Post-partum Hair Loss


New Member
I was wondering how many of you ladies with children lost a lot of hair after child birth? I had my son 3 months ago, and I am so frustrated with seeing my hair everywhere! Most of the strands have the white bulb on the end, and I know shedding is natural after child birth. I'm just wondering how long I can expect this to continue and if there are any ways to help keep my hair from shedding so much. It's so frustrating!

[SIZE=+1]That's me.

It's called postpartum alopecia. It happens usually 2-3 months after giving birth. For me it was exactly 2 months after both of my children. I lost my entire hairline and my hair shed like crazy. I rarely washed it or touched it. Just touching would just fall out.

My beautician just told me to leave it alone....and we did. Don't worry it will stop and grow back. It usually takes about 2-3 months.
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I had braids in at the time and my edges looked like they were making a comeback but after I gave birth, all my edges just came out. I don't remember how long after, but I know I quickly removed those braids thinking they weren't helping.
It happened to me with my two babies. It's normal, and it usually stop after some time. I think mine lasted for about three months. You should just continue to take care of your hair, and not do too much to it.
I remember that...I had to bald patches on the sides of my hair:eek: but I had gotten so much hair growth from my pregnancy I just wore my hair straight with a part in the middle and you could not tell:lol: . Dont worry it will grow took me about 2-3 months as well.

ETA. I remember my hair stylist would rub some nioxin on those areas every time I went to her which was about 2x a month.
Puddles said:
[SIZE=+1]That's me.

It's called postpartum alopecia. It happens usually 2-3 months after giving birth. For me it was exactly 2 months after both of my children. I lost my entire hairline and my hair shed like crazy. I rarely washed it or touched it. Just touching would just fall out.

My beautician just told me to leave it alone....and we did. Don't worry it will stop and grow back. It usually takes about 2-3 months.

Me too, just touching everywhere!

Thanks for all the replies so far, ladies.
i lucked up and didn't have any loss. i did continue with my prenatals after the pregnancy so i don't know if that helped or not. i was also really busy and tired around that time and i really didn't pay much attention to my hair.
SweetCaramel1 said:
i lucked up and didn't have any loss. i did continue with my prenatals after the pregnancy so i don't know if that helped or not. i was also really busy and tired around that time and i really didn't pay much attention to my hair.

You are so lucky! I'm still taking prenatals since I'm nursing.....still shedding like crazy though.
Don't worry. It is normal and you will only loose the hairs that didn't fall out while you were pregnant. With my last two, I shed for about 2 months, and did notice some thinning around my hairline.
I didn't shed much after my daughter was born, but I had my son 3 months ago, and I'm shedding like crazy right now! He's at that stage where he's grabbing things, and sometimes he'll have, like, 5 of my hairs in his fist.

I'm not doing anything different. I don't think there's anything I can do to stop it, so I'm just going to wait it out.
[SIZE=+1]You're right Lauren......that's all you can do is wait it out. It'll stop. Nothing too big to worry about. It's just the hormones readjusting. [/SIZE]
lauren450 said:
I didn't shed much after my daughter was born, but I had my son 3 months ago, and I'm shedding like crazy right now! He's at that stage where he's grabbing things, and sometimes he'll have, like, 5 of my hairs in his fist.

I'm not doing anything different. I don't think there's anything I can do to stop it, so I'm just going to wait it out.

LOL about the fist-full of hair. I found my hair in my 3 months-old's diaper!
The same thing happend to me about 3 months after I had my daughter several years ago. I had a perm at the time. My hair shed so bad ... I just cut it off .. I probably shouldn't have... it was the hormones talking :lol: .
When I had my daughter I did not experiene hair loss but last year after having my son...! I experienced the worst hair loss anybody could experience!! I went BALD!! I am still recovering. The shedding went on for months but it is growing back now thank God. I must admit that apart from the post partum shedding, I was going through tremendous stress, and was quite anaemic which made the shedding bad.
I had hair loss with both my boys. I actually ended up with bald spots at my temples and back. My doctor said it was natural. My hair didn't grow back in that area until I started on Boundless Tresses.
I'm going through this right now. I had the baby 3 months ago. It's been shedding for the last month. It's frustrating for me because I went through a sever shedding season which ended just last Oct. and now I'm going through this again.
However, I'm not freaking out about it because I know it's natural and it's going to stop. Hopefully it doesn't last longer than 2 months.
im going through the same thing and my son is 4mths old. i was freaking out at first but after doing some research and finding out that its common i stopped are shedding the hair that you did not shed while you were pregnant. my hair got so thick while i was pregnant .:)
cocoa32 said:
You are so lucky! I'm still taking prenatals since I'm nursing.....still shedding like crazy though.

Me could make a small wig out of the amount of hair I'm losing!:lol:
I went through the same thing with both pregnancies. It lasted about six months with both pregnancies. Like others mentioned continue to take care of your hair and wait it out!
Going through that now. It started around 2 1/2 months post partum. It's just not under control and tapering off. My edges are so sick looking it saddens me at times. I'm gaining length but this hairline is ugly.
I almost fell out when I was in the shower and a tennis ball amount of my hair just landed on the shower floor ! I could not believe it. Just gobs and gobs of hair. So much came out in the shower one night that I literally panicked and called the labor and delivery department/ floor to see if I needed to come to the hospital. It is slowing down a little now---my son is 3 months old but there is still a little shedding here and there. I am still taking my pre-natals.
I lost a ton of hair after having my son. My edges thinned out so bad. It lasted about 3 months then it just stopped. My obgyn told me it was a side effect of your hormones going thru so many changes during. But be patient and it will grow back.
pinkskates said:
I lost a ton of hair after having my son. My edges thinned out so bad. It lasted about 3 months then it just stopped. My obgyn told me it was a side effect of your hormones going thru so many changes during. But be patient and it will grow back.

Thanks for the support pinkskates ! :)
When I had my son, the shedding lasted six months. It started 2 months after I gave birth. While pregnant with my daughter, I was transitionning to natural so the shedding didn't seem that bad and I big chopped four months after she was born.
This happened to me with each pregnancy. My hair grows like a chia pet while pregnant and then post partum it sheds bad. My youngest son is 9mths, the shedding started almost 3months exactly, it stopped when he was about 7mths. It was much worse this time though, not sure why, I had clumps of hair coming out when i combed:confused: I stopped doing anything to my hair except wearing a bun but when I took that down and combed it out...CLUMPS of hair:(