Porosity Control Is SOOOOO Great!


New Member
Hi All,

I'm not really a newbie I've been on the page for about 2 years. I've been too lazy to pay the $5 fee but I have to ask this question!

So yesterday I was reading a thread regarding the POROSITY CONTROL conditioner and decided to go ahead and give it a try. My hair has been extremely dry and it has also been soaking up any moisturizer that I've put on it. I went to Sally's last night and bought the Roux Porosity Control conditioner. It ended up that the shampoo was free so I got that too, however I haven't used it becuase it has ALS in it.

Anyways so this line is absolutely amazing! My har is so soft and manageable. I'm wondering how often should I use this ? Is everyweek okay ? Also do I really only leave it on for 30 seconds like the bottle suggests ? Is there any harm in doing a deep conditioner with this product ? I'm also wondering how did the pH of my hair get so high that the conditioner was able to bring it down and close the cuticles ? Can anyone explain this too me?

I've done ACV rinses in the past however those are too tricky and my hair sometimes ended up being stripped.

Please share whether your hair is natural or relaxed . . . What shampoo did you end up using with it? I have used the conditioner in the past (travel size) but I am not sure what to look for when I am examining the results . . .
Sorry yes my hair is relaxed... I use Affirm Lye relaxer. The way that I could tell that it was working was that after I put it in I could comb through my hair without any tangles. Also my hair was extremely soft. Sometimes my hair is like this without the porosity control but other times my hair becomes very tangled and hard to roller set. Additionally after my roller set I combed out my hair and I didn't hear the snapping that was occuring before.
jillmaican said:
Hi All,

I'm not really a newbie I've been on the page for about 2 years. I've been too lazy to pay the $5 fee but I have to ask this question!

So yesterday I was reading a thread regarding the POROSITY CONTROL conditioner and decided to go ahead and give it a try. My hair has been extremely dry and it has also been soaking up any moisturizer that I've put on it. I went to Sally's last night and bought the Roux Porosity Control conditioner. It ended up that the shampoo was free so I got that too, however I haven't used it becuase it has ALS in it.

Anyways so this line is absolutely amazing! My har is so soft and manageable. I'm wondering how often should I use this ? Is everyweek okay ? Also do I really only leave it on for 30 seconds like the bottle suggests ? Is there any harm in doing a deep conditioner with this product ? I'm also wondering how did the pH of my hair get so high that the conditioner was able to bring it down and close the cuticles ? Can anyone explain this too me?

I've done ACV rinses in the past however those are too tricky and my hair sometimes ended up being stripped.


I can't answer your other questions but regarding why your hair's pH goes up -- "normal" hair usually around 5 to 5.5 pH. Baseline pH is water, which is at 7 -- anything below 7 consider acidic anything above 7 considered alkaline.

Relaxed hair generally more alkaline (pH higher than 8 or 9) than desirable because relaxers are very very alkaline (pH of at least 9 up to 12) that's why we have to neutralize -- bring down the pH after rinsing out relaxers. In addition, every time you 'poo, you raise the pH of your hair because 'poos generally are alkaline -- soaps and detergents are alkaline by nature and generally pH above 7 is needed in order to get good cleansing power although with new technology, etc., salon brands are formulated at around 6 or so, hence the marketing phrase "pH balanced."

So you see how hair's pH goes up just by wetting with water! And when you add 'poo, you're in alkaline territory. That is why ACV immediately after 'pooing is such a great idea -- brings pH of hair right back down after cleansing. The trick to getting the ACV right is to use pH strips (pick up at any hobby shop -- I get mine at ToysRUs or Hobby Town here in the atlanta metro area, or just order online -- they're dirt cheap -12 strips runs about $3.00) and I mix the ACV with distilled water and check the pH to make sure its around 4.5 -- anything below that strips my hair.

The key is KNOWING the pH of the ACV and only way to do that is to check it with strips. BTW, the same acidic/alkaline helped me completely *cure* my acne skin problems years ago by becoming very conscious of the pH levels of my facial care products -- that's actually how I got into using pH strips.

I became a virtual chemist and understood that the key to *balancing* my oily skin was not over-cleansing or using strong detergents and alcohol (none of which addressed the pH problem!) but rather maintaining my skin's acid mantle at all times in order to maintain a hostile environment for the acne bacteria. The acne bacteria LOVES an alkaline environment, and when you add over-productive oils glands in a pH of 7 or more, you get breakouts. I still have very very oily skin, and I always will 'cause its genetic, but I now LOVE my oily skin 'cause it remains absolutely smooth and acne free, not to mention no sign of wrinkles even though I'm in my early 40's . . .Anywho, loooong response that I hope helps . . .
Hi Niroli,

WOW you must have taken some kind of chemistry to be able to understand all of this. I took chemistry in college but I really never thought about the soaps and detergents that I was using in that way.

Thanks so much for your response! Now I have a better idea of whats going on in my hair. Well I guess using the porosity control each time I wash can't possibly hurt. I was really amazed in the change of my hair. Before I washed I had moisturized with a creme hairdress the day before and yesterday morning I couldn't even comb it because it was so dry. It also looked very dull and brittle. But almost immediately after using the product my hair was shiny and soft.

Thanks again for your explanation. By the way what are you using on your face ? I have recently gotten into the Warm Spirits brand of facial products which has really helped. Also I got a facial from somone and the best advice she has given me is using lemon juice from real lemons and mixing it will distilled water. This has helped the oil production in my skin dramatically and considering that lemons are acidic I can no understand why.

Thanks again!
jillmaican said:
Hi Niroli,

WOW you must have taken some kind of chemistry to be able to understand all of this. I took chemistry in college but I really never thought about the soaps and detergents that I was using in that way.

