PMS and relationships


Well-Known Member
So during this AF my mood swings have impacted my relationship, not to mention the cravings, fatigue, ect. I didn't even take into account that my AF was coming until I really thought about it. Now I am like ahhhh that's it!

How does your AF and PMS impact your relationship and how do you deal with it?

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Try to stay away from friends during that time
Disclose PMS to SO so he knows context
Refrain from making drastic decisions during that time
Try to stay away from friends during that time
Disclose PMS to SO so he knows context
Refrain from making drastic decisions during that time

Thanks for this! I almost ended my relationship with SO this week and I had no idea why lol My patience with friends and co workers non existence. I felt like I should have been quarantined! !
I feel the same way. For me, I just stay far away from people because I hate everyone around that time! And argumentatiiiiiiiive! I wanna tell myself to shut up!
I become another person. Seriously, I can always tell when my period is close, because EVERYTHING pisses me off and I become a rage monster.

I just tell dh that it's coming. Usually his response is "Yeah, I can tell." :lol: Luckily he has the patience for it. I don't know many men who could deal with me when I'm PMS'ing.
I don't have bad pms, but I had severe mood swings for a year after giving birth due to breast feeding. Man, that year put me and my relationships to the test!! I hated myself sometimes. I was so mean.
Some of our biggest fights have happened around "that time". One would think after a few years he would be more understanding, but no :nono:
My male Ob/Gyn prescribed me valium. His exact words when he wrote the script "ya'll women crazy". Struck me as odd but he was dead on and he's old. Some months I have two periods so sad my poor husband. Some days I get on my own nerves.
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My immediate emotional responses are magnified times 10. Most of the time I can get it under control before someone notices that I almost went off on them. Internally I'm a mess though. I just keep my mouth shut and just follow what normal MsKinkycurl might do in the situations.

lol that sounds like I become a sociopath every month.
My immediate emotional responses are magnified times 10. Most of the time I can get it under control before someone notices that I almost went off on them. Internally I'm a mess though. I just keep my mouth shut and just follow what normal MsKinkycurl might do in the situations.

lol that sounds like I become a sociopath every month.

Lol you sound like me! I am always checking myself and counting to three to save lives and hurt feelings. That way when I get back to normal people won't be giving me the side eye and I have to be playing clean up lol Ahhh to be a woman
My boyfriend pointed it out before I even noticed it was happening and he was like what's wrong babe you're not your normal sweet self. In my mind I was internalizing all the random rude comments that came to my mind and was doing pretty well but I guess the cat is out the bag. ... he gon learn today lol