Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm addicted to cowashing. It's hard for me to get in the shower without wetting my hair. Lately I've been rocking a ponytail because I'm 6 weeks post and don't feel like trying to wrestle my hair into a style. Last night I got in the shower, and out of pure laziness, I didn't feel like taking down the pony to co-wash because I didn't feel like detangling, etc. So I left it in, rinsed my hair, and slathered conditioner on while I showered. When I was done, I rinsed it out and squeezed the excess water out of my hair with a towel (hair was still in a ponytail). Added my leave-ins, smoothed the hair back, and tied down with a scarf.
Am I just late to this method? I love how smooth my hair is this morning... and I didn't have to go through the detangling, etc. Anybody else ever discover something that works for their hair by accidental laziness?
Am I just late to this method? I love how smooth my hair is this morning... and I didn't have to go through the detangling, etc. Anybody else ever discover something that works for their hair by accidental laziness?