Welcome to the forum....

You will definatley have to do your fair share of reading and research to grow long hair.

Good luck to you! You found a good place!
Whats the status of your hair?
relaxed, natural? length? current regimen? and what would you like help with??
Welcome to the Forum. As stated before we need the stats of your hair.

Current Length:


Hair type:

Current Regimen:

Do your reading hear first there are many ways to achieve this. Patience and care is the main thing. Growth and retention will take time and commitment. Please be mindful all the member here with beautiful long hair did not achieve this overnight. A lot of have had set backs and a lot are still learning. There is no magic pill.

Welcome, we are all here to help you and eachother.

First of all let me say THANKYOU SO MUCH!! My hair is about 1/2 inch under my ears and its thick. It grows in sections and the new growth is tight and vey dry. I relax every 4 weeks because if I don't it comes out like crazy. i wash with silkelements and deep conditon with visions. i set with sil elements foam and when I comb the curls out it breaks off in long and short pieces. I have started taking 5000biotin, A/G Pro, Super B complex, and a sublingual stress tab. How do I stop the breakage, the dry feel and the frequent relaxers, also i would like to know my hair type and what types of treatments to use. please bear with me i am new and i have always wanted long hair so i am also very sad!!

I used to relax my teenage daughters hair every 4 weeks, and it was horrible. Their hair broke and thinned something terrible. I now stretch our relaxers at least 3-5 months. Since then it has helped a lot w/ the thickness.

My suggestion to you, is use this board to the fullest. Don't be afraid to ask questions, share ideas, and supportive by sharing your do's and don'ts.

I am still new, and learning everyday. Sometimes its a lot to take in and gets overwhelming. The one thing I wished I could HAVE DONE is KNOW MY REGIMEN....would have save a lot of $$$, unfortunately what works for some doesn't work for everyone.

Take it one day at a time, take pics, and have a lot of patience....and join some challenges you think would benefit you.

Hi :wave:Welcome to the Forum!

Try to incorporate some deep conditioning in your regimen. A moisturizing Conditioner and a Protein/Moisture Conditioner.

With time and knowledge you will achieve your hair goals:yep:!
First of all let me say THANKYOU SO MUCH!! My hair is about 1/2 inch under my ears and its thick. It grows in sections and the new growth is tight and vey dry. I relax every 4 weeks because if I don't it comes out like crazy. i wash with silkelements and deep conditon with visions. i set with sil elements foam and when I comb the curls out it breaks off in long and short pieces. I have started taking 5000biotin, A/G Pro, Super B complex, and a sublingual stress tab. How do I stop the breakage, the dry feel and the frequent relaxers, also i would like to know my hair type and what types of treatments to use. please bear with me i am new and i have always wanted long hair so i am also very sad!!

Welcome to the forum Longhaircraver :wave:
I suggest that you read over all of the information on this forum to find possible solutions to your concerns for your hair. In most cases, the answers to all of your questions may not be found in one thread, but in a combination of several threads. I suggest that you do searches on
1) Stretching relaxers
2) Deep conditioners and leave in conditioners
3) Stopping breakage

I believe that you came to the right place to start your hair journey and to get your hair on track.
Welcome to LHCF! You'll love this site! The other sisters have given great advice. I really don't have much to add other than: HAVE PATIENCE, do your research, focus on HEALTHY hair first. Length will come once you stop the breakage.:yep: Also,try not to jump on every single bandwagon. Take your time so you can choose your products and create a regimen that works for you.:yep:

Good luck and Happy Hair Growing!