In the mighthy name of Jesus,
Father God we come today joined together with our sister asking you to show your pressence in her life. Father we know that all things happens for a reason but as we are in the situation we don't always know the reason. So Father right now we are not asking to know the reason until you are ready to give it to us, but we ask for peace Lord, peace to know that you are with us always no matter what we are going thought. Lord, when we are down, the devil will try to keep us down, telling us that we are not loved that no one loves us, that you don't love us, but Lord we call him what he is right now- A LIAR and the Father of the Lie. He knows not the truth, however we do, we know that you love us, more than anything else - that is why you sent your Son to die for us on the cross, because you love us so. Now Father, our sister is stuggling right now, hold her tight Father whispter is her ears, and let her know you are there for her as we know that you are. In the mightly name of Jesus we come saying this prayer. Amen
I know where you are and I know what you are going thought. We all have been there. I remember right before I met my dh, I have a broke up like I never had before, I cried for two week straight every day, that was the final break up, before that we had broken up before, and I thought I was going to die, but I made it. Just thinking about it makes my eyes tear, but you know what happened: What the devil meant for bad God turned it around and made it good by blessing me with my dh. Praise God. So right now you may feel like the end of the world but it's not. Right around the corner the sun is shinning and the rainbow is in the sky. Your ex wasn't the one for you at this time. Take this time and dwell on the Lord, get into your word and spend time on God, he may be trying to tell you something or preparing for something. Tune into his voice and hear from him.
God Bless