Porosity Control Challenge!


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
Alright, I'm sure everyone knows by now that I love challenges. So here's another one! :lachen: We all know how beneficial porosity is right? So why not? :grin:
This challenge will start next Monday May 25th and will last until September 24th
You can use both ACV and PC, or you can just use the one you most prefer. Some use ACV after shampooing and then PC after conditioning. Or you can switch it around and do the opposite. ----------------
The rules are: *You MUST use PC or ACV each wash day. If you co wash daily or mutiple times a day, this doesn't apply. Although many have had great success mixing PC with their co washing conditioners :yep: Frequent co-washers, you can choose to mix PC with your conditioner OR you can choose to only use it on shampoo wash days. Or you can do both :D *Pay attention to your hair and report how your hair is feeling after each PC/ACV use
Ways to use PC/ACV:
*After shampooing, condition for a few minutes before proceeding to dc
*Mix it with your deep conditioner (this is for PC, I don't think I've heard of anyone mixing ACV with their conditioners. If anyone has done this, please post your results!!!)
*Use it as a final rinse after dc'ing to close your cuticle and keep that precious moisture IN your hair!
PC threads: Porosity-the forgotten step http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=341855
How do you use Porosity Control? http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=112990
How do YOU use Porosity Control? http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=364607
Those who use Porosity Control http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=227731
Porosity Control is the TRUTH! http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=69274
ACV threads:
Acv rinse http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=10012
ACV Success!!!!! http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=363927
ACV Before Deep Conditioning???? http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?p=7759815
Porosity: The uses of baking soda and ACV http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?p=7806125
If you're in, answer the questions below.....
-Which will you be using, PC or ACV?
-How often will you be using PC/ACV?
-How will you be using PC/ACV?​
Porosity Princesses :grin: :
Luscious Locks
Cream Tee
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I'm in!!

I currently have a sew in.. will add PC to my cowash/ poo mix.. will apply to cornrows and leave out hair 1x weekly
Count me in tiffers! I saw that you bumped the water challenge thread back up and I am game for that one, as well.

-Which will you be using, PC or ACV? both(alternating w/each deep conditioning session)
-How often will you be using PC/ACV?weekly
-How will you be using PC/ACV? as my final rinse(if using acv) or mixed with my deep conditioner(if using pc)
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Now You Know I Lurve's me Some PC ! :love2: It was the one product that saved my Hair when I had people in the Hair Industry and those Kitchen-ticans, and Bootleg Stylist Alike looked at my Hair (after it all fell out, what was left of it:pullhair:) and say: Girl, Your Hair is Overly Porous. :naughty:

That, and reading the thread "Porosity the Forgotten Step" and All other Threads on Porosity Set me on my HHJ.:help:

Whew ! :pulpdance:Yes, Lawd Jesus Count me In.

Oh: I will be using PC, Every week, after DC with Heat
I started a long thread about the benefits of PC which I use at least once and often twice a week. Count me in!

-Which will you be using, PC or ACV?

I use Roux Porosity Control at wash/cowash times and ACV when I relax

-How often will you be using PC/ACV?

At least once per week on wash/dc days. I use acv when I relax - the step immediately after the first rinse and pc at the end of the entire process. I also intend to try using pc to coat my hair before I relax, and I'll be doing a touch up before this challenge is over, so I'll post those results as well.

-How will you be using PC/ACV?

On wash/dc and cowash days, I use PC as my last step.

I like challenges that include a process I already use. Thanks Tiffers - great idea!

p.s. - has anyone else noticed that the bottle at Sally's is smaller? I need a source for a larger size - anyone have one?
I want to join. I've never used PC or an ACV. I have used FSP after a relaxer and after co-washing before and my hair felt great.
I have some questions:
What is the difference between PC and FSP?
Are they basically the same thing?
If they are basically the same can I use FSP and do that after I co-wash, or would it be better to get some PC?

Sorry for all the questions.
I guess I should say I cowash 5x wk. I dc 2x wk. I use an acv bar each time as the final step. I lather in my hands, smooth on the length of my hair, and finish with a quick shot of cold water. Without the quick shot of cold water my hair feels coated.
I want to join! My PC should be coming in the mail soon. I don't know how I'm going to use it because I never used it before. But I will use t once a week when I shampoo.
I started a long thread about the benefits of PC which I use at least once and often twice a week. Count me in!

-Which will you be using, PC or ACV?

I use Roux Porosity Control at wash/cowash times and ACV when I relax

-How often will you be using PC/ACV?

