Post-partum Shedding


New Member
Has anyone experienced post-partum shedding and how long did it take for your hair to rebound from post-partum shedding and did your hair get thinner from it. What if anything, helped to thicken it back up. Thanks!
PP Shedding happens because while you are preg your hair usually does not shed normally, so it "catches up" after the baby is born and sheds the entire 9 months worth in a span of about 4-6 months after the baby according to a Parents magazine article I read.

I am currently going thru PP shedding. It started when my daughter was 2 months and is now finally slowing down at 4 months. It has almost stopped :D :D (barely any hairs in the comb last time)

I lost a lot of hair and mainly my hair line. This is what I think helped me:
Protein treatments: I started using Nexxus kerpahix and emergencee (alternating weekly) followed by a moisturizing conditioner. I really think the protein helped with the breakage because I could see the shedding getting better not worse.

Less manipulation of my hair. I would not comb root to tip. Instead I would finger comb or stroke very lightly. I also wear my hair in a very loose bun daily so not to put any more stress on my hair line.

I invested in Surge (use on entire scalp) Nioxin Follicule Booster (hairline only because it's expensive), and Nexxus Biotin Creme (hair line only) It all seems to be working very well...again my hair line has not gotten worse.

I also started going to the Dominican Salons weekly because I could not handle the tangles/knots and was loosing too much hair..I couldn't look. I also stopped relaxing (last relaxer Nov 17, 04) and will not be relaxing my hair line any more until it has grown back in and is strong enough.

Also, try not to stress about the shedding (I know that's hard to do). The stress can cause your hair to shed as well.

I just kept in mind that it would eventually stop.

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I had my daughter in June of 2004 and since I've had her I haven't experienced any post-partum shedding. But that could be because I only had 2 relaxers since giving birth and Im a firm believer in hot oil treatments and deep conditioners, I do them faithfully every week. I have noticed that my hair texture has changed a bit.
I had my daughter in June of 2004 and since I've had her I haven't experienced any post-partum shedding. But that could be because I only had 2 relaxers since giving birth and Im a firm believer in hot oil treatments and deep conditioners, I do them faithfully every week. I have noticed that my hair texture has changed a bit.
mighty_isis said:
I had my daughter in June of 2004 and since I've had her I haven't experienced any post-partum shedding. But that could be because I only had 2 relaxers since giving birth and Im a firm believer in hot oil treatments and deep conditioners, I do them faithfully every week. I have noticed that my hair texture has changed a bit.

You are lucky...I have found out that not everyone will shed..I have relatives who had PP shedding with their first child and not with their second.
mighty_isis said:
I had my daughter in June of 2004 and since I've had her I haven't experienced any post-partum shedding. But that could be because I only had 2 relaxers since giving birth and Im a firm believer in hot oil treatments and deep conditioners, I do them faithfully every week. I have noticed that my hair texture has changed a bit.

Mighty Isis, can you say a bit more about how your texture has changed? Thanks in advance for your response.:)
lkg4healthyhair said:
You are lucky...I have found out that not everyone will shed..I have relatives who had PP shedding with their first child and not with their second.

I hope this will be the case for me. If I shed the hair in the sparse areas I currently have (the front top, the most noticeable areas where bangs would be), I will be bald. Not a good look.
Happy2BNappy said:
Has anyone experienced post-partum shedding and how long did it take for your hair to rebound from post-partum shedding and did your hair get thinner from it. What if anything, helped to thicken it back up. Thanks!

My post partum shedding started at 3 month post. I had massive shedding and there was nothing I could do about it according to the doctor because it was just my body reacting to the change in hormone levels.

My son is 30 months now and I am still shedding. Not as much as I did at first but at least 100 hairs a day. My hair did not appear thinner but I was getting breakage from the shed hair tangling around the regular hair.

Take ur prenatal vitamins or hair vitamins. It helped slow the shedding a tiny bit :)

I experienced this at about 4 months. My hair was really thick and full and then all of a sudden I was shedding like my golden retriever. I was told that hair that you get while pregnant isn't really yours and oh snap was she right. :shocked:

What happens is that the hair goes into the resting phase because of the hormones. The shift in hormones after you deliver causes it to fall out. It should resolve on it's own by 6-12 months.

In the meantime, keep taking your supplements and be gentle with your hair by not tugging or pulling too much.
This part of the article sums it up great on what to do:

Recommendations for Your Hair During Pregnancy and After Delivery:
There are a number of things that you can do to have a healthier head of hair and/or reduce the extent of some of the hair loss during pregnancy or after delivery:

*Consult with your physician to ensure a proper balance of hormones.
Avoid pigtails, cornrows, hair weaves, braids and tight hair rollers which can pull and stress your hair.
*Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables, which contain flavonoids, many of which are antioxidants that may provide protection for the hair follicles and encourage hair growth.
*Use shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and silica.
*Hair is fragile when it is wet, so be gentle; avoid fine tooth combs
*If you need to use blow dryers and other heated hair instruments, try to use the cooler, lower settings.
*Supplement your diet with the following nutrients:
Vitamin B complex
Vitamin C with bioflavonoids
Coenzyme Q10
Vitamin E
Pygeum and Saw Palmetto