the scalp and so that the pores won't still be open and more susceptible to burning.
I would use some sort of a triple anti-biotic cream, such as Neosporin.

After all, they are burns, and you want to prevent infection.

After a week, give your hair and scalp a good wash. Perhaps with a shampoo, such as Head and Shoulders. I use the Dry Scalp Care Formula, and it is good for relaxed hair.

drcassie2k7 said:
Hello Ladies,

Does anyone know what I should do after getting a scalp burn after a relaxer? I would like to prevent hair breakage and hair lost. My hairdresser told me to use sea breeze. Any suggestions would be well received. Thank you so much in advance.



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Sea Breeze is excelent for relaxer burns, and yes it may ouch a little. Actually to get the best benefit from Sea Breeze you put it on right after you use your neutralizing shampoo. It will prevent you from having scabs and it will add back some elasticity to your hair after you relaxed it, honest it will!! What you do is after you have shampooed twice with neutralzing shampoo and rinsed, take the Sea Breeze and soak your hair with it, yes it may ouch. Wait about a minute or two then rinse, follow that up with your favorite conditioner, it will take better after using the Sea Breeze. Not only will you not have scabs but your hair will not "snap" as easily