At least once per week on wash/dc days. I use acv when I relax - the step immediately after the first rinse and pc at the end of the entire process. I also intend to try using pc to coat my hair before I relax, and I'll be doing a touch up before this challenge is over, so I'll post those results as well.

-How will you be using PC/ACV?

On wash/dc and cowash days, I use PC as my last step.

I like challenges that include a process I already use. Thanks Tiffers - great idea!

p.s. - has anyone else noticed that the bottle at Sally's is smaller? I need a source for a larger size - anyone have one?

ITA with the bolded.

I think Beauty of New York (LHCF has a discount code) may have a larger size. Let me look and I will post the link.
I want to join! My PC should be coming in the mail soon. I don't know how I'm going to use it because I never used it before. But I will use t once a week when I shampoo.

If you look at some of the Threads/links Tiffers posted above, it may give you a better idea :scratchchof how you want to use it and when and why?

First, You always want to know "why" you are using a particular product on your hair so you can achieve the outcomes you are looking/hoping for.
I want in, but I am still researching on PC. I like what I have read so far, and my hair which is in great shape, I think, could use these extra steps, it can't hurt right.

I am ordering Roux PC from amazon.com, and I already have an ACV rinse that I have been inconsistant with. I should have my products in place by the time the challenge starts. Thanks tiffers, for another great challenge.
hey, tif. i don't have PC, but I have Nexxus Ensure conditioner which has a pH of 3. Is that okay? I'm not really game for buying anything else because i'm trying to be a recessionista about my purchases.

I don't buy new conditioner until i've finished an old one.
hey, tif. i don't have PC, but I have Nexxus Ensure conditioner which has a pH of 3. Is that okay? I'm not really game for buying anything else because i'm trying to be a recessionista about my purchases.

I don't buy new conditioner until i've finished an old one.

WOW ! I have Nexxus Ensure as well. And you're right it has 3.0 ph Balance.

If it does the same thing as the PC, I will consider using this as well or at least alternate between the two. I also have that French Perm Stabilzer and was wondering about it too?:yep:
I started a long thread about the benefits of PC which I use at least once and often twice a week. Count me in!

-Which will you be using, PC or ACV?

I use Roux Porosity Control at wash/cowash times and ACV when I relax
-How often will you be using PC/ACV?

At least once per week on wash/dc days. I use acv when I relax - the step immediately after the first rinse and pc at the end of the entire process. I also intend to try using pc to coat my hair before I relax, and I'll be doing a touch up before this challenge is over, so I'll post those results as well.

-How will you be using PC/ACV?

On wash/dc and cowash days, I use PC as my last step.

I like challenges that include a process I already use. Thanks Tiffers - great idea!

p.s. - has anyone else noticed that the bottle at Sally's is smaller? I need a source for a larger size - anyone have one?
How could I have forgotten about your thread??? :hammer: I'll go find it and add it to the list :)
I'm in! I love challenges...

I will be using PC weekly after my DC

Not sure if I will also do a ACV rinse also but if so I will do a rinse after my weekly shampoo.
I want to join. I've never used PC or an ACV. I have used FSP after a relaxer and after co-washing before and my hair felt great.
I have some questions:
What is the difference between PC and FSP?
Are they basically the same thing?
If they are basically the same can I use FSP and do that after I co-wash, or would it be better to get some PC?
Sorry for all the questions.
IDK much about FSP, does it have a low pH? I think it does, but I'm not sure. As long as it has a low pH, you sure can use it in place of PC :yep:
hey, tif. i don't have PC, but I have Nexxus Ensure conditioner which has a pH of 3. Is that okay? I'm not really game for buying anything else because i'm trying to be a recessionista about my purchases.
I don't buy new conditioner until i've finished an old one.
You can use it, no problem! :lol: at "recessionista"! Love it! :D
Can I join please? I'll start just as soon as I find some PC!

As someone else said this will be my first time using it so it's difficult to say how I'll use it, but I'll use it after I DC initially.

Sign me up! :D
I would liked to join....

Which will you be using, PC or ACV? Roux Porosity Contol and may try French Stabilizer when I run out

How often will you be using PC/ACV? Maybe twice a week

How will you be using PC/ACV? After relaxing, before or after using deep conditioners and color rinses
Okay, you are SUPER dead wrong for posting that link! I'm trying to become a recovering pj and folks like you ain't helpin! :lachen:

I'm def gonna get the acv bar and those butters look so :lick:

She is very nice and the shipping is quick.
Def in! I will be using ACV as my final rise on wash days (1x/week) and mixing PC w/my cheapie condish on co-wash days (1x/week)...
Im in.

I will get some PC before my next wash. I'll have to experiment and read up more to see if I will do PC ACV or both.