Please pray for me!


I am in need of prayer. I am 28 years old and my husband and I was married in February of 2004. We both were struggling in how to be a mate to each other. There was verbal and physical abuse involved. In October of 2005 our son was born and in December we separated (basically his decision). He said he was fed up and could not deal with the stress. Our son and I are living in a different state now. I needed to move out of the place we were staying and had no support system where we living.

I just feel that our marriage never got a chance. We are now going through the divorce process because that is what he wants. He does not want to seek counseling. I feel that his family has influenced in some ways on making the decision. He stated that he no longer loved me and had no desire to make our marriage to work. I can not help but to pray to God to touch me and my husband and that his will be done in this situation. I really feel that he is to be my husband. I want God to restore my marriage. Please pray for me. I need help to remain strong.
I am sorry u are going through this I pray that God will give you strength and that you trust in what has planned for you.
My sister with God all things are possible, even what seems like the impossible.

I will pray for God's will to be done and your peace restored. For you and your son's stake. Know that all things happen for the good of those who loves the Lord. You will be just fine sis, keep your faith in the Lord and he will take care of you. Sometimes no matter how bad you want something you can't make the other person what it also. Somethimgs we have to just let go and let God. My sister, have faith and know that God is with you.

In Love

Lady R is right,

This is one of those times where you have to let go and let God. If your husband says that he doesn't want to be married anymore, as difficult as it is, you have to let him go. But no matter what happens, do not allow yourself to become bitter. Pray, trust, and believe. Where God closes one door, He opens another door for us. I pray that God comforts you during this difficult time, and I trust Him to make provisions for you and your son. Every morning tell God, it is well with my soul. Be still and watch God work everything out for your good. Just trust Him. Be blessed! :rosebud:
Thanks Pebbles and Lady R. I am learning to trust God in all situations. It is hard but I know he will work everything out
I will pray that God's will be done in your life...just please try to recognize when it is being done..sometimes what is best for us doesn't always taste so sweet in the moment, but is best for us in the long run.............
First I am sorry for the pain that you have been put through. But God heals, for He is the God who Healeth us....

Dear One, may I say something? You mentioned that there was physical abuse involved. God is protecting you and your son. Once a man begins to hit a woman and it becomes 'unchecked' (not dealt with throughly and properly) it only gets worse. It may have happened only once, but God knows the spirit and the root cause behind your husbands actions.

It may not look like it, but your husband has given you a wonderful gift by leaving you. Although it looks as if your husband, is failing to support you and your precious son, this is also the catalyst that made it necessary for you move further from harm's way.

Your husband has unresolved issues with deep areas that he has not yet allowed to be reached by God. The first cry you uttered when your husband first struck you, God heard. Knowing the process of what it takes for this kind of deliverance in an abuser, this separation is the best thing that could ever happen to you. For what would become of you and your son, had this continued?

Your healing process is not in restoring your marriage. Restoration means restoring back to what it was before. Total deliverance and a new beginning for you, yes. Restoration, no. In prayer, thank God for doing a new thing in your life; putting all those things behind, burning the bridges to the past.

While your are seeking God's will, this is not a time for you to be alone. My prayer is for God to bless you in a 'support' system where your healing will be focused on you...totally you. You've suffered enough. You deserve to have peace of thought for yourself and not for someone else who has given you this much grief.

Whether God makes your new beginning with your husband or not, you will have a new beginning. For no one deserves to control that much of your precious soul. You deserve to be cherished and appreciated for all that you are and the 'more' that God is creating in you. How dare the devil trespass in your life. How dare he! But God is Sovereign and He is God.

Only the best is yet to be....and it will be God's will.

If I sound harsh, it's not meant to be nor is it about you. Physical abuse is not right and I'm already about 'drop' your husband, any man who does it; but I won't. God heals....
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You ladies are so right. My family and my church have been great support systems to myself and my son. I just need to stay close to God ad know when it is God speaking to me and not what I want to hear. Thanks again ladies.
AMJMJR said:
You ladies are so right. My family and my church have been great support systems to myself and my son. I just need to stay close to God ad know when it is God speaking to me and not what I want to hear. Thanks again ladies.

Amen angel. I'm glad you have a good support system. You only deserve the best. I hope you sensed the love from my reply. For that is all that it was.

All the best for you...;)
ShimmieGirl said:
First I am sorry for the pain that you have been put through. But God heals, for He is the God who Healeth us....

Dear One, may I say something? You mentioned that there was physical abuse involved. God is protecting you and your son. Once a man begins to hit a woman and it becomes 'unchecked' (not dealt with throughly and properly) it only gets worse. It may have happened only once, but God knows the spirit and the root cause behind your husbands actions.

It may not look like it, but your husband has given you a wonderful gift by leaving you. Although it looks as if your husband, is failing to support you and your precious son, this is also the catalyst that made it necessary for you move further from harm's way.

Your husband has unresolved issues with deep areas that he has not yet allowed to be reached by God. The first cry you uttered when your husband first struck you, God heard. Knowing the process of what it takes for this kind of deliverance in an abuser, this separation is the best thing that could ever happen to you. For what would become of you and your son, had this continued?

Your healing process is not in restoring your marriage. Restoration means restoring back to what it was before. Total deliverance and a new beginning for you, yes. Restoration, no. In prayer, thank God for doing a new thing in your life; putting all those things behind, burning the bridges to the past.

While your are seeking God's will, this is not a time for you to be alone. My prayer is for God to bless you in a 'support' system where your healing will be focused on you...totally you. You've suffered enough. You deserve to have peace of thought for yourself and not for someone else who has given you this much grief.

Whether God makes your new beginning with your husband or not, you will have a new beginning. For no one deserves to control that much of your precious soul. You deserve to be cherished and appreciated for all that you are and the 'more' that God is creating in you. How dare the devil trespass in your life. How dare he! But God is Sovereign and He is God.

Only the best is yet to be....and it will be God's will.

If I sound harsh, it's not meant to be nor is it about you. Physical abuse is not right and I'm already about 'drop' your husband, any man who does it; but I won't. God heals....

Shimmiegirl summed up what I didn't come out and say directly. If your husband is abusive to you, I believe that praying to God for him to want to be married to you is pointless....why would God bless that? He is abusive and telling you he doesn't want to be married to you anymore....hmm.

I know people change, but sweetie, like mentioned before..the prayer is for your strength and knowledge to do what is best for you and your child...the deliverance of your husband is well let's just say secondary.

God bless you! I pray that God's will be done. Many times, we don't want to know God's will, or we don't like it. But..... that, just the way it goes. I have question Were you two equally yoked?
We both believed we least I thought so. I don't believe that we were now. He is a minister at his dad's church (the church we both attended). I know God has a plan for my life and I just need to stay focused and listen to God. I just feel like I could have been a better wife but I honeslty felt like I was doing all I could do and did not deserve the abuse or treatment I was receiving. He did not feel like he had a problem..but after we were married it was revealed he had a temper. He did not want to seek counseling. So I just have to turn the entire situation over to God and allow him to direct me and focus on our child. Thank you ladies for the encouraging words.