Please pray for my father Mr. G Martin


New Member
My family has just found out this week my father (Mr. G Martin) has some cancer on his liver and or possibly some bone cancer. He is in the hospital, and in quite a bit of pain. He was led to Christ this week. Not yet ready for him to go...but praying for his soul/salvation, mental/spirit while in the hospital when we can't be there. And truely praying that God eases his pain :yep: In Jesus name. AMEN
Dear Lord God, I ask that you bless Mr. G Martin Lord God, Touch his mind, body and soul, Lord God. Look after him as he lay in his hospital bed Lord God, We ask that you relieve him of the pain that he is experiencing Lord God. We ask that you bless his family Lord God. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!!
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To PatTodd, Finally Free and mingming3, Thank you so very much for your kind words and prayers, and may god bless you and yours always. I'm sad to say my father passed October 17th. and is in a better place now. Thank again Anna
Dear Lord,

Even though You know everything, You told us to ask and it shall be given. So, I'm asking You to remove the pain from this dear sister's father. Please give the doctors and nurses the answers they need to make him comfortable.

Thank you for giving him time to confess You, Jesus The Christ, as his Lord and Savior.

Please continue to bless the entire family and be to them what you have been to me during my times of great sorrow.

In The Name Of Jesus I pray,

Anna I am so so sorry
thank God your father was led to Christ
and is with Him

I try to remember
Love is stronger than death...Love stronger than anything and our God IS LOVE
Many waters cannot quench love

praying for you and your family
May the Lord bless you and keep you
May the Lord lift up His countenance
be merciful unto you and give you peace
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My eyes tear up as i read your post. I pray that you and the rest of your family stay strong through these difficult times, your father is in a better place now and he is now looking over you and your family.
God bless you Anna9764.

I am keeping your father lifted up in prayer. I am in agreement with all the prayers from the ladies on here as well you. ((((HUGS)))))
Dear Anna,

I got so sad when I read your post, that I didn't read the whole thing through.

I am sorry to hear of your loss and pray that your heartache will be healed.
To PatTodd, Finally Free and mingming3, Thank you so very much for your kind words and prayers, and may god bless you and yours always. I'm sad to say my father passed October 17th. and is in a better place now. Thank again Anna

WOW! I'm so, so, sorry about your loss. Only the Lord Knows what he was really going through. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. God Bless!
Kayte, ladyofvirtue, PoeticJustice and MissNorway as well as PatTodd, Finally Free and ming ming 3. Thank you all so very much for your thoughtful prayers. It brings tears to my eyes just to know there people like you guys in this world. God Bless you all and your families this Holiday season and always. Sincerly Anna
Anna you are in my prayers as well. Hang in there, keep your fathers memory alive and enjoy the holiday season. Keep in mind that Christ is the real reason for this and every season!!
Praying even now in Jesus Name for God do a miraclous work of healing and elevation in his life in Jesus Name. Amen!!!
CandiceC, Natasha2005 and star thank you so much for yours prayers and kind words, you all have touched my heart. God bless you all and your love ones. Happy holidays...Anna