Thanks so much for your response! Now I have a better idea of whats going on in my hair. Well I guess using the porosity control each time I wash can't possibly hurt. I was really amazed in the change of my hair. Before I washed I had moisturized with a creme hairdress the day before and yesterday morning I couldn't even comb it because it was so dry. It also looked very dull and brittle. But almost immediately after using the product my hair was shiny and soft.

Thanks again for your explanation. By the way what are you using on your face ? I have recently gotten into the Warm Spirits brand of facial products which has really helped. Also I got a facial from somone and the best advice she has given me is using lemon juice from real lemons and mixing it will distilled water. This has helped the oil production in my skin dramatically and considering that lemons are acidic I can no understand why.

Thanks again!

Naw, I'm no chemist, I'm a lawyer! But am extremely tenacious and after the thousands of dollars spent on dermatologists and expensive and useless skin care regimens, I finally got serious about dealing my acne problem and I was relentless -- I researched, asked questions, tested alot, returned a lot of stuff (I would buy stuff in the store and have to return 'cause they wouldn't let me pH test so I would just buy, pH test and if no good, take right back and get my money -- sometimes I would test right in my car and immediately return! I can be a bit assertive too . . .)

I've developed a routine over the years that includes different product lines -- no one line has it all and I had to pick and choose from different stuff, I even have an aesthetician that mixes up private label potions for me, for a fee of course. My routine includes using hydroxy acids in low percentages and at low pH along with benzoly peroxide and the RELIGIOUS use of a sunblock SPF 15 every day, rain or shine. Just using the right sunblock can solve 50% of skin problems IMO and the thing is, no dermatolgist EVA told me that or suggest I use! Go figure . . .

The lemon with distilled water is definitely a good idea for oily skin becuase it is *acidifying * your skin after washing, just like the ACV with hair (one of the most shocking things I discovered in my *research* is that 99% over-the-counter toners are like 8 or 9 pH! totally useless in maintaining skin's acid mantle, this includes the urber expensive lines as well); but be cautioned that you could over-do the lemon toner and strip your skin much like with the ACV for hair if you're not careful with how low the pH level is -- that is why I got the pH strips. ACV toners work well too, that's what I used at first, before discovering really excellent products that do the same thing but better and easier to use.

If you PM me, I'll post my products, ingredients and usage for you. You don't have to use what I use, but it may give you some ideas re: how to approach YOUR issues. PM me and we'll *talk* . . .
WORK IT NEROLI! I ain't mad... Theres nothing i like to see more than an intelligent black woman who KNOWS what shes talkin about. :D

But seriously that is very interesting that there isn't 1 product for hair/skin on the market that is correctly balanced and has all necessary components. Hmmm! makes you wonder!!! Well I am too lazy to do all this mixing stuff, but someday I may want to know info about what products u use for skin and hair. So u might as well just gone and create a post so I wont bug you in the future!! ;-)
My hair would also soak up any moisturizer I put on it. I used Porosity Control for about six to eight weeks straight after every wash (I left it in for about 30 minutes with a cap on). It made a world of difference in my hair. My hair was more manageable, dried faster, styled better, seemed to relax more evenly, and does not soak up moisturizer like it used to. I now use it mixed with Humecto.
Yeah the product is pretty great. Its kind of sad but I used to sweep my floor in the bathroom after I washed my hair (which is usually 2X a week becuase I work out). So after I would sweep it I would keep track of how much hair I lossed to gauge if the products that I was using helped.

I know it sounds kind of gross but it was the easiest way for me to track the dryness of my hair. Anyways so yes I've been keeping track of the hair that I lost the whole week and its barely anything!

I think this might be the last staple to my regimen :) My new growth is so much softer that I can actually style my hair. I'm too excited.
Mizani_Mrs said:
WORK IT NEROLI! I ain't mad... Theres nothing i like to see more than an intelligent black woman who KNOWS what shes talkin about. :D

But seriously that is very interesting that there isn't 1 product for hair/skin on the market that is correctly balanced and has all necessary components. Hmmm! makes you wonder!!! Well I am too lazy to do all this mixing stuff, but someday I may want to know info about what products u use for skin and hair. So u might as well just gone and create a post so I wont bug you in the future!! ;-)

ITA. Plus I wanna know too.

I too, will be blowin' up your PM box w/ questions Neroli...
I certainly love Porosity Control conditioner. Nothing gives me tangle free har like this. I wish I could find a condtioner that does that for me. The closest I have come to that is Motions Moisture Plus but I find that it is not very moisturizing.
Im confused because some people say that this conditioner made their hair dry faster and others say their hair took longer to dry. I always though hair that is porous is dry therefore it dries very fast because it soaks up moisture. I want to buy this conditioner because I thought I had porous hair because my hair dries really fast.
locabouthair said:
Im confused because some people say that this conditioner made their hair dry faster and others say their hair took longer to dry. I always though hair that is porous is dry therefore it dries very fast because it soaks up moisture. I want to buy this conditioner because I thought I had porous hair because my hair dries really fast.

:up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

I finally found the Porosity Control Shampoo. It is very watery--is it supposed to be this way?
I learned quite a bit from this post-Thanks so much Neroli-I understood the premise behind the acid vs akaline balance, but didn't realize I was supposed to be testing it to be sure. I was just using the ACV or lemon juice without really balancing it all out. Now I've got to go back and reread to be sure I really get it-I felt like I was back in Science:D
I bought the shampoo and conditioner, but I didn't notice the major difference others have. I did the porosity test where if a strand of hair sinks to the bottom of a glass of water, your hair is too porous. So I used it and it was a very ordinary experience.

I get my tangle-free kicks now from dominican products. NOTHING gives me that sort of slip and manageability, and I haven't relaxed in many months.