Please pray that I don't do anything outside of God will


New Member
Ok ladies I just joined Friday but I have been reading your post for a minute.I feel like Im crying inside because of the emptyiness I feel daily.I pray,I study the word,listen to my Joyce Meyer cds and I try to encourge others since I don't feel worth to encourge myself.I guess at the core I don't feel worth anything.Nothing I seem to do is impressive to myself.Im the 1st to have a college degree,car,and own apartment in my family.I dont have any kids or lazy negros laying around.But I feel so alone.I have never been a big on crying since I was raised that crying was a form of weakness.But lately its been poping out and I hate it.I don't believe that any form of help would help me.All I can think about is getting a pistol and placing on my temple and pulling the trigger.I know the devil wants that and my mother says if I was to do something it would hurt her but Im tired of living for others.I always have to think about what Im doing and how it may affect someone..if it will hurt their feelings.And I want to scream that people do stuff to me all the time and I doubt they think about my feelings.I feel alone but I know Im not alone per se.Ladies please pray I dont want to do anything but Im tired of merely existing.

I want to encourage you to live for Jesus! You are a child of God and that alone makes your life worth living. Christ gave His life for you because of His undying love for you. Even the hairs on your head are numbered (Luke 12:17). That's how much you are worth to the Creator of the universe! Don't take your life because He has so much to do with and for you!

Jeremiah 29:11-14 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Psalm 139:13-14 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

I am praying for you and will send you a PM!

With love.
I have never been a big on crying since I was raised that crying was a form of weakness.But lately its been poping out and I hate it.I don't believe that any form of help would help me.All I can think about is getting a pistol and placing on my temple and pulling the trigger.

Please take me very seriously. You have some type of depression and you need intervention. You can pray, however, you need help immediately in the physical, not just spiritual. This is the 800 National Suice and Crisis Intervention Hotline. Do not to someone.


USA National Suicide Hotlines​
Toll-Free / 24 hours / 7 days a week​
TTY: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)​

Secondly, you need to see a doctor because you might have a chemical imbalance brought on my an illness or other temporary condition, perhaps exposure to something that is wreaking havoc on you and you are unsure why you feel this way. Please keep in touch with us and let us know you are safe and have gotten help. Pray, yes, certainly pray....but you need counseling. Please seek help in addition to praying.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
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Oh Girl...I know everyone will say Jesus loves you and, I am sure you know he does, but I believe one of the best things you can do right now (besides continuing to pray and read, etc...) is getting into some form of christian community group. It may seem lame or unnecessary but believe me, having christian people around you to talk with and encourage you helps so much. My pastor said this past week that people leave the church because they have not formed relationships or they have disfunctional relationships with the people in the church. And not that they have a problem with Jesus at all.

I will pray that God will keep your heart and mind close to him and send encouraging christians your way to be a sounding board in your most trying times.

Dont give up and dont give in. Your presence is needed in this world now and for years to come.
Ok ladies I just joined Friday but I have been reading your post for a minute.I feel like Im crying inside because of the emptyiness I feel daily.I pray,I study the word,listen to my Joyce Meyer cds and I try to encourge others since I don't feel worth to encourge myself.I guess at the core I don't feel worth anything.Nothing I seem to do is impressive to myself.Im the 1st to have a college degree,car,and own apartment in my family.I dont have any kids or lazy negros laying around.But I feel so alone.I have never been a big on crying since I was raised that crying was a form of weakness.But lately its been poping out and I hate it.I don't believe that any form of help would help me.All I can think about is getting a pistol and placing on my temple and pulling the trigger.I know the devil wants that and my mother says if I was to do something it would hurt her but Im tired of living for others.I always have to think about what Im doing and how it may affect someone..if it will hurt their feelings.And I want to scream that people do stuff to me all the time and I doubt they think about my feelings.I feel alone but I know Im not alone per se.Ladies please pray I dont want to do anything but Im tired of merely existing.

