Please school me on proper baking soda usage!


New Member
I've searched, and not really gotten the basic baking soda 101 that I need.

My ends are dry and crunchy no matter what I do, which I think means I need to clarify. I'd like to try using baking soda to do that with... but I'm not sure how to go about it.

Educate me, please!
I use about 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda in about a quarter size of castile(or your shampoo). If your ends are kind of cruncy you might want to put some moisturizer on those ends immediately afterwards and baggy the ends only. Usuall that's a sign of low moisture. Good luck!

ETA~ My keyboard is tripping, excuse the typos!
Thanks NaturalGurl...

I have been DCing 2x a week, sometimes 3x. I don't understand why my ends are so freaking crunchy, but I thought perhaps I needed to clarify.

My ends are so chewed up right now that I'm getting really discouraged. I hope that clarifying with the baking soda, followed by a DC will help. I'm on a bunning challenge, and I think having my ends in contact with the stupid scrunchi may have done some damage. :sad: Once my hairdini arrives I won't have that problem anymore...
Well, I hate to say it, but maybe snip those ends off if they don't get better in the next couple of weeks. I would do a moisturizing DC then clarify...just in case. Don't want to dry out the hair too much. Since you're bunning, I would bun the ends wet and tuck in. This way they'll have moisture all day and your whole head won't be wet. HTH
I just use a nalgene bottle and mix the baking soda with warm water. I usually use about 2 palmfuls of baking soda. Actually, probably a little more. I pour it over my head while I'm in the shower and I make sure to rub it around my scalp
Make sure you rinse out the baking soda well too, because if there are tiny bits left in the hair, it can lighten the hair a little. Had to learn that the hard way when I started noticing my hair was a slightly lighter color than normal. But make sure to rinse really really well...