Post! If you grew long hair using Wet wrap method


New Member
If any viewers or lurkers, grew their hair to bra strap or waistlength and beyond using the wet wrap, nightly wrap, leaving hair wrapped between wash times, please post. please post. This would be ideal for persons who do not wish to braid or weave and do not have to worry about daily styling for the corporate workplace. Bonjour.
Hi Mahalialee,
I have never been able to wet wrap my hair even when I was relaxed b/c my hair is just too thick and it took too darn long to dry. But to answer your question there was a stylist out here in LA that specialized in growing your hair out by using the wet wrap method. She had a lot of pictures of her clients that showed the hair growth progress and these ladies all had thick shiny long hair.(between shoulder length and bra strap length...don't remeber any waist length pics) She said they all visited on a weekly or biweekly basis and she gave discounts for these regular visitors.
I hope this helps a bit
<font color="purple"> Every person I've seen who solely uses the wet wrap/dry wrap method had thinnish hair even if it was long. Their hair wasn't literally see through, but too thin for my taste. I'm not sure if it was just the wrap that contributed to this, but IMO any time you use one method of hair styling all the time your hair gets thinner because of constant manipulation in the same way. Like ballerinas who always place their bun the same way usually have thinning hair where they've done that. I think you should vary the way you style (esp. wet style) your hair, because it's very fragile at that time. Personally the wet wrap is too much tugging on fragile wet hair for me. /images/graemlins/grin.gif I prefer air drying and wet setting, though I occasionally wet wrap.</font color>
Oh Kenesha! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif Ain't that the truth.

I used to do the wet wrap and my hair did start to thin out. I now like to rollerset and dry wrap to loosen up the curls and this leaves the hair bouncy and thick.
Sorry ladies, but I have to disagree. I've been wet wrapping my hair for years and have had no adverse effects. I guess it just depends on the person.
I am not sure that I know what this method is, but the name speaks for itself. I have fine 3C hair and I dampen my hair and add Humectress every night, wrap it, tie it up in a silk scarf before I go to bed every night. Is that a wet wrap? If so, it works well for me but I cannot imagine the nightmare I would have if I had long thick hair. As it is now, sometimes my hair is not completely dry in the AM and I have short hair. It does prosper though. I need to get frequent cuts to maintain the style. I think it is the added moisture though, not the wrapping method.
i cant wrap and havent tried it but the idea of all the combing and brushing to smooth down the hair is what i dont like. obviuosly if one is not too careful over time the hair will thin out. pass me my beloved rollers please! /images/graemlins/grin.gif