Post pics of your protective styles


Well-Known Member
I will admit that I have been wearing my hair down 24/7 for the past month or so and my ends are getting raggedy. I had my last trim back in August and may have to trim again when I relax early November. I need to see pictures of cute protective style because I am sick of the hair bun. Please post pics
I rarely do protective styles, I am just really consistent with my weekly regimen, and keep my hair stretched out...but here are a few that ive done...






My good ole phony pony :grin:


You have gorgeous hair. I like your protective style pics, especially the one where you hair is twisted and pinned up. Thanks

This is beautiful (they all are, but this, :lovedrool: !


I like this one as well, very realistic!
Thanx ladies, im dying to see more from TRYING to get on the PS wagon, and need some ideas and inspiration , and of course a porn fix :lol:

bumpity bump!!
My only protective styles are:

Bun w/ a phony pony

my favorite PS LOL apologies for the boobage.


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lol, all I've got are simple hair buns. But here they are:






^ That's more of a french roll thingy with a hair stick.

I alternate between those every other day or so, and it keeps me from being bored. hth.
I like this thread. I'll definately be tuning in for some new ideas. My mainstays are buns and a pony tail with ends tucked under, but here are some of mine when I have a little extra time...

(click on pic to enlarge)
Roller set in banana clip

Straw set

Flexi-rod set

I'm not sure what to call this maybe side twists w/ twisted pony?

Bantu knot out
I wanted to make this thread for awhile. I've seen some really cute protecive styles on here, but I can never remember which member has them. I'm tired of my boring bun!
Lately, I've been wearing my hair up with hair sticks. I'm obsessed with hair sticks. Only the hair sticks are holding my hair and nothing else:






Sometimes I use one hair stick and other times I use two. I also position them differently like horizontally, parallel, etc.

Pencils are pretty fun to use too, lol. Just insert them as if you're inserting a hair stick:


Side bun using Goody Spin Pins:


Hair comb:


I also use hair combs, Ficcares, and Flexi 8's but I really like hair sticks now. I vary the placement of my buns, leave tendrils out, make braided buns, wear headbands, etc. My styles are simple. I love hair sticks.

Hair sticks are easy to use. The secret is just to weave the end of the stick through the hair catching scalp hair and hair in the bun. I *heart* hair sticks. They make the best protective styles along with Goody Spin Pins.
Drools, at all the beautiful hair in here!!!

Celina, I love!! I cant wait to able to use hair still tryna figure out exactly how the goody spins work...

Tayflea your straw set is gorge!
Um, you can say that I'm bunning a lot. Here's my various buns...all are quite similar but slightly different.





All of you have given me some ideas to try. That is why I love this hairboard. People here share pics and ideas.
I do love your hair but I cannot wear the hair pencils or sharp objects working with young kids. That is the first thing they would pull for if I wore this around them.
I got 2:

1. Good ol' bun:
2. hairzing style:
Are hairzings and ez combs the same thing? I have ez combs that I bought from Sally's. They are hard to position in the hair without them digging into scalp or tugging at hair AND they are very cheap because I snapped one of my combs with little to no effort...the silly thing just broke and fell apart.
I love the hairzing- where did you get it?

Its actually a bootleg hairzing :lol: I got from the BSS.

Are hairzings and ez combs the same thing? I have ez combs that I bought from Sally's. They are hard to position in the hair without them digging into scalp or tugging at hair AND they are very cheap because I snapped one of my combs with little to no effort...the silly thing just broke and fell apart.

I think the EZ combs are a copy version. I got some bootleg ones from the BSS that are very strong tho. What I do is put it on backwards, so the combs point outwards i.e. away from my head; no tension or pulling that way :yep:
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Its actually a bootleg hairzing :lol: I got from the BSS.

I think the EZ combs are a copy version. I got some bootleg ones from the BSS that are very strong tho. What I do is put it on backwards, so the combs point outwards i.e. away from my head; no tension or pulling that way :yep:

I've got 2 EZ combs that I really want to start wearing more often. But they do pull a bit so I've been avoiding them. I'm interested in your method of lessening the tension, but I'm not quite understanding how you achieve it. Could you post a pic perhaps? Please?
Its actually a bootleg hairzing :lol: I got from the BSS.

I think the EZ combs are a copy version. I got some bootleg ones from the BSS that are very strong tho. What I do is put it on backwards, so the combs point outwards i.e. away from my head; no tension or pulling that way :yep:
you're so clever my friend. i will try that and let you know if it works...if not, i will be asking for some advanced help.