Oh my. I didn't see that. :pray:

Please follow all instructions above and go be with someone you love.
Ok ladies I just joined Friday but I have been reading your post for a minute.I feel like Im crying inside because of the emptyiness I feel daily.I pray,I study the word,listen to my Joyce Meyer cds and I try to encourge others since I don't feel worth to encourge myself.I guess at the core I don't feel worth anything.Nothing I seem to do is impressive to myself.Im the 1st to have a college degree,car,and own apartment in my family.I dont have any kids or lazy negros laying around.But I feel so alone.I have never been a big on crying since I was raised that crying was a form of weakness.But lately its been poping out and I hate it.

I don't believe that any form of help would help me.

All I can think about is getting a pistol and placing on my temple and pulling the trigger.I know the devil wants that and my mother says if I was to do something it would hurt her but Im tired of living for others.I always have to think about what Im doing and how it may affect someone..if it will hurt their feelings.

And I want to scream that people do stuff to me all the time and I doubt they think about my feelings. I feel alone but I know Im not alone per se.

Ladies please pray I dont want to do anything but Im tired of merely existing.

Coco... :grouphug2: Honey, it's not your time to leave us nor here, Baby. It's not your time.

Baby is there anyone that you can call who can take you to the hospital?

Baby, you cannot be alone. Not like this, Sweetheart. I'm praying for God to surround you with all of the Love you need to get you through this. Sweetie don't stay home alone.

There are people who love you so much and will bend over backwards to help you, right where you are.

I'm posting these numbers to the Suicide 24 hour helplines. They can get help to you. We are still here for you, Babygirl. Please know this in your heart. We are still here for you. :love3:

National Suicide Hotlines:

1. 1-800-273-8255

2. 1-800-784-2433

Babygirl, call them NOW, they are waiting to help you. They can get help to you. Baby, please call them now.

You're too important to us to lose you. :love2: :kiss: :love2:
Please take me very seriously. You have some type of depression and you need intervention. You can pray, however, you need help immediately in the physical, not just spiritual. This is the 800 National Suice and Crisis Intervention Hotline. Do not to someone.


USA National Suicide Hotlines​
Toll-Free / 24 hours / 7 days a week​
TTY: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)​

Secondly, you need to see a doctor because you might have a chemical imbalance brought on my an illness or other temporary condition, perhaps exposure to something that is wreaking havoc on you and you are unsure why you feel this way. Please keep in touch with us and let us know you are safe and have gotten help. Pray, yes, certainly pray....but you need counseling. Please seek help in addition to praying.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."

Cosign every word. Please do call one of the help lines, they truly are a blessing.
Still here for you, Sweet CoCo... :kiss:

The love and the prayers are still here.

I also sent you a Private Message. Just know that many people are here for you, keeping you surrounded with love and prayers. :circle: :love3:

Father in the name of Jesus... you know what to do for this Babygirls' hurt and pain far beyond our knowledge. Let her be safe. Give her the love and the peace she needs.

Let there be people who know how to help her who will come to her physical location and help her. Let her reach out to those who can help her and keep her safe from all harm.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen, I remain in loving prayer. :Rose:
Sweet CoCo... I saw this message from Yodie and it's for you, Babygirl:

Wanted to share these lyrics to "It Ain't Over" by Maurette Brown Clark. Just heard this song over the weekend and it blessed me as it reminded me that even though some situations in my life look dead, it (whatever yours or my "it" is) ain't over until God says...

I highly suggest you take a listen in Itunes or another music program.
Be blessed and remember....whatever you're believing God for, whatever you're taking to Him in prayer, your situation that looks impossible.... 'It Ain't Over UNTIL GOD SAYS SO.

