Please pray for my twin(kinda urgent)


Well-Known Member
Please pray for my twin. So he's been waiting to go into the Air Force for a while now and they finally called him back with a job. (He's already in AF technically) The job is for an aerial gunner. (shooting from a helicopter) He's been depressed lately and having a hard time lately and just wants to leave. So he's seriously thinking of taking it. He went over yesterday to visit his gf so he was with her when they got the call and she's encouraging him to take the job.:nono: I'm afraid he's going to take it just based on a temporary situation he's going through. I understand we all have to make decisions but he shouldn't do something based on his feelings. My parents (and I) are strongly against it. He doesn't want to talk about it to my father who is a AF retiree. My mom was in the AF too. I'm so worried.

I don't think that this is the job for him at all. Just because something is offered doesn't mean it's for you. I want to tell him that but our relationship isn't that close even though I wish it were. And I know the recruiter said to take the first job offered because you never know when you'l get another offer or what it will be but I just don't think it's right. He scored so high on his asvat and this was never his intent with the military.

Oh for a timeline. He was called today if he accepts he'll be leaving tomorrow. So please keep in prayer.
Please pray for my twin. So he's been waiting to go into the Air Force for a while now and they finally called him back with a job. (He's already in AF technically) The job is for an aerial gunner. (shooting from a helicopter) He's been depressed lately and having a hard time lately and just wants to leave. So he's seriously thinking of taking it. He went over yesterday to visit his gf so he was with her when they got the call and she's encouraging him to take the job.

:nono: I'm afraid he's going to take it just based on a temporary situation he's going through. I understand we all have to make decisions but he shouldn't do something based on his feelings. My parents (and I) are strongly against it. He doesn't want to talk about it to my father who is a AF retiree. My mom was in the AF too. I'm so worried.

I don't think that this is the job for him at all. Just because something is offered doesn't mean it's for you. I want to tell him that but our relationship isn't that close even though I wish it were. And I know the recruiter said to take the first job offered because you never know when you'l get another offer or what it will be but I just don't think it's right. He scored so high on his asvat and this was never his intent with the military.

Oh for a timeline. He was called today if he accepts he'll be leaving tomorrow. So please keep in prayer.

Precious brg, don't be afraid. :giveheart: God has your brother's path in His hands.

Father, we come to you in loving prayer and in faith believing that there is absolutely nothing that you cannot do. This we know for thou art God. And that being so, as God you have ordained a specific Destiny for each of us.

We thank you with all of our hearts that this precious son of yours will walk the path which you have prepared for him. We thank you that he will not deter to the left nor to the right, but to be still and wait for your guiding light which stills the anxiety in his soul.

Father we thank you that without effort nor plan that he will take heed and follow you. That he will hear your voice speaking behind his ear,

'This is the way (my son) walk ye in it.".

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21)

And that he will. Lord you have a plan which may not seem right to man, but you have a plan which lies hand in hand with our Destiny of you, which is always sure.

To you we give all honor, all glory, all praise. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
wow... I'll keep your twin in my prayers today. :yep:

Please pray for my twin. So he's been waiting to go into the Air Force for a while now and they finally called him back with a job. (He's already in AF technically) The job is for an aerial gunner. (shooting from a helicopter) He's been depressed lately and having a hard time lately and just wants to leave. So he's seriously thinking of taking it. He went over yesterday to visit his gf so he was with her when they got the call and she's encouraging him to take the job.:nono: I'm afraid he's going to take it just based on a temporary situation he's going through. I understand we all have to make decisions but he shouldn't do something based on his feelings. My parents (and I) are strongly against it. He doesn't want to talk about it to my father who is a AF retiree. My mom was in the AF too. I'm so worried.

I don't think that this is the job for him at all. Just because something is offered doesn't mean it's for you. I want to tell him that but our relationship isn't that close even though I wish it were. And I know the recruiter said to take the first job offered because you never know when you'l get another offer or what it will be but I just don't think it's right. He scored so high on his asvat and this was never his intent with the military.

Oh for a timeline. He was called today if he accepts he'll be leaving tomorrow. So please keep in prayer.
Precious brg, don't be afraid. :giveheart: God has your brother's path in His hands.

Father, we come to you in loving prayer and in faith believing that there is absolutely nothing that you cannot do. This we know for thou art God. And that being so, as God you have ordained a specific Destiny for each of us.

We thank you with all of our hearts that this precious son of yours will walk the path which you have prepared for him. We thank you that he will not deter to the left nor to the right, but to be still and wait for your guiding light which stills the anxiety in his soul.

Father we thank you that without effort nor plan that he will take heed and follow you. That he will hear your voice speaking behind his ear,

'This is the way (my son) walk ye in it.".

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21)

And that he will. Lord you have a plan which may not seem right to man, but you have a plan which lies hand in hand with our Destiny of you, which is always sure.

To you we give all honor, all glory, all praise. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:

Amen. I am in agreement.
thank you Shimmie, Laela, la mosc, Prudent1, Child0fGod, and MoMom for uplifting him in prayer. He decided not to take the job.
thank you Shimmie, Laela, la mosc, Prudent1, Child0fGod, and MoMom for uplifting him in prayer. He decided not to take the job.

:giveheart: All because of you and your love for him; you took it all to Jesus in prayer. I'm happy for you and your family. Give him a great big hug from us.
