PLease pray for me!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm desperately trying to get my life back together. This week,I applied for 3 jobs within ,my field,the marketing field. I'm really interested in these positions.

I haven't heard any news yet. I'm begging you, please pray that I get hired. I have been off the work force 3 years and then started working at a part time job ( it's been a little over 2 years).

I want to get a full time job, and move into my own apartment.

I'm tired !!!!!!! Ever since my dad died(2005) I have been living with: my granny, mom, sister in law, older brother and nieces, I take care of granny and between caring for granny and work, I have very little time for me!I can't watch TV, I can barely eat what I like, I don't even have time to take care of me and look half descent when I walk out the door. Things like a bath have become a fantasy. When in the bathroom, I get interrupted called at, gimme this gimme that, do this , do that.

I want my life back!!!!!!! I'm tired of eating supper at 3 am. I want to be normal. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. The situation I'm in is out of control. I tried talking, asking and negotiating for help. Nothing never comes through. Therefore, I want to simply move out. I attempted to do my exams to go back to school and get my masters. Well, after 2 years of trying to study and trying to write the exam. The outcome is the same, It didn't get done cause everyone else's stuff is more important than what I need to do for me. Therefore, I have to walk out. Period!
I used to stress just like you, although my situation wasn't similar. Then I read this article on Nia Long and she said something like "If you're living by faith, tomorrow will take care of itself".
It will get better. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. I know that statements is overused, but it's true.

Have faith. I will pray for you.