Possible Solution for Weak & Breaking Hair!


Active Member
This is going to be long, so grab a sandwich or something to eat and drink!

This is primarily for Dionne: "Ladies What Should I Do?" Dionne stated she's still experiencing problems with her hair; slow growth, breakage & weakness. As we all know to get the most effective results for healthy hair & growth, we need to stick to a hair regime devised for our particular hair type. Develop good eating habits; plenty of veggies & fruit, 8+/glasses of water, daily. Exercise (at least 3/times wkly) and get on a good vitamin regime.

You can still adhere to all the above regimes to the letter yet, still experience major hair problems. This could possibly be because your body isn't absorbing all of the nutrients from your food intake & vitamins and supplements.

I can't lay claim to this information, I heard it on the radio one Saturday. It was a Christian station, that talked about diet & nutrition on Saturdays. This one day, a woman was talking how she had always lived a very healthy live style all her life. She had always exercised, ate the right foods and took vitamins & supplements.

One day she noticed her hair was beginning to look lifeless, breaking & thinning badly. I can't remember if her doctor found the problem or she found it herself. Anyhow, it was discovered her body wasn't fully absorbing her nutrients.

She began taking a digestive enzyme supplement along with her vitamins & her hair began growing back thicker and healthier. She also stated her energy level had re-bounded. You can bet I made a B-line directly to the health food store while she was talking.

The digestive enzyme helped me also in better absorbing nutrition from my diet, vitamins & supplements. I think the brand I bought (expensive: $28.00 in health food store; cheaper at one of the vitamin sites.) Enzymatic Therapy Digestive Enzyme Supplements. This brand name has a selection of different supplements. I'll check the brand & the "exact name" of the one I used to buy. If this isn't right brand, I'll post the correct name.

There is a difference in brands, I'm taking one from Vitamin World (much cheaper) but, not as effective. I'm switching back to the one I first began taking. I'll order off the internet since it's much cheaper.

Please note I'm not advising everyone to run out and buy a bottle of digestive enzymes. You may want to check with your doctor first.

One more thing, the woman was in her late 30's. She stated as some of us get older, our body doesn't fully absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat and vitamin supplements we take. I know this message is somewhat redundant. But I felt I should share this information.
I have heard the same thing. I have also heard that doing a 7-10 day juice fast cleans out your digestive system which will also help you better absorb nutrients from food & vitamins (although taking a digestive enzyme sounds a lot more pleasant).

You're right about the juice fast. It's a great detoxifier! My daughters & I go the the health food store for fresh "wheatgrass juice". Talking about a horrible taste! However, wheatgrass juice has multiple benefits. It aids in the disgestive system, detoxifies, relieves arthritis symptoms, diabetes and for me helps with edema (from heart & high blood pressure). Wheatgrass comes in many forms, tablets, capsules and powdered form. We drink it freshly made because it hits our system right away. I usually get 2/oz.& my daughter gets a 1/oz. shot. (she has no medical problems, she's taking it for nutritional purposes). We try to go every other day for what we call "our wheatgrass fix"! But we've slacked off in the last month.
This is so weird! I just picked some up from a healthfood store over the weekend. I haven't taken any yet...I got it because I am having problems with digesting my food...now I have another reason to take them. Thanks for this post!
Thanks for the suggestion Nova!