Ponytail method-ers


Active Member
Anyone currently using this method of drying their hair? I first learned about it from the book, The Black Woman's Guide to Beautiful, Healthier Hair in 6 Weeks! [font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=-1]by Carolyn Gray. I know some use her method and others have their own way of doing it. Can you tell me your method. What do you do when nearing touch-up time?
A member here posted her own version called the 'stretched' pony tail method (sorry I'm bad with names..:( ), where you criss- cross the ponytails and bobbypin and dry. I like that one. Then there's the one where you use rollers, alot of people like that one too, its takes a bit longer to dry, but you get more predictable results. HTHS. I'm sure someone else'll read and break it down better.;)
when i wash my hair at home, i never use heat, i always air dry in a ponytail. i just brush it back with a soft brush, make a ponytail at the crown/middle of my head and put a durag on. if i want it straight, i let it dry just like that, then brush the ponytail smooth after it is dry. but, i usually just braid the ponytail for a mini-braidout type thing. i either make 2 braids then pick it out when dry for a soft curly/afro puff thing or about 6 or 7 braids which gives me a nice frizz free curly and wavy look that people are convinced is my natural texture. the front of my hair dries perfectly straight and smooth.