Please pray for my daughter


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify in case anyone gets confused, she is actually my foster daughter. We were planning on adopting her and she just rebelled and did some serious things. Anyway the decision was made for her to go to a group home to see the other side but she ran away and was hiding out with her biological mom. Well today I found out differently. My husband and I believe that GOD is still looking out for her. Today a young lady who visited our church off and on but hasn't been in awhile spotted her. But the dangerous part is that she was with some 50 year old guy and they are trying to move in to an apartment together. I contacted her old social worker because her current one could not care less. So she is going to go to the top and hopefully get the cops.

I was not playing I got this man's name, address and I have a spy (the girl that spotted her) watching out. Thankfully she played it off to my daughter like she didn't care and wouldn't tell. I am so stressed because she was taken from her mom due to sexual abuse and now it looks like she is or starting to use her body with this man. When she ran away she left most of her clothes and when she lived with us she wore name brand everything. So I think she is thinking she can use him to maybe get more clothes and stuff. But she is 15 and does she really think he is going to do this without wanting something in return? Plus the apartment is a 1 bedroom. I cringe to just think about what would have happened if this girl had not spotted her. Just pray for her because we still love and care for her. I am sitting here crying because I just love her so much. Take care Q
Done... Queeny I hope she comes home unharmed and that this passes quickly. Thank you for watching out for her and accepting her as your own.
CatSuga said:
You know where he live?
Have you called the police?

Yeah my spy gave me the info. I did not call the police yet because they are not supposed to be moving in until tomorrow. So as soon as I get the call that they are there, then the police will go get her. We we afraid if we called tonight and she was not there then they would let the man go and she would probably be tipped off. That I know of right now she is staying with her biological mom tonight until they move in. Don't even get me started with her bio mom!!!! Let's just say that I am so glad I don't know where she lives right now. How she could allow this to happen?!!
That's good you know where the girl is at (or will be). I don't know if someone is keeping an eye out for their arrival, but as soon as the coast is clear, move in...

This is what Oprah was talking about the other day. Good luck, Queen...
Blossssom said:
That's good you know where the girl is at (or will be). I don't know if someone is keeping an eye out for their arrival, but as soon as the coast is clear, move in...

This is what Oprah was talking about the other day. Good luck, Queen...

Yes someone is watching out. I just thank GOD that this young lady recognized her from the couple of times she visited church. Otherwise we would have kept on believing that she was hiding out at her biological mom's house. I cringe to think what could have happen if this developed further!!!! Don't worry because I am all over it. I can't even sleep as you can see because as soon as I take the kids to school, I will be staking out the apartment complex!!!
queeny20 said:
Yes someone is watching out. I just thank GOD that this young lady recognized her from the couple of times she visited church. Otherwise we would have kept on believing that she was hiding out at her biological mom's house. I cringe to think what could have happen if this developed further!!!! Don't worry because I am all over it. I can't even sleep as you can see because as soon as I take the kids to school, I will be staking out the apartment complex!!!

Continue... you're doing the right thing. God bless you...
I will be praying that this situation is positive in the end. I hate to hear of things like this happening. People just don't think about the impact of what happens in a childs life on their future.
I am praying that everything turns out fine. When others would have given up, you are still there. Her safe return is all that matters now.
ThursdayGirl said:
Done... Queeny I hope she comes home unharmed and that this passes quickly. Thank you for watching out for her and accepting her as your own.

Ditto. I have worked with children like this before and I know it isn't an easy task and I am glad that you are in her corner, is praying, and have requested prayer from all of us. We got your back. The fervent and effectual prayer of the righteous avails much.... Be encouraged and remember though she seems out of your reach, she is still in God's hand.
Just prayed for your family, I pray that she returns to the arms of the people that love her and have her best interest at heart.
I will pray for your family. Keep on top but don't get too close to the place they may spot you. I hope that ole fool goes to jail. The bio mom has got to be crazy.