Verse I
I know the odds are stacked against you
And it seems there's no way out
I know the issue seems unchangeable
And that there's no reason to shout
But the impossible is God's chance
To work a miracle, a miracle
So just know

It ain't over until God says it's over
It ain't over until God says it's done
It ain't over until God says it's over
Keep fighting until your victory is won

Verse II
He never said it would be easy
But you're a winner in the end
Jesus defeated all your enemies
Way before the fight began
But the impossible is God's chance
To work a miracle, a miracle
So just know


When people say you can't, remember
(He can, He can)
When you don't know what to do,
Please remember
(He has the master plan)
He will free you from your sin
And give you peace within
So hold your head up high
You're gonna win
(You're gonna win)


Keep fighting, keep praying, keep fasting
It ain't over, no
Keep pressing, progressing, keep moving
It ain't over, no
Keep reading, interceding, keep believing
It ain't over, no
Keep trusting, keep trying, keep travailing
It ain't over, no
Keep living, keep giving, keep going
It ain't over, no (8x)
Keep fighting until your victory is won

Here's the song in video... It's for you Babygirl. God says 'It's not over', Babygirl. It's not over for you. :kiss:
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I know that if you're reaching out, then you want to stay here on earth. You're just looking for a REASON to stay. I know these numbers will definitely help you, and you need to find encouraging people to be around you. Nothing erodes the spirit like negativity (even if it's false friends who say back handed compliments, etc). You may also need to look at your life. I know that I was very depressed and didn't think I'd ever get out of it. No amount of self help tapes or counseling helped until one day I took a look at my life. I realized I wasn't where I wanted to be. I didn't feel like I was living my purpose. I didn't like my job, I had false friends, I was severely sad about regrets as well. Well I decided I would be brave and change my life. That's the day I applied to graduate school to change my direction. It didn't solve all the problems but it certainly took a lot of weight off, just like leaving false friends alone and other steps I started taking. Please fight to stay because you have a lot to live for!
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Ok ladies I just joined Friday but I have been reading your post for a minute.I feel like Im crying inside because of the emptyiness I feel daily.I pray,I study the word,listen to my Joyce Meyer cds and I try to encourge others since I don't feel worth to encourge myself.I guess at the core I don't feel worth anything.Nothing I seem to do is impressive to myself.Im the 1st to have a college degree,car,and own apartment in my family.I dont have any kids or lazy negros laying around.But I feel so alone.I have never been a big on crying since I was raised that crying was a form of weakness.But lately its been poping out and I hate it.I don't believe that any form of help would help me.All I can think about is getting a pistol and placing on my temple and pulling the trigger.I know the devil wants that and my mother says if I was to do something it would hurt her but Im tired of living for others.I always have to think about what Im doing and how it may affect someone..if it will hurt their feelings.And I want to scream that people do stuff to me all the time and I doubt they think about my feelings.I feel alone but I know Im not alone per se.Ladies please pray I dont want to do anything but Im tired of merely existing.

Welcome to the forum! Girl I have been where you been. I came through a season of this- I really did not too long ago. Girl My Heart Goes out to you! You are so in my prayers! I had to truly just submit all I had to Jesus. I had to literally plead the Blood of the Lamb over my situations. I had to walk by faith one second at a time. Jesus loves you! I love you, we all love you! I had to just pray with my Pastor and his Wife b/c the attack was so intense. Today as I sit and type this-You are a daughter of the most High King. He knows the good plans he has instore for you. In my own season I also found out why? I went through all of these ups/downs is because satan knew what Perfect Plans God has instore for me, you, and everybody!

You will make it. You will overcome! Take this one second at a time. The hotlines these ladies are giving you call them. God has a Plan for your life a Good Plan. Remember Jesus put his life on the line for you! Call the numbers given, please take the advice given. So many have been where you are at and God has made a way out of no way!

Please PM me! I am here for you as well as these wonderful ladies here on this forum.

Remember you are Loved, Jesus Loves you, your family loves you and we all here love you!

You are loved, God loves you and we love you. Please know that. Please use the numbers that the wonderful ladies on this board have provided for you and speak to someone who can help you. Also please seek counsel and know that God is your protection. Live for Him. He knows your beautiful heart and can deliver you from whatever situation you are going through right now. You are too important to Christ, to your family and to us. We all are praying for you, you are a beautiful woman whom God has blessed you. I will send you a PM shortly. God has not brought you this far to leave you. Please belive in Him and His miraculous power.

