Please Somebody Help Me


Well-Known Member
Please every time I wash my hair it looks like I have had a trim meaning I see lots of miniscule straight hairs in the washed out water like you get after you've had a trim.

Does this mean my fine hair is more fragile wet then it is dry? As I've been hearing that fine hair breaks easily when wet?

Thank you in advance

Regards Michelle
Please every time I wash my hair it looks like I have had a trim meaning I see lots of miniscule straight hairs in the washed out water like you get after you've had a trim.

Does this mean my fine hair is more fragile wet then it is dry? As I've been hearing that fine hair breaks easily when wet?

Thank you in advance

Regards Michelle

This is possible, but it could also mean you need protein. I have fine hair as well, so a proper moisture/ protein treatment is key.
If you haven’t incorporated a protein, I would start there first, unless you have low porosity hair.
Low porosity hair has a tendency to hate protein. That is all I know about it. Hopefully, someone else will chime in.
^^Even lo p.o. hair needs protein. But I agree with everything else. It's about finding the kind that agrees with your hair @snookes. My low po. natural hair doesn't like wheat protein. A lot of people say it leaves their hair feeling soft but not mine. I like to use keratin, collagen, and silk amino acids, always followed with a moisture-only DC.
This is possible, but it could also mean you need protein. I have fine hair as well, so a proper moisture/ protein treatment is key.
If you haven’t incorporated a protein, I would start there first, unless you have low porosity hair.
Low porosity hair has a tendency to hate protein. That is all I know about it. Hopefully, someone else will chime in.
Hi I do use hydrolyzed wheat protein as recommended on The Green Beauty Channel regularly because of my fine strands
Please every time I wash my hair it looks like I have had a trim meaning I see lots of miniscule straight hairs in the washed out water like you get after you've had a trim.

Does this mean my fine hair is more fragile wet then it is dry? As I've been hearing that fine hair breaks easily when wet?

Thank you in advance

Regards Michelle

My fine hair benefits from the Aphogee 2 Step Treatment.

“Collagen is one of the few proteins to provide a lot of Proline, one of the more abundant amino acids in the cuticle - good for improving elasticity in hair that snaps and breaks easily and feels mushy when wet - like wet fabric instead of wet fiber...
Wheat provides abundant Cystine - but it is not necessarily the same Cystine as in hair. If it can function similarly to the cystine in hair, wheat protein is superb. Hydrolyzed wheat protein is fairly large and therefore more of a film-forming, porosity-filling protein.” - Sciency Hair Blog
ITA with the ladies about finding your protein-moisture balance. I would recommend starting with the mildest protein and gradually increasing strength or frequency (not both at the same time) if you feel your hair needs more. I’ve seen ladies jump straight to the strong protein treatments and then proclaim that their hair hates protein. Also, like @GGsKin said, the type of protein may be playing a role as well.

With natural, fine strands I learned it was best to not manipulate my hair as mich as possible, even with a protein-moisture balance. That means never wash my hair loose, primarily finger detangle instead of using damaging tools, only detangle on moisturized, damp hair, keeping my hair in styles that can be kept in for at least a week without combing/brushing. I’ve also incorporated ingredients that combat hair fall (ayurveda powders, garlic, tea rinses, etc).

Big hugs to you! I hope you’re able to find the cause of your hair fall.
At what point in your routine do you first notice the hairs? After rinsing the shampoo? After detangling? Etc...

What are you using to detangle?

Do you notice broken hairs falling when manipulating your hair throughout the week?
@Theresamonet I notice the little broken hair at every stage of the washing process when I am rinsing and also when applying my products & finger styling. I use the the sagemann jumbo rake seamless combo
I experience this type of breaking when I have build-up and need to clarify. I would try that first and see where it takes you.
@sunflora I use giovanni 50/50 shampoo weekly do you think it's too much? I am starting to believe washing perhaps once a month maybe better because of the less manipulation to my fine strands
Maybe it's the wrong kind, or in the wrong form/ product for her hair.
@GGsKin The Green Beauty Channel says that hydrolyzed wheat protein is the real protein. Also I am vegan so collagen, silk, keratin are no goes plus plant products are generally better than animal innards