Please Share Do You Study The Word?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies....

I am always looking for new and better ways to do the things that are most important. I read my Word, and I do write things down, take notes, highlight. My bible is quite marked--lol! I came across this you tube video and I often visit Courtney's web site called Women Living Well.

Please do YOU study the Word. Let's learn from each other! Who's with me???
I used to mark my Bibles, writing whatever the Lord was speaking to me as I read. Then for years I stopped writing anything. Just got a new Bible Friday, large print with lots of wide margins. Imma be writing again, I can feel it!
@Blackpearl1993 :love2:

Out of the many ways that I study, one of my most dearest is what I've learned from you and all that you share with us...such as the rich Words of Life from Pastor Voddie Beauchamp (sp?) and more.

Thank you for my spirit become richer with each thing you share.

I have a Bible that I have so many highlights and underscores. It is my favorite one. Sometimes the book will just fall open and it is exactly what I need. So much of the Word is instilled in my spirit. Rereading it is refreshing! Amen. This cannot be taken from me.
One thing DH and I haven't done consistently is joint bible study. We usually read separately and get together to discuss.
This year, we started at Genesis by him reading a chapter ALOUD and then, is bouncing thoughts back and forth. It's incredible how much insight is coming from these chapters that are so familiar. I think the reading aloud part + the togetherness are working to double the impact of God's Word on our hearts.
We'll make this into a tradition, especially as our little girl grows and starts understanding the meaning of God's Word. I think family bible reading time would be a great way to keep God in our family.
With a Crayon, I try my best to stick to one color for certain things, like blue for the Law and Pink for things I need to memorize and orange for the promises etc., but sometimes I forget which one I am on and use any old color and its a mess but its cool it still works. my bible is pretty marked but its not unreadable I love how it looks.

I love to have my study with a message so I love certain pastors on youtube and I watch and follow along and mark important scriptures in my notes and then I go back and color them in.

I also listen to scriptures through the night. I have on my kindle and I downloaded some scripture books and listen to them till I fall asleep. I also listen on my cellphone etc., I use to always, always study but now my hours at work are terrible and my traveling I have to make myself remember to do it instead of sleeping.
With a Crayon, I try my best to stick to one color for certain things, like blue for the Law and Pink for things I need to memorize and orange for the promises etc., but sometimes I forget which one I am on and use any old color and its a mess but its cool it still works. my bible is pretty marked but its not unreadable I love how it looks.

I love to have my study with a message so I love certain pastors on youtube and I watch and follow along and mark important scriptures in my notes and then I go back and color them in.

I also listen to scriptures through the night. I have on my kindle and I downloaded some scripture books and listen to them till I fall asleep. I also listen on my cellphone etc., I use to always, always study but now my hours at work are terrible and my traveling I have to make myself remember to do it instead of sleeping.

I need a system but I cannot make marks on sacred scripture. If I don't read it at home consistently, it's hard to remember it all. We read scripture weekly or daily (however one attends mass) but I always forget all the names of the prophets and the organization past the first five books lol. Maybe I should color code it in a separate book and write down all the organization and the summaries of the book in a similar fashion to yours and then my mind will automatically recall the colors.