Post-partum shedding vent


Well-Known Member
This is just a vent ladies. Pay me no nevermind.

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was relaxed. I got a "touchup" right before I found out I was pregnant in Oct/98. In Jan/99, I went to get another "touchup". It didn't take. I thought it was the stylist fault although she told me that she knew people whose hair didn't "take". Anyway, after my daughter was born in June/99, I had my mother give me a "touchup" within a couple of days of my leaving the hospital (I had no clue how to do my hair - I looked so to' up and I had my mother bring the pressing comb to the hospital). Anyway, a few weeks later, I noticed that both sides of my temples were bald. Oh! MY! GOODNESS! Other than that, I didn't notice much of any other shedding.

Fast forward to now. I cut off the rest of the perm right before I had the manchild. So now I'm natural. Thinking that the post-partum shedding won't be bad if I get it because it takes a LONG time for me to get through my hair. So I notice the other week that I AGAIN got the balding in the temple area. Each side. It looks like I had braids there that ate away my hair. It's filling in now, but it's still extremely fragile in that area and if I put my hand there and run my hand over the few hairs that are there, I come away with a strand or two - BULB AND ALL. They are very short and the rest of my hair is not affected, but it is extremely frustrating because I can SEE it. No one else pays it any mind. They all talk about how THICK my hair is and all I see are these two balding/shedding areas. I know they will go away, but STILL.

Thanks for letting me vent.
I went through that twice with both of my kids. The second time it was really bad that I was embarrass to walk out in public. If its related to post partum, trust me, theres not really nothing that can be done about it. Trust me, i had made a doctor's appointment. I'm sorry, to hear about your temples, but it will grow back. Mine finally did. It took about three months.
OMG!!!!!! That same thing happened to me with BOTH my children!!!! I thought I was going crazy!!!! Shedding/balding ONLY on the temples, nowhere else! The hairs would just pop off, even with the most gentle stroke! My daughter is 16 months old now... The shedding/balding started when she was about 4 months old and lasted about 3 months!!! So currently 9 months after the ordeal I have 3-4 inches of growth which is pretty good, so I'm happy I'm making progress. But I am not going to relax that area for a LONG time though, so I can keep the hair that's growing... Because it is hard to just relax new growth on the short pieces. And the new hairs are so fine that they are too delicate right now. Gotta build up strength in that area... It just looks so funny in the meantime because I have armpit length hair everywhere else, then the short temples - which looks like I am wearing a weave when I wear it down...

But I feel your pain:mad:
Oh, as for the Temple Balm... It didn't help me at all. In fact it made it worse because the hairs just pop out during application.... After the shedding phase was over I used it again, no results - not any different from just letting it grow back on its own.
My temple took a serious beating after having my daughter last year. They were almost bald. They started growing back in but the front and hair line are so much shorter than the rest of my head it is depressing. I am not giving up though.
Join the club, ladies! Shedding didn't happen at all with my first. Now, I've just had a baby in May and my hair began shedding in August and is STILL shedding. My temples are gone, as is my hairline. When I get my pictures onto the computer I will add them to my album. I am currently using MTG, although irregularly, and VO5 Strawberries and Cream conditioner with Rosemary eo added. Hopefully, this will help. It saddens me to go through this, but I will be cutting the perm out in February anyway so it's not quite so bad. We just have to hang in there!