Please pray for my cousins baby...


Well-Known Member
He was born last thursday by c section and they noticed he was not breathing right. They have ran some test and see that everything is fine but he still cannot breath on his own. He ran out of breath when feeding and they had to continue to hold him. Tommorrow will mark 1 week since he came into this world and his mom has probably held him twice. I feel so bad. I hope he will be okay. He was born full term 8lbs. so I really don't understand what can be wrong. Please pray for him. His name is Nick.
I will definately be praying for baby Nick and your cousin.

"Lord, please touch Nick where ever he be Lord. I ask that any attacks that the enemy has set against this baby be bound and returned to the pit of hell! Breath your breath of life into his lungs right now Lord. Give this mother the strength to endure this time away from her child...and the confidence to know that her child is healed. I claim victory for this family. Let her find comfort knowing that all things are possible through Christ Jesus! Give her a testimony of your healing power Lord, that she may tell her story among those that will cry out...what must I do to be saved? In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
May God bless and heal Nick and his family. May God bless his parents and keep them strong in faith to know that God is able to do what man cannot.

In the strong name of Jesus, Amen.
Hello all,

Thank you so much for the prayers. Little Nick is doing ok, he is still in icu but we hope to get him out this week. It seems he has some sort of respiratory problem in which his breathing rate slows down while he sleeps. They are sending him home with a heart monitor so that my cousin can keep an eye on the heart rate and breathing. He also will have to take some sort of medication for a few months. He will be two weeks old this coming Thursday so I hope he will be able to go home with his family. Thank you again for the prayers.
Thanks for the update Ellis! I know from first hand experience it can be so unnerving when a little on is on meds or needs extra monitoring for whatever reason. I will continue to pray for you all:yep:.