Please Pray, My bestfriend's Father just passed

She is in the navy, not scheduled to come to land till Nov 13th, her father just had a stroke and passed. She is in a situtation. I am praying for God to comfort her, please ladies pray for her as she is in a situation were right now she is not able to come back to the states...
She is in the navy, not scheduled to come to land till Nov 13th, her father just had a stroke and passed. She is in a situtation. I am praying for God to comfort her, please ladies pray for her as she is in a situation were right now she is not able to come back to the states...
I prayed for your friend and wish the best for her and her family. Dont cease to pray for her.
God is able to keep those who need to be kept in a time of sorrow. Praying for the family in Jesus Name.
Yes, I will be praying for her. She is going to need lots of comfort during this time. You are a good friend for sharing this with us. Blessings to you.