Please Share Something That Gave You a Special Joy Lately...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with JOY; he will rest in his love, he will JOY over thee with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)

:Rose: Last night my sisters and I took our mom to the super market and we loved every minute of it. :yep:

Our mom was diagnosed with Dementia last summer; it's been a trial for each of us but God has surely seen us through.

For the first time in months, she is actually remembering and is becoming herself again.

Last night was so special. She knows the entire store by heart and we just followed her along as she pushed her shopping cart -- by herself --and selected her groceries from each aisle.

And get this! She remembered her shopping list by heart! I was so amazed and so excited. She only needed a little help with the heavy things and the higher shelves, but we were there to assist her with it.

We didn't get home until 11:00 p.m. But.... we had so much fun acting 'silly' :happydance: and playful. She had to 'scold' us a little. :giggle: We were her girls ....... again.

Thank you Jesus for the joy in our lives which you give us each day :love2:
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We spent Easter weekend in Jamaica and had the best time. I enjoyed sitting on the beach and watching my husband and our little miracle play in the water. I enjoyed hearing her sweet little laugh, watching her expression as she felt the water and the sand, watching her eat her grilled cheese sandwich with French fries and seeing her little face as she would fall asleep at the end of each day.

I read back over the journal I kept more than 10 years ago and think about how much my life has changed. I read that journal to remind myself that God does not lie and everything He says He will do, He will do. The other day I looked at my husband and my stomach jumped. It jumped because I thought back to the time when he and I first met…how things were between us….how different he was then and how different I was….I think back to when I first heard God tell me that he would be the man I marry….and it hit me…..God keeps His promises.
We spent Easter weekend in Jamaica and had the best time. I enjoyed sitting on the beach and watching my husband and our little miracle play in the water. I enjoyed hearing her sweet little laugh, watching her expression as she felt the water and the sand, watching her eat her grilled cheese sandwich with French fries and seeing her little face as she would fall asleep at the end of each day.

I read back over the journal I kept more than 10 years ago and think about how much my life has changed. I read that journal to remind myself that God does not lie and everything He says He will do, He will do. The other day I looked at my husband and my stomach jumped. It jumped because I thought back to the time when he and I first met…how things were between us….how different he was then and how different I was….I think back to when I first heard God tell me that he would be the man I marry….and it hit me…..God keeps His promises.

This is beautiful.... :yep:

Thank you Mrselle :giveheart:
I have a brand new nephew. He is my brother's son and the first great-grandchild in our family. I can't wait to meet him in person.
God gave my revelation about why Christianity is different than other religions and why Jesus is necessary for salvation.

I am so confident now about what I believe and why I believe. Praise God! :D
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Well, I have been at a "crossroads" in my life. Then I just kept on praying and asking the Lord for direction on my career and school path. Well the other day yesterday to be exact I am Graduate Student (finally) my Masters of Social Work, and on top of that I said "Lord make a way for me out of no way" and he sure did! God is Good
The Lord definitely makes a way out of no way. I will graduate next month with a MSN.
It's been difficult having two college students but God gave my husband and I strength and wisdom to adhere to our houshold budget.
I have that okay?

I went on an author visit last week to two schools in Talahassee Florida,which was coordinated by my agent,along with two other authors and had the most amazing time,and it was at
my normal higher rate (which I have not been getting due to sliding scale clients)
so it was over 1,000 for each day..not including expenses,hotel,transportation,board,paid for.
I signed about 70 books!
The client was so happy ,that my agent said today they want to bring me back
in the fall,in September for four days
..that would be over 5,000{!}

Also being away..was the rest I needed and I loved gving to the students. I went to great churches in FLA for Easter..

and even though my mother and I had a bad disagreement before I left
when I came back she'd left on my machine
this is your mother,I'm sorry you misunderstand me.,but I will never give up loving you:)
and the guy I'm dating called four times to see if I was back

and there was a loving message from my sister..

and a newer cute man is trying to get in touch w/me...

I felt so special :)
such great blessings...from God..

Shimmie...that is wonderful news about yout your mother
thankyou God
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Its very "little" for me, but its big. Among so many other things what gave me a special joy yesterday was the hazy springtime rainfall that's been going on since Good Friday. Watching the sun peeking through the clouds and hearing the rainfall. For me its a very "sensual" experience (in that its appealing to my senses- in a pure way). Makes me thank God for those moments when we can just enjoy the beauty of His creation. To see the rain, and the clouds, the sun... to hear it hitting the ground. The little things like that, especially in His presence give "joy". But for me its a feeling I can't describe. I love it.
Ladies, your 'joys' are so beautiful. Thank you :kiss:

I love the gift of love and life that God has given us. Each day we have the gift of unwrapping a new 'Joy', all created by Him, just for us.

May each of you flow in more Joys each moment of everyday of your lives.

In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen :Rose: