Possible summer hairstyle for those with big hair!


New Member
Since the humidity has hit East Coast, my natural hair looks about 1 inch long and even in ponytails, I am just one big poof ball
! My natural styles are limited, especially in the summer time, because of where I work.

So I have been thinking and thinking about what I can do to my hair until I do braids again. After braids, I give my hair a break for a month.

I was thinking that I could braid my hair back in a French Braid adding kenekalon (sp?) to the ends to give a little length a little longer than shoulder length. In the front, wear a nice headband, rather a scarf wrapped like a headband. I could keep this style for about 5 days by wrapping it at night, spraying and moisturizing it daily, and then rebrushing, rather smoothing, to smooth the flyaways back.

What do you think?

Has anyone ever added hair to a french braid? Is it easy? Note: This question is coming from someone who has never added extension hair herself but practice makes perfect

I am going to try to do this hairstyle tonight or Friday night and then I will post a picture to see what you all think.
Oh yeah, and I have to change my signature. After taking out the braids, I remeasured my hair last weekend and I am about an inch below arm pit length.

My natural hair, without humidity, hangs a little below shoulder length. So yes, I have major shrinkage in the summer months.
Wow you have lots of hair! That styles seems pretty and low on manipulation. Seems easy to do. I might try this, but I don't know how to work with loose extension hair.