Please save her...she really wanna be saved


New Member
Ohhh this is gonna be a long one, here we go again

What did I say in my before thread? I'm still stuck on my ex *sigh*. I go to summer school with him now. He lives 5 minutes away. I am often sooo tempted to go over to his house just to be close to him. Hell, I've even seduced his ass until he was beggin me to come ova so that made me feel better about it, but luckily :rolleyes: my cousin came to town so I couldn't go over. I think the Lord is always watchin me, and thinkin....Krissie wtf get a grip girl. I've been overlookin the last few days and I don't like how I have gotten back to talkin and txtin him everyday. I'm always tellin him problems with my ex....or something. It's kinda like I wish he felt needed by me so we could talk even more

I thought about it too. I just wanna get away from this boi. He doesn't give a damn bout me. Him or my other ex. I was sick like a dog the other day, and I told both of them. The ex that lives near me said, oh well u gotta car go to the doc why r u tellin me. The other was like, I'm hungry then we got to argu in about how he never cares about my needs but he wants me to make a deal out of everything with him.

I know what it is. All the guys in my life right now from my past are dogs. Seriously. My ex near me cheated on his fiance with me, and to me he still does cuz he flirts. My ex at the house is so inconsiderate and can't keep a job for nothing and wants me to take care of him. Another, is still suck in 11th grade has 2 babies and ain't really gettin his life together to support them. Another is just plain lor lame. He has no life, no personality, and always asks me where are we in the relationship of if i have a girl i could hook him up with.

All of these men are just a bad setup, but like I said I keep talkin to them cuz they're the only ones.

I get jealous. My friends close to me, all have good relationships around them. Bootycall or hubby material. They all have somebody. I get lonely sittin up hea, while they're talkin to their man and I'm......on LHCF. :perplexed And I can tell it truly upsets me cuz as I'm writin this post I'm crying, and I never let anyone see me cry, including myself.

Being alone ain't bad. I've had the best times of my life when I'm single, but hell you don't wanna be single ALL the time. Sometimes you just wanna go out chill and actually be with someone the opposite sex.

I went out last night, and it kinda upsets me when even if I wanted, I couldn't just go out and have a guy approach me. It's only happened TWICE in my whole lifetime, and those are the two boyz i'm tryna get away from! People used to say things were gonna change for me once I left high school. I was really hopin for that. But I'm a junior in college, with a beautiful personality, and so much to offer, but I'm still sittin here alone....

It just hasn't been a good week for me....
Hugs for you babe!
We all need to vent now and then. Im sorry this has been a tough week for you. I personally wouldnt be messing with any of those exes from what you described but I can understand that you're lonely. Hang in there! Something has got to give, I believe.:yep:
I am sorry for your pain. (((HUG))). Don't look back. Keep looking ahead, finish school and be the best you that you can. When it is time, you'll have someone find you that really deserves to be in your presence and have you love. Don't settle. EVER.
Do you have any friends who are guys and not ex's? Have you ever had the chance to be single and focus on you and get to know you without being in a relationship? Forget the guys for now they will aways be there and just learn about you. You are young don't get hung up on thinking you to be with a man 24/7. Take a break and really get to know who you are and your likes/dislikes and the things you want to do. I really think you should take this time for you and not be so focused on guys. Learn to enjoy being alone by yourself.

I understand wanting to be loved and wanting attention from guys. It really is true when they say it will happen when you least expect it, that's always been the way it is for me. Go on causal dates with no expectations. Invite a guy friend to hang out (who knows he might have other friends he can introduce you to). Flirt with random guys on the street. Ask friends to set you up on blind dates (no expectations). Instead of waiting for a guy to approach you why not ask them? Just have fun with it and see what happens.

If your ex's aren't the kind of people you want to be with you need to do something differently. Look at your attitude and how and why you are attracting these types of guys to you and see if there's something you can't change. What you think about expands. If you keep dwelling on your feelings of loneliness and your looser ex's that's what you'll get.
Do you have any friends who are guys and not ex's? (Nope except the loser) Have you ever had the chance to be single and focus on you and get to know you without being in a relationship? (This is true, but I hate when people say this. I've been single almost my entire life. My first boyfriend was via net and after that I've only had 2 other relationship. For the most part I'm always single.)Forget the guys for now they will aways be there and just learn about you. You are young don't get hung up on thinking you to be with a man 24/7. (I don't think you need a man to make you happy. No one complete you because you were complete when you were brought into the world, but dang I wish I had someone who would approach me who was ask to chill or even hang out. It's fine to learn who you are and spend time with yourself, but no one wants to be "finding themselves" all the time. Sometimes you just wanna go out flirt, take your hair down, and have fun. I have no one to do that with. If I go out wit friends they always overlook me and go to my friends, and when I go out alone I never get attention. Take a break and really get to know who you are and your likes/dislikes and the things you want to do. I really think you should take this time for you and not be so focused on guys. Learn to enjoy being alone by yourself.

I understand wanting to be loved and wanting attention from guys. It really is true when they say it will happen when you least expect it, that's always been the way it is for me. Go on causal dates with no expectations. (No one to go with and I'm not even playin *sigh* )Invite a guy friend to hang out (who knows he might have other friends he can introduce you to). Flirt with random guys on the street. (I think I flirt too much already haha.) Ask friends to set you up on blind dates (no expectations). Instead of waiting for a guy to approach you why not ask them? ( try it. LOL I don't care how kute you are if you have that hobble in your walk haha asking guys out to even chill ends up with the answer.....I'm kinda busy this week. Just have fun with it and see what happens.

If your ex's aren't the kind of people you want to be with you need to do something differently. (This is so true. It must be some reason why I attract guys who I am not into at all. It's like we don't see eye to eye at all.) Look at your attitude and how and why you are attracting these types of guys to you and see if there's something you can't change. What you think about expands. If you keep dwelling on your feelings of loneliness and your looser ex's that's what you'll get.

Dang I am thinkin a bit negatively today....I'ma go back and think about everything and change my outlook, and think of something to do. Maybe I'll go get my eyebrows done, nails did and clear my face up and start back working out to keep my mind occupied. Or maybe I just need some fresh air...I'm just a lil down right now.
Dang I am thinkin a bit negatively today....I'ma go back and think about everything and change my outlook, and think of something to do. Maybe I'll go get my eyebrows done, nails did and clear my face up and start back working out to keep my mind occupied. Or maybe I just need some fresh air...I'm just a lil down right now.

We've all been there girl. The only thing I can tell you is to stay positive. It's ok to feel down every now and then but try not to dwell on the negative.
Ohhh this is gonna be a long one, here we go again

What did I say in my before thread? I'm still stuck on my ex *sigh*. I go to summer school with him now. He lives 5 minutes away. I am often sooo tempted to go over to his house just to be close to him. Hell, I've even seduced his ass until he was beggin me to come ova so that made me feel better about it, but luckily :rolleyes: my cousin came to town so I couldn't go over. I think the Lord is always watchin me, and thinkin....Krissie wtf get a grip girl. I've been overlookin the last few days and I don't like how I have gotten back to talkin and txtin him everyday. I'm always tellin him problems with my ex....or something. It's kinda like I wish he felt needed by me so we could talk even more

I thought about it too. I just wanna get away from this boi. He doesn't give a damn bout me. Him or my other ex. I was sick like a dog the other day, and I told both of them. The ex that lives near me said, oh well u gotta car go to the doc why r u tellin me. The other was like, I'm hungry then we got to argu in about how he never cares about my needs but he wants me to make a deal out of everything with him.

I know what it is. All the guys in my life right now from my past are dogs. Seriously. My ex near me cheated on his fiance with me, and to me he still does cuz he flirts. My ex at the house is so inconsiderate and can't keep a job for nothing and wants me to take care of him. Another, is still suck in 11th grade has 2 babies and ain't really gettin his life together to support them. Another is just plain lor lame. He has no life, no personality, and always asks me where are we in the relationship of if i have a girl i could hook him up with.

All of these men are just a bad setup, but like I said I keep talkin to them cuz they're the only ones.

I get jealous. My friends close to me, all have good relationships around them. Bootycall or hubby material. They all have somebody. I get lonely sittin up hea, while they're talkin to their man and I'm......on LHCF. :perplexed And I can tell it truly upsets me cuz as I'm writin this post I'm crying, and I never let anyone see me cry, including myself.

Being alone ain't bad. I've had the best times of my life when I'm single, but hell you don't wanna be single ALL the time. Sometimes you just wanna go out chill and actually be with someone the opposite sex.

I went out last night, and it kinda upsets me when even if I wanted, I couldn't just go out and have a guy approach me. It's only happened TWICE in my whole lifetime, and those are the two boyz i'm tryna get away from! People used to say things were gonna change for me once I left high school. I was really hopin for that. But I'm a junior in college, with a beautiful personality, and so much to offer, but I'm still sittin here alone....

It just hasn't been a good week for me....
:hug2: Everything is going to be alright Krazynkute. One day, when you are not looking, someone just for YOU will show up and you'll be delightfully surprised. It took YEARS to meet someone who really cares for me and wants to be around me and it happened when I was 48 years old. In the meantime, continue to hone your skills; make a life for yourself, keep your wit and beauty sharp. When HE comes, you must be ready! Keep smiling for this too, shall pass. :kiss:
:hug2: Everything is going to be alright Krazynkute. One day, when you are not looking, someone just for YOU will show up and you'll be delightfully surprised. It took YEARS to meet someone who really cares for me and wants to be around me and it happened when I was 48 years old. In the meantime, continue to hone your skills; make a life for yourself, keep your wit and beauty sharp. When HE comes, you must be ready! Keep smiling for this too, shall pass. :kiss:

Aww I love that scripture and song by India. Jan you are soooo sweet!! I luv you ladies!

But yeah I'll be aight, I'm just a lil down today :perplexed I think everyone has those lonely dayz, especially when it's gloomy outside. *sigh* I just wish someone could look past physical imperfections and get to know me....

...At least my hair look kute :rolleyes:
Here's a ((hug)).

I totally feel where you are coming from. I'm actually in that mode right now.. and I'm ALOT older than you. :) I'd love to tell you that it gets easier, but it really doesn't. I am just now (at 35) trying to learn how to love myself (flaws and all) and really get into ME and not worry so much about being single. Looking at my friends who have husbands and boyfriends---the grass is not always greener. They have problems/issues too, so just take this time and enjoy it. . . b/c one day you'll wake up and youll have that husband and kids and you'll be longing for the days when it was just "you".

So do your hair (we love that), play some music, read some good books, take yourself out for a treat (nails, feet, or--whatever the college budget allows).

I'm telling you this b/c I'm trying to do this myself :) I'm even going so far as to say self love affirmations everyday--okay, gonna start that tomorrow, but you get the point.