Porous hair? How much product do you use?


Well-Known Member
My hair is pretty porous and it seems like I have to use a lot of product (water, liquid leave-in, cream leave-in and oils) on my hair to keep it in balance. I go though leave-ins and rinse out conditioners like its water because my hair can get so dry, especially this time of year.

Is it just me? Anyone else with porous (natural or not) go though as much product as I do to keep it from drying out?

I have Overly Porous Hair & I'm Heavy-Handed. Needless to say, that's a dangerous combination.:lol:

I M&S twice a day. Part of that, is because I am also under a wig.

Even yet, I'd probably still have to M&S twice a day tho'.:perplexed
I'm high porosity too but my strands are fine. I can't handle all of those leave ins BUT what I do is an apple cider vinegar rinse after I've rinsed out my deep conditioner. If you haven't done this, I promise it'll make a difference. You'll notice your hair will retain a lot more moisture. I can tell throughout the week if I did an acv rinse on my hair earlier or not.

I mix about two capfuls in a sink full of water and then dunk my head in. I used to spray it in but I figured some parts when not get it while others would. It's great! And cheap, too. :grin:
hannan - Tonight is cowash night so I will try that. I've done it once before (influenced by Nonie) and loved it. I wonder why I didn't repeat it. I guess I was confused why I was taking all of the "moisture" out, but your explanation makes sense...

Thanks for the reminder!

IDareT'sHair - Glad I'm not the only one!
I'm very similar to IDareT'sHair My hair is extremely porus and I'm heavy handed so it works out because I never over do it. My hair is very dense and I have tihick strands. In the winter I use my heavy creams and butters because they last a wee bit longer as far as moisture goes.
I'm high porosity too but my strands are fine. I can't handle all of those leave ins BUT what I do is an apple cider vinegar rinse after I've rinsed out my deep conditioner. If you haven't done this, I promise it'll make a difference. You'll notice your hair will retain a lot more moisture. I can tell throughout the week if I did an acv rinse on my hair earlier or not.

I mix about two capfuls in a sink full of water and then dunk my head in. I used to spray it in but I figured some parts when not get it while others would. It's great! And cheap, too. :grin:


Good Point. I totally agree with Hannan.:yep:

I always use an Acidifying Conditioner as a final rinse. Lately, I've been using Hairveda's ACV Phinising Rinse. I also use: Roux PC, Nexxus Ensure and Bear Fruit Hair's Shine Rinses.
Roux PC really helped my hair. I also figured out that my hair does not like glycerin in any shape or form. Once I stopped all glycerin my hair seemed to need less product to stay moisturized and frizz free. I'm not sure why (since glycerin is a humectant) but my hair feels and looks so good since giving it up.
ebony&ivory - Can you use other forms of humectants on your hair?

I've always been curious about the Roux PC and wonder if its more like a super charged protein treatment(?)
@greenandchic I think it's more like an Acidifying Conditioner to restrict and close the cuticle. With the lower PH Balances of these products such as ACV, Roux, etc....it helps to seal and flatten the cuticle.

Also, I use Cool/Cold water too as a Final Rinse, which also helps close the cuticle and enhance Shine.

Roux has a PH Balance of 4.5. Nexxus Ensure, BFH, HV ACV is like 3.0

I forgot to mention I also use French Stablizer Plus after Relaxing which has a PH Balance of 2.0 - 2.5
@greenandchic Don't forget to follow the directions. And it takes time, especially if you have Overly Porous Hair.

I was over, double, triple processed, which resulted in Overly Porous Hair.

So, I had to be consistent with this type of product to get my hair corrected.

It's been part of my Regimen since becoming a DIY'er and joining the Forum.
@greenandchic Don't forget to follow the directions. And it takes time, especially if you have Overly Porous Hair.

I was over, double, triple processed, which resulted in Overly Porous Hair.

So, I had to be consistent with this type of product to get my hair corrected.

It's been part of my Regimen since becoming a DIY'er and joining the Forum.

Thanks for the heads up.

Do you do protein treatments also?
As far as humectants go my hair likes agave and possibly honey. I avoid glycerin, panthenol, and other humectants and my hair looks better than ever. I stick to KC knot today, KCCC (in moderation), curl junkie curls in a bottle, Elucence cond., Qhemet Bio. Aethiopika or Alma olive for sealing. I use Elucence and Kenra products to wash/condition and Roux pc every time I wash.

Oh my hair also likes a few Aubrey organic conditioners and their algae hair mask for protein.
I have to drown my hair in deep conditioner, for example, to make it actually feel conditioned. I did my first henna treatment a few weeks ago and that made a huge difference! My hair dried better, took products better, felt better, and needed a lot less products on it. I say my problem with swimming in products was/is ("was" because henna did help, "is" because I can feel the awesomeness fading each wash) from being porous. I've always been heavy-handed but it got to the point where even I noticed I was doing too much, lol.

I have Roux and I've used it, but it's not enough. Henna has made the biggest difference but it's not something I want to have to do so often. I've been reading about the ACV wash for some time and I think I should finally try that out.
ebony&ivory - I will make sure that I'm not glycerin sensitive too though I stick to products that has it way down the list of ingredients.

classoohfive - I LOVE henna too! I was going to do it every other week, but I got burnt out quickly on it (labor). I've been doing it monthly lately. Cassia is easier to work with (no staining) and doesn't need to be left on as long as henna. I may buy a bunch of cassia to use in between henna treatments.

What kind of henna do you use? I've been stuck on Jamila for a while.
@classoohfive - I LOVE henna too! I was going to do it every other week, but I got burnt out quickly on it (labor). I've been doing it monthly lately. Cassia is easier to work with (no staining) and doesn't need to be left on as long as henna. I may buy a bunch of cassia to use in between henna treatments.

What kind of henna do you use? I've been stuck on Jamila for a while.

I really hated the labor and the whole time I was thinking about how crazy people are that do it so often, and then I rinsed my hair out and quickly understood why, lol. I loved it. Well worth it.

I've only tried Jamila so far. I liked it. It was really easy to mix up and to rinse out. I was reading again and again that you'll probably end up using at least half a bottle of conditioner to get it out but it rinsed away easily. I plan to use it again.

Does cassia last as long? Does it make your hair feel as great as henna? I did my henna for color but since I liked the other benefits I was thinking about doing either cassia or just henna glosses once a month and a color after every texlax.
ITA about henna helping porosity. I use Nupur 9 Blend henna because of the extras in it (amla, hibiscus, aloe, etc). I used coconut milk and coconut oil in my last henna recipe and I didn't have to moisturize as much throughout the week.
classoohfive - Cassia usually last about 2/3rds the time henna does for me. My hair is actually softer when I use cassia than henna, but its not as strengthening. One day Ill do a mix of some sort.

demlew - I have to try that sometime!
LOL too much. Sometimes I think I put in too much only for 5 minutes later my hair has absorbed it and is begging me for more. Then again I have a lot of hair per square inch too. But I usually go through 10 oz of light conditioner per 2-3 months (I went through half that when relaxed). It would actually be more if I conditioned my hair like I'm suppose to but I don't have the money to be buying conditioner every month. Hair dressing I go through a jar every month and half.

Does anyone a light leave in? How long does it last?
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I wish I had the answer. I have extremely porous, rather fine hair, the worst combination. For me at times using ANY product results in parched, coated hair. If my hair is flat ironed I can keep piling things in and still have dry hair. I think deep conditioning and making sure the hair is sealed from the time of rinsing is important because layering products on just causes dullness. Make sure the hair has been well conditioned and do a cool rinse. After that I just don't know. I hate having porous hair :(.
aviddiva77 - In terms of a light leave-in, I like Oyin Hair Dew, Curl Junkie Beauticurls Argan & Olive Oil Conditioner. Trying to think of something that you can get on the ground - the only one I can think of is Shea Moisture Curl & Style Milk but its more medium weight...
@SerenavanderWoodsen - Do you clarify your hair at all? That helps my hair hold on to moisture sometimes.
I do occasionally but sometimes that dries it out and makes even more frizz. I feel that I've tried basically everything and there is really no remedy for dryness and frizz in porous hair for me. I tried not using shampoo at all which does help with frizz but then my scalp gets too icky. Much of my hair isn't extremely porous but the top layer is severely so. The lower layers are moist and soft and non porous but that top layer is oh so hard to deal with, it doesn't even curl right, it's coarser and frizzy. Ugh, I hate my hair just thinking about it lol. The top layers by my part are just dreadful to work with sometimes, they still feel and act like "scab hair".