Please Pray for my Marriage

Hi ladies...I don't post very much, but I am asking for prayer for my marriage and family. A little bit of background info, I am recently married (this year) and now pregnant. Early this month my husband left, after a huge argument and I haven't heard from him since. This has been a difficult time for me and my family. Any advice, or scriptures that speak to you would be appreciated.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish I had something to say other than I am praying for you.
Hi ladies...I don't post very much, but I am asking for prayer for my marriage and family. A little bit of background info, I am recently married (this year) and now pregnant. Early this month my husband left, after a huge argument and I haven't heard from him since. This has been a difficult time for me and my family. Any advice, or scriptures that speak to you would be appreciated.
:bighug:...sis, I'm so sorry you have to experience this, especially during a time when you have your precious little one in your womb.

The one thing that I can say to you is for you to trust the Father and really believe that He has this under control. It might be too much for your husband right marriage, new baby...responsibilities for a man sometimes can be overwhelming, and their first thought is to leave. Trust...he is thinking about you and the baby and probably is too ashamed to come home to you, after he left you for so long.

It will be hard, but think about the baby and try to remain at peace. Peace in your soul and your spirit. Have as much quiet time with the Lord as possible and the one thing I ask you to do is not to listen to every person that has something to say about/against your husband....just because they have an opinion.....

You must pray and trust that your husband will reconsider his actions and come to his senses. Pray that God will bring the right people into his path that would speak life over him and his marriage and for him to do what's right.

I will be praying for you....:yep:
I hope all does work out. Most men need time, especially if you said something "below the belt", but try not to stress you have a life inside you that needs you to be more uplifting. So any time you feel down just think of the wonderful life growing inside you. As for words biblical use, I normally go to a site called its really good when you are trying to find the right way to handle things according to the word of God. Please stay blessed.
:bighug:...sis, I'm so sorry you have to experience this, especially during a time when you have your precious little one in your womb.

The one thing that I can say to you is for you to trust the Father and really believe that He has this under control. It might be too much for your husband right marriage, new baby...responsibilities for a man sometimes can be overwhelming, and their first thought is to leave. Trust...he is thinking about you and the baby and probably is too ashamed to come home to you, after he left you for so long.

It will be hard, but think about the baby and try to remain at peace. Peace in your soul and your spirit. Have as much quiet time with the Lord as possible and the one thing I ask you to do is not to listen to every person that has something to say about/against your husband....just because they have an opinion.....

You must pray and trust that your husband will reconsider his actions and come to his senses. Pray that God will bring the right people into his path that would speak life over him and his marriage and for him to do what's right.

I will be praying for you....:yep:

Amen to Wavy's post

... try and focus on your health and the health of your child.

Romans 8:28

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Beyond the hurt and the fear....God had this long before it was ever a thought which came into being. And beyond this moment of pain and uncertainties, God has already taken care of this... and you, your baby and your husband.

Be at peace and know that God is with you all the way. There is no place that your husband can be, where God is not.

It is well, precious one. It is well. God has this and He is not letting it go. :grouphug2: :love2: :grouphug2:

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen :Rose:
Amen to Wavy's post

... try and focus on your health and the health of your child.

Romans 8:28

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Amen, momi...perfect scripture!

Beyond the hurt and the fear....God had this long before it was ever a thought which came into being. And beyond this moment of pain and uncertainties, God has already taken care of this... and you, your baby and your husband.

Be at peace and know that God is with you all the way. There is no place that your husband can be, where God is not.

It is well, precious one. It is well. God has this and He is not letting it go. :grouphug2: :love2: :grouphug2:

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen :Rose:
I'm so blessed by this...:yep: In total agreement!
i will pray for you and your family. please remain calm as possible and try your best to find ways to relieve stress.
I have and will pray for your whole situation. Just continue to be in prayer for your husband. Such a precious union as marriage which is a reflection of God and our relationship is always under attack. The devil is surely busy, but their is POWER in PRAYER and in the name of JESUS.

Speak the Word of life over your marriage and your situation. Yes, speak the WORD of God outloud over your marriage and your household...speak it in your house.

Here is a website I found that is focused on marriage restoration and has los of scriptures that might be good for you to read at this time.

Be encouraged.
A huge thank you to all of you! Your words have been a blessing in a very difficult time for me. I do believe and trust Him it's just so difficult to see past and through the hurt and pain. I know this is all apart of what He has planned. It is true that God gives us what we need for the situation we are in. This baby is a blessing and definitely what is helping me maintain my sanity through all of this. Thank you for the encouraging words, scriptures and website resources, I will most definitely check them out this evening.
Please stay encouraged my sister. There has already some very great scriptures posted. During my times of difficulty, I like to meditate on the book of Psalms for example Psalms 91. Also, Psalm 31 says: "In You, O Lord, do I put my trust and seek refuge; let me never be put to shame or [have my hope in You] disappointed; deliver me in Your righteousness!] Amplified version.

Also, as you are doing now, continuing to reach out with people of like minded faith. If you have a church home (depending on your comfort level) you can seek counseling there individually as well.
I'll lift you in my prayers....In the mean time....
I heard this advice recently...........
"You two are still learning how to relate in your marriage. And you "my dear" have pushed his I'm outta here button. Now that you know where it is, you have the knowledge to avoid this button in the future.
DAMAGE CONTROL: Go out of your way to be pleasant and do nice :rosebud: things for him. (it's to late for the unpack his things for him advice); revisit the underlying issues of the argument at a later date, when he's a bit more receptive, and you can navigate the "discussion" a bit more objectively.
Yes, you must put your "frustration and ....(insert feelings here). You have to focus on the long term goal of maintaining your marriage and growing family. The benefits of this "sacrifice" won't seem immediately beneficial to you and what you're really feeling right now, but the benefit of not having your :babyb: haveing to live between two households is immeasurable."

Not an exact quote but the point is still the same.
This is not meant to estblish the pattern that you'll roll over and be a doormat for him, but to establish the idea that NO PROBLEM is more important than yours and his relationship. (or it's more important to than him to you). Set your boundaries but allow room for both Failure & Growth. It's hard to get to the latter without the 1st (within reason). <MHO!

Take care
AliciaNicole, there's something else on my heart to share with you...

Stop blaming yourself...


Stop blaming yourself. Just see this as a problem that has to be worked through and with the leading of the Lord. God knows the hearts of both you and your husband. He also knows the root cause and the cure.

As husbands and wives we are not perfect and never will be. Stop blaming yourself for what you did or did not do; said or didn't say; tried or didn't try; what you cooked or didn't cook and what temperature it was.

It's not about the argument or disagreement or the unsettling of the issues; it's about learning through it and making any and all adjustments along the way.

And don't sell yourself short either. Your husband has to take responsibility for leaving, rather than staying to work things out. Let him bear the burden of this action he chose to go through with. Don't you bear it for him. In other words, don't take all of the blame for what has happen.

Your husband has to 'man up' --- own up to his choice of abandon rather than submitting to his responsibility as your husband and father to your baby. You're carrying the baby for nine months, plus the weight gain post partum. Let him bear the weight of being the man that God called him to be. And only he, your husband can do this. All you have to do is cheer him on and love him.

((((( Blessings )))))) to you and hubby and baby... :love3:
Hi ladies...I don't post very much, but I am asking for prayer for my marriage and family. A little bit of background info, I am recently married (this year) and now pregnant. Early this month my husband left, after a huge argument and I haven't heard from him since. This has been a difficult time for me and my family. Any advice, or scriptures that speak to you would be appreciated.

My heart goes out to you. I hope it all works out. Please always remember who you are (His daughter, since you obey his precepts) and where He is in relation to you...

Matthew 28:20
"...teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

G-d be with you and do not lose hope, do not fear. We are praying for you and your little one. Is there a pastor/pastor's wife/elder you can reach out to in addition to family?
A Don't you bear it for him. In other words, don't take all of the blame for what has happen. ork things out. Let him bear the burden of this action he c

Your husband has to 'man up' --- own up to his choice of abandon rather than submitting to his responsibility as your husband and father to your baby. You're carrying the baby for nine months, plus the weight gain post partum. Let him bear the weight of being the man that God called him to be. And only he, your husband can do this. All you have to do is cheer him on and love him.

((((( Blessings )))))) to you and hubby and baby... :love3:

Such wise words!!! How many of us, talking about myself first, allowed guilt to take over and attempt to perform his role because it wasn't getting done. At some point, you just have to let go and let G-d...because the man has to fulfill his role. Abandonnement is never G-d's way...and how man of us daughters have been wide. I hope and pray this matter is settled quickly. If only the men could hear this message....
Hi ladies...I don't post very much, but I am asking for prayer for my marriage and family. A little bit of background info, I am recently married (this year) and now pregnant. Early this month my husband left, after a huge argument and I haven't heard from him since. This has been a difficult time for me and my family. Any advice, or scriptures that speak to you would be appreciated.

Sorry to hear about your prediciment, you and your family will be in my prayers;

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Early this month my husband left, after a huge argument and I haven't heard from him since.
It's still early in the month,dear don't lose heart..
pray for him too..God will see your new family through
you gather up the support and love you need to
To help.. bring some serenity in
(hugs) you 're not alone

Psalm 30
For anger endureth but a moment; in HIS favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. ...

your daybreak is coming..
praying for you and your family
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