Please Pray for my sister's mom in coma


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My dear sister we share the same father advised me this morning that her mom is in a coma and the doctors are saying its not good please keep her in your prayers tonight.

thank you

Psalm 41
(This is) for the (music) leader.
(It is) a psalm for David.
v1 Anyone that is kind to the poor will be very happy.
The LORD will help him when life is difficult.
v2 The LORD will make him safe and keep him alive.
He will be happy where he lives.
(The LORD) will not give him to his enemies (for them)
to do what they want to do (with him).
v3 The LORD will be like a nurse to him when he is ill in bed.
Every time that he is ill you will make him well again.
v4 I said, "LORD, have mercy on me.
Heal me, even though I have broken your rules".
v5 My enemies say bad things about me.
(They say) "When will he die?
When will people forget his name?"
v6 And if one (of them) comes to see me, he tells lies.
He fills his mind with bad things to say about me.
Then he goes out and tells (everyone).
v7 All the people that hate me whisper to each other about me.
They hope that worse things will happen to me.
v8 (They say that) "someone put a death-wish on him,
so he will never get up from his bed".
v9 Even my best friend has lifted up his heel against me.
He was someone that I trusted,
someone that I often ate food with (in my home).
v10 But you, LORD, have mercy on me.
Raise me up so that I can repay them.
v11 I know that you are pleased with me
because my enemy does not shout over me (that he has won).
v12 You will help me because I am honest.
You will always keep me near to you.
v13 Say good things about the LORD.
He always was the God of Israel and he always will be!
Amen and amen!
I'm so sorry....
you are a wonderful healing sister reaching out on her behalf
already taking it in prayer...