I hope and pray that you are doing alright. Hang in there! People will fail you in this life but God never will. Sometimes we find ourselves doubting whether God is really in the midst of everything, but He is. That is something that you can rest assured of...
Amen... great post. I stand in agreement :yep: Faith is more than just praying but also taking action. We need to do what we can in the Natural so God can meet us with his Super where we are....

Please take me very seriously. You have some type of depression and you need intervention. You can pray, however, you need help immediately in the physical, not just spiritual. This is the 800 National Suice and Crisis Intervention Hotline. Do not to someone.


USA National Suicide Hotlines​
Toll-Free / 24 hours / 7 days a week​
TTY: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)​

Secondly, you need to see a doctor because you might have a chemical imbalance brought on my an illness or other temporary condition, perhaps exposure to something that is wreaking havoc on you and you are unsure why you feel this way. Please keep in touch with us and let us know you are safe and have gotten help. Pray, yes, certainly pray....but you need counseling. Please seek help in addition to praying.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
CocoDiva4 -

You are loved here on this forum.....God has people in place to help you. Please don't be afraid to reach out.

You have so many options so please don't allow the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy the promises that God has for you.

You can call the hotline number that was already provided; stop by a church and ask to speak with a Pastor or minister; and or make an emergency doctor's appointment.

We ALL love you and praying you through....May the Lord dispatch his angels around you and guide you by the apple of His eye.

Things will get better for you....don't give up.:bighug:
BREATHE sweetie, its the enemy, its the enemy, its the enemy. He puts the most sick twisted thoughts in our head and we have to grab hold and cling desperately to who we are in Christ to turn those thoughts away. Your perception is foggy right now and I think you know that, but you also know that you're really unhappy and something is missing. Please search for more joy in your life. Christ WANTS you to have an abundant life thats meaningful. Meaningful isn't what you have, what you've managed to accomplish or how few mistakes you've made. Real, authentic, abundant life is MESSY, LET YOURSELF CRY. You're letting out all the tears you've held back all these years. He wants you to let Go and let Him, its time to let Him REALLY be in charge, and in order to do that He's got to break you. I was taught that crying was weakness too. Now I find myself crying at the oddest moments and I'm starting to feel relieved when it happens, because as I'm crying I'm crying out to Him to fill me. Its through our "holes" that love gets in. As you start to become much more vulnerable to Him, you'll also learn to be more vulnerable with others, and that's how you build real relationships and have true fellowship. And girl, we all need people that we can let it all hang out with or we'll go crazy!

The same love and forgiveness you give to others you give to yourself day after day after day. Allow yourself to just let loose and do you. What are you passionate about? When was the last time you laughed and laughed for no reason at all? Start going after those burdens that God has put in your heart, I hope that this difficult time becomes a blessing to you in some way and encourages you to have FULL life.

I'm praying for you my dear. You will get through this.
Ladies with great tears in my eyes coming from the depth of my soul thank you.The numbers were useful but I know that this is breaking me down way down.It trips me out sometimes that the devil must really hate me like really hates me because he wants me out so bad.God's plan must be really something because the devil doesn go in over time for losers.I know deep down that this is won and the victory is mine.God keeps showing up and showing out through people that I would think wouldn't care about me.I can feel the passion and love in your words.It aint over til God says its over.I know my goals in life my be a minute away but I have to think all I have gone through I can't quit now.I have been raped,molested,tricked for goods,shacked up,but I a 1st generation college student who has her own with no kids and I know my life could be better I could have been wiser in my choices but at least Im trying to deal with my issues so I won't end up like my step father who is bitter angry and just has checked out of life.

Thank you ladies so much.I can't say it enough.
I totally agree with the "enemy" statements above. It makes you think there is no way out. But GOD always has a plan. There is always a way. There is light if you search for it. It may hurt, take time, but if you keep pressing on, you WILL get there.
The disciples...followed Jesus. Mary of Nazareth, followed her son, Jesus. Joseph the carpenter, followed his earthly son, Jesus. People looked at him and repented and...followed him, for He loved them deep into their souls...G-d was calling them to follow Jesus. When you attempt to follow G-d, the devil will try and pull you from your path. We shouldn't be concerned just how much satan hates us...we should rather be concerned with just how much G-d loves us...and it's infinitely times and degrees greater. When you see the enemy's attacks...don't look at him, look to follow Jesus. Tell Him daily, "Jesus, I trust in You, I trust in your mercy."
Please don't do anything crazy hon! We love you here at LHCF. You obviously have so much to offer this world and that is why you are still here. I know that life can seem mundane at times and stressful but its at those times that God carries us when we don't feel him walking besides us. You are precious babygirl!

If you were the only one to accept Jesus's gift of salvation on this earth, he would have still come down because one soul to him is precious and that is how much you are valued! The devil is a liar! Continue to press on and please join a sound bible believing community asap. Feel free to pm me ok luv!
Ladies with great tears in my eyes coming from the depth of my soul thank you.

The numbers were useful but I know that this is breaking me down way down. It trips me out sometimes that the devil must really hate me like really hates me because he wants me out so bad. God's plan must be really something because the devil doesn go in over time for losers.

I know deep down that this is won and the victory is mine.God keeps showing up and showing out through people that I would think wouldn't care about me.I can feel the passion and love in your words.

It aint over til God says its over. I know my goals in life my be a minute away but I have to think all I have gone through I can't quit now.

I have been raped,molested,tricked for goods,shacked up, but I a 1st generation college student who has her own with no kids and I know my life could be better I could have been wiser in my choices but at least Im trying to deal with my issues so I won't end up like my step father who is bitter angry and just has checked out of life.

Thank you ladies so much.I can't say it enough.

:kiss: Hey Sweet CoCo, Welcome Back to Life and to 'us'. :kiss:

We were worried about you; because we've taken you into our hearts and we love you. :yep: Indeed... :yep:

I praise God for His everlasting love and protection that He has over you. From the crown of your head and inside out, completely throughout your entire being.

In the name of Jesus I come against every single generation curse that has tried to overcome you. Every curse that has tried to take home in your mind, to mis-direct your thoughts and try to persuade you in a path of darkness and not light.

I thank God that Jesus is your Light and even more, He is your Love for you are more assuredly, His Love, forever and evermore.

You have a gift of Life that no other has been matched and that no other can replace if you are not here. For one of the most beautiful gifts of Life and Love in this earth, is you... having you among us and in the lives of others.

There is no un-doing of God's plan for your life. And these are more than words... they are Truth and in Truth there is always life and in life there is always you. You are just that important and special and you always will be. Always. Always. Always.

Sweet CoCo, remember this always:

"No man taketh your life, least you lay it down, and if you do lay it down, you have the power to take it back up as your Father in Heaven has commanded you to."

You see, no matter how low you may feel, it cannot take your life. God will not allow it to. And if you do feel low, you have the power to bring yourself back up, for in God you can do all things through Him that He has commanded you to. And God has commanded you to live and not die and kick the devil in the eye. :hardslap: :yep: :bat: :cup: :woot:

I love you Little Sister. :love5:

Awesome...simply beautiful posts Shimmie & Janice... I feel God's love for our dear Sister in Christ, not just from you two but everyone in this thread. :yep:

GV - I agree that in times of stress, uncertainty and pain, we must look to Jesus. SOMETIMES, we can give the devil more credit than he deserves to the point where it looks like we forget about Jesus. But that's when it's of our own doing, IMHO.

When bad thoughts invade our minds and put a stronghold on our minds, that's not of God and it must be dealt with, with His help. Praying alone won't help, if faith (works) isn't applied. But God is more powerful than any "enemy" so when times like these come, we call for our Daddy to help us put the devil back right back where he belongs: under our feet!

Dear Father, I pray that you break every stronghold on this dear sister's mind..the spirit of depression, the spirit of fear, the spirit of shame. They have NO place in her life! I pray that you bring the right people into her life at this dark hour, people who will love her and encourage her. Not only online but where she is right now, as she goes through this incredible test of her faith.

Father, we know that your hands are on her and this makes satan stock-raving mad. We have no fear, for we know you will protect her. You said in your Word that you will never leave us nor forsake us, and I know that you will be there for her every step of the way. Thank you Jesus, for making her whole again. Thank you for easing her pain and for giving her hope so that she can be a blessing and a testament of Faith to others. That's what this is all about Lord, and we know this. Thank you Lord for meeting her where she is, for she is one of your blessed Children. We Praise you for her victory and we thank you for what you have done, are doing and will do in her life. She's your Child, Lord, and we thank you for her. This I pray, in Jesus' mighty name, Amen
Dear Coco,

:welcome3: to the ForHim... I'm thankful to see that you are OK and checked in. Don't think for a minute no one cares.

God keeps showing up, because wherever you are, there he is. :yep: He will never leave you nor forsake you, no matter how low you feel. There's nothing he can't fix. Just know that you are loved and appreciated here.

God bless :rosebud:

Ladies with great tears in my eyes coming from the depth of my soul thank you.The numbers were useful but I know that this is breaking me down way down.It trips me out sometimes that the devil must really hate me like really hates me because he wants me out so bad.God's plan must be really something because the devil doesn go in over time for losers.I know deep down that this is won and the victory is mine.God keeps showing up and showing out through people that I would think wouldn't care about me.I can feel the passion and love in your words.It aint over til God says its over.I know my goals in life my be a minute away but I have to think all I have gone through I can't quit now.I have been raped,molested,tricked for goods,shacked up,but I a 1st generation college student who has her own with no kids and I know my life could be better I could have been wiser in my choices but at least Im trying to deal with my issues so I won't end up like my step father who is bitter angry and just has checked out of life.

Thank you ladies so much.I can't say it enough.
Awesome...simply beautiful posts Shimmie & Janice... I feel God's love for our dear Sister in Christ, not just from you two but everyone in this thread. :yep:

GV - I agree that in times of stress, uncertainty and pain, we must look to Jesus. SOMETIMES, we can give the devil more credit than he deserves to the point where it looks like we forget about Jesus. But that's when it's of our own doing, IMHO.

When bad thoughts invade our minds and put a stronghold on our minds, that's not of God and it must be dealt with, with His help. Praying alone won't help, if faith (works) isn't applied. But God is more powerful than any "enemy" so when times like these come, we call for our Daddy to help us put the devil back right back where he belongs: under our feet!

Dear Father, I pray that you break every stronghold on this dear sister's mind..the spirit of depression, the spirit of fear, the spirit of shame. They have NO place in her life! I pray that you bring the right people into her life at this dark hour, people who will love her and encourage her. Not only online but where she is right now, as she goes through this incredible test of her faith.

Father, we know that your hands are on her and this makes satan stock-raving mad. We have no fear, for we know you will protect her. You said in your Word that you will never leave us nor forsake us, and I know that you will be there for her every step of the way. Thank you Jesus, for making her whole again.

Thank you for easing her pain and for giving her hope so that she can be a blessing and a testament of Faith to others. That's what this is all about Lord, and we know this.

Thank you Lord for meeting her where she is, for she is one of your blessed Children. We Praise you for her victory and we thank you for what you have done, are doing and will do in her life. She's your Child, Lord, and we thank you for her.

This I pray, in Jesus' mighty name, Amen

This entire prayer, full of love and God's all mighty power. :giveheart:

Sweet CoCo is our new Baby Sister... and we love her much. :love3:
The same love and forgiveness you give to others you give to yourself day after day after day. Allow yourself to just let loose and do you. What are you passionate about? When was the last time you laughed and laughed for no reason at all? Start going after those burdens that God has put in your heart, I hope that this difficult time becomes a blessing to you in some way and encourages you to have FULL life.

I'm praying for you my dear. You will get through this.

Sooo true! Beautifully said!
Praise God

Coco, I am so blessed that you checked in with us today. You been on my heart yesterday and I am so blessed that we serve an Awesome God who Loves to answer our prayers! Coco, remember this always God loves you, and we all love you! You are a daughter of the Most High King! Take it one step at a time. You are in my prayers!