Poll: What makes a product a Keeper?


Well-Known Member
What do u take into consideration when including a product into your regimen. For me in order of importance:

1. Product Effectiveness
2. Availability (I won't drive 20 miles to get a product!! and I'm kinda tired of internet only orders too, sorry Elucence!)
3. Price (I won't go bankrupt for my hair LOL)

What are yours???
effectiveness and price.
I have been known to drive miles for the 'holy grail'. I just had some lovely, heavy castor oil been sent to me from ja. This was BEFORE i discovered pure castor oil in an asian shop near my home.

i dont play! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
price, effectiveness (how detangled/soft my hair is afterwards), My need for the product (ex daily moisturizers must be kept in stock at ALL times, i have 3 at home)
Product effectiveness is #1. Availability is #2. Price is last. If it works well with my hair, I have no problem shelling out some money to get it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Natural ( I try to use as less chemicals as possible)
Smell /images/graemlins/smile.gif
If a product makes my hair soft, fluffy and easy to comb instead of greasy, hard, clumped and matted I'll go to the ends of the earth to get it! But I don't like paying more than $10 for hair stuff. Unless it's really remarkable... I think the most expensive products I have are liter sized bottles of products I already love (Lanza, Elucence, Mizani...) and the Sheep Sorrel Ointment and Hair Rejuvenator from crsecrets.com.
Here Here sassygirl, I remember spending $25 on 4 oz of khiels coconut & lecithin masque so not worth it. When last I checked coconuts don't cost an arm and a leg and the product as just okay
i'm willing to pay a higher price if the product works wonders on my hair.
other than that my hair HAS to be detangled or at least it has to be easy to detangle.
it has to be shiny/soft/healthy looking/moisturized.
i think that there are enough drugstore brands out who will fulfill all these expectations (imo).
Definitely product efectiveness. I look for good detangling, softness and shine. If a product works well, price is not really an issue for me.
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pebbles said:
Product effectiveness is #1. Availability is #2. Price is last. If it works well with my hair, I have no problem shelling out some money to get it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Ditto with Sistah P. I don't care how much it costs. If it makes my hair feel and look great I don't mind shelling out the money for it. Well I've travelled from South to North London for hair products and will do it again and again.
What makes a product a keeper for me.........is the detangling ability. It has to detangle my hair well, I want a nice slip to it so I can easily do my rollerset. So detangling is definately #1 on my list for a product keeper.
For me it's

Effectiveness : And it needs to be immediate with certain products, like a moisturizer should moisturize THAT day!! Seriously. That's why I enjoy the curl activator so much, it works right away. Other products like protein conditioners etc. I give more time but they need to do what they say.

Availability I totally agree with you there! I get impatient waiting for internet orders, so I need to be able to run to the beauty supply when I'm out of stuff.
1. hair
1. availabity

All of these are numbered one because to me they are equally important. As a broke college student, I have to make decisions and sometimes sacrifices, for example my Wal-mart is continuosly out of my hair oil, so I mix the remainder of what I own with a little olive oil until it comes in. Most of the things I buy are under $10. I refuse to go out of town to get anything. I now have 1 inch of coconut oil left in my jar. I believe that I can live without it until august because, I simply don't have the money. Education is expensive.