Poll: Safest way to wear bonnet/wrap

Which is the safest (for edges & hairline) way to wear bonnet elastic or wrap?

  • Low on the forehead, touching the skin of your forehead.

    Votes: 21 63.6%
  • High on the head, touching hair and leaving hairline exposed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Directly on the hairline (in front).

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Any way--just oil or moisturize edges and hairline to protect.

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Turn bonnet inside out so that elastic is outside; wear anywhere.

    Votes: 10 30.3%
  • None--satin/silk pillowcases are a better option than wraps, anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OTHER (type response)

    Votes: 1 3.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
The most comfortable way for me is to wear it further back on the head, so that the elastic or wrap edge grips hair and not skin, and a little bit of hair shows where it meets the forehead skin.

But I don't know if this is good for my edges/hairline.
Oh--and I should probably have indicated that I'm not asking just for sleeping purposes--I DO wear wraps (including bonnet-esque ones with elastic like PrettyWrap) out and about, so it's important for me to know whether I'm putting too much tension on my edges and hairline during the day, too.
For sleep I wear it low and over my ears so it doesn't rub on my hairline.
To go out I leave some hair out, but since it's a satin or silk scarf and I'm not rubbing my head on anything (like a pillow when we sleep) it doesn't do any damage.
thanks, winnettag. One question: when you go out and show some hair (i.e. wear the wrap higher), is there any tension at all on your front hairline (like where some peeps have a widow's peak)? I'm guessing there is no elastic on your wrap and that you don't tie it too tightly and that's why you get no pull.
i wear mine low. when sleeping i usually have it covering my eyebrows. when out and about i have it just above the eyebrows... so my whole forehead is always covered and never ever on my hair line. i also have the pretty wrap and use that primarily for sleeping since i dont have to worry about it lol
thanks, winnettag. One question: when you go out and show some hair (i.e. wear the wrap higher), is there any tension at all on your front hairline (like where some peeps have a widow's peak)? I'm guessing there is no elastic on your wrap and that you don't tie it too tightly and that's why you get no pull.

Nope, no tension that I can feel. I leave a good inch or two out so it's not on my hairline and use a clip on each side of my head to keep it from slipping off (so if there is any tension, it's only where the clips are).
You're right, no elastic on mine.
i wear mines inside out..if i wear it the regular way it always pulls on my edges and stuff. and i wear it over the nape/edges line
Thank you MizzBrit and winnettag! The vast majority of the poll favors low-wearing.

Trouble is, wearing it low on my forehead makes my forehead itchy. And I break out (pimples) at the littlest irritation/friction.
Hey...don't know if this will help you, but Wal Mart has some satin caps that keep the elastic completely enclosed in the satin so no elastic at all is on the outside. I got rid of the ones we had with the white elastic showing because I had to turn them inside out for protection

I just bought 3 for myself and DD.

So....this question might become a moot point for you one day if you decide to purchase some caps with no visible elastic. I sleep so much better now that I am not constantly waking to adjust my cap. :yep:

Hope this helps...

Thanks, melodies815. I live in a city, so we don't have Wal Mart, but the next time I visit my parents, I'll stop by the ol' superstore.

Mz Mo Mo, sorry I didn't see your post earlier. I have 2 Pretty Wraps and you are right that they don't come off at night, and they are beautifuk and feel so smooth and satiny. All in all, a wonderfuk product, just too small for larger heads or larger hairstyles. But PWs contain elastic as you know, so I was dealing with this very problem TODAY when I wore my milti-print PW out for the day. It was so itchy when it was low on my forehead.