Please review my regime: shedding and breakage.


Well-Known Member
My hair has been shedding and breaking like crazy! Please review my regime and tell me what I am doing wrong.

I do not use heat at all.
I either bun, or roller set
I deep condition and hot oil treat my hair once I week: Suave almond butter, honey, olive oil
I moisture and seal once a day: Cantu Shea Butter, and castor oil, avacado oil and olive oil mixture
I co wash three times a week: Suave almond butter.
I wash my hair three times a week: Senson (sp) blue medicaited. I have psoriasis so this is a must to keep it under controll. The days I wash my hair I also co wash. Even though I only use the shampoo on my scalp sometimes it gets on my hair and dries it up.
My hair has been shedding and breaking like crazy! Please review my regime and tell me what I am doing wrong.

I do not use heat at all.
I either bun, or roller set
I deep condition and hot oil treat my hair once I week: Suave almond butter, honey, olive oil
I moisture and seal once a day: Cantu Shea Butter, and castor oil, avacado oil and olive oil mixture
I co wash three times a week: Suave almond butter.
I wash my hair three times a week: Senson (sp) blue medicaited. I have psoriasis so this is a must to keep it under controll. The days I wash my hair I also co wash. Even though I only use the shampoo on my scalp sometimes it gets on my hair and dries it up.

The stuff you're moisturizing your hair with is not moisturizing. Moisture means water (or water based). Keep your oil mix to seal but Cantu is not the best moisturizer.

Since you have to shampoo your hair 3 times a week for your condition, skip the co-washing. It's too much manipulation on your hair. I would find a really good conditioner to use after the shampoo and go from there.

Are you air drying afterward? If not, I would recommend it since you have to shampoo so frequently. Any type of heat, even indirect, is too much at 3+ times per week. You can band your hair to keep it tamed during air drying.

I would also recommend getting a better DC. Over manipulation and under moisturized is my guess. Also, what tools do you use to groom your hair with? I'm mobile so I can't see your join date. How long have you been on your hhj?

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Cantu has protein in it. The breakage could be from your everyday usage of the Cantu.

Sent from a land where women rule.....
I don't think the Suave condish is a deep conditioner. I believe it's an instant conditioner. Try using a moisturizer without protein or alternating between Cantu and a moisturizing moisturizer. And I def agree with the over manipulation from all the co-washing and such.
topnotch1010 Thank you so much. I think that you are right I do over manipulate my hair too much. I deeop condition and hot oil treat my hair once a week. I mix my pils, conditioner, and honey. I use it as a DC. I am also going ot lay off of the she butter. I only use a wide tooth comb to do my hair with. I do not use any tye of heat, I air dry (shirt method) my hair.

MsDes I use suave as a deep conditioner. I mix it with honey and my oils and heat it up.