Pony-Tail Hooks


New Member
Has anyone ever heard of these or ever used them?? Kind of remind me of what my mom used to put in our hair...my mom called them "balls"...you know the elastic with the metal middle with one ball on each in that interlocked to close and secure the ponytail...and when you took it out it was hair ALWAYS torn out...atleast mine was...anyhoo...it reminds me of those...

I also LOVE these hair pins! They hold my hair so well even when I dance and do that Rock-N-Roll head bang...don't judge me!! LOL!

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I bought those ponytail hooks. Seemed like a good idea when I bought em but, it was a waste of money. Maybe I'm not using them right. I hook the hooks together. It's not secure and when it comes loose, it grabs my hair. I hate 'em.

Pics too tiny for me to see what hair pins you're talking about.
Melody.Monroe, Someone here uses those "Good Hair Days" pins, but I cannot put my finger on who! Maybe she'll chime in, and she says they're great, I only remember ratings, not names, Lol! But, as for the hooks, they look a lil' scarey, kinda like they would snatch your hair, like the previous poster said!
Oh, I used Goody pins. Didn't know how to use those either, at first. Putting them in was great. Pulling them out was always a struggle and would pull my hair. I hated them and then realized that I needed to sort of pull them open before pulling them off. Still, I haven't been using them anymore. I think the spin pins are better (although six bucks for 2 spin pins had me rolling my eyes a long time before I actually tried them).
I agree...they do look scary...seems like everyone has about the same opinion on them...I just don't want more breakage because when I put any type of "hair-bow" in my hair is pulls some out...smh...but wearing it down all the time is alot of work...seems like I get split ends at the drop of a hat...need better protective styling I guess....

@Melody.Monroe, The Spin Pin seems to be a safer method for pinning, don't quote me on that, I have'nt tried them myself, as of yet!
But, There have been a lot of good ratings/reviews on them, here!
Heres a Vid Tutorial on how to use them, check it out!
I thought they were confusing to use, before I watched the vid, but it seems fairly simple! I am gonna try them myself, now that I've seen it done!

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