"Possible" Blind Date


Well-Known Member
The CSR at my bank, after learning I am new here and know literally nobody, told a friend about me. So, the other day when I went in to tcb she told me about him. She asked if I enjoy theatre. Apparently the last gal he dated, he purchased theatre/dinner tickets (or asked if she was interested in going, one or the other) and Miss Thang retorted, "Theatre . . . I don't want to go to the theatre!" in a not so nice way. :jaws: Er a, wow. The things I have heard us women say to guys. Next, he's not seeing her anymore which is why he is interested in dating someone else. Anywho . . . I do not have a problem with theatre and dinner. Sheila, the csr, says he's our age group, employed, "I would not fix you up with bum, been there, done that" were her exact words, bless her heart. He is a white guy (not that it makes a difference); I accept friends in all groups. K, this convo was last Friday.

I ain't gonna lie yaw'll, I'm a little more than excited about meeting people here [including dear guy] because I think I want a life here (FL) and I am an out-going person. When I went to make deposit yesterday, Sheila asked if he had :phone:. Welll, that was only three days and he has not. I answered, "No, perhaps, he changed his mind"-trying to be cool about it. She said, "I gave him your card" and indicated that it is not that he's changed his mind.

Between life experiences and reading responses on LHCF to folk, I've got enough sense to chill out, don't need responses to that effect. Really no other choice as Sheila has his number and it was not offered to me. (I'm glad of that because it needs to be him that contacts me IF he is interested in meeting). I've never been "set up" with a blind guy meeting before. Would you say there is an acceptable time to figure on a call from your experiences with this sort of thing? I'm thinking perhaps a call would come in conjunction with the suggestion of a date vs. to just chit chat. Then again, talking to see if there may be an interest in a date at all seems feasible too. Again, I'm new to this and you young ladies may have experienced such and have .02 to add.
Have no expectations whatsoever.

Don't spend hours talking on the phone before you meet him. Do you really wanna waste time talking to somebody whose 4ft tall or really obese? Like, seriously.

Check him out... see if there's chemistry. THEN, you can start thinking where to take this.

Blind dates are exactly what they say they are. BLIND.

Don't even think about it. Infact, even if he does call you... that doesn't mean much. He doesn't know you, so don't even see it as a compliment. When he meets you, then ... be like.. oh he called, he's interested. Right now... both of Ya'll are blind.

Personally I'm not a fan of blind dates. The guy always turns out looking like some weird creature. No lie. Once, I went on a blind date. Not only was he shorter than me, but the niggga was so black he was Blue. :look:

Have fun. :grin:
Just wanted to wish you luck. I have never been on a blind date. I hope you make lots of new friends and have multiple options for dates.
Just wanted to wish you luck. I have never been on a blind date. I hope you make lots of new friends and have multiple options for dates.

Bless your heart, thank you. I hadn't heard anything and frankly had about forgotten about dude. I'm "on to the next" thing; i.e., developing my soaping hobby and taking it to "paid hobby" status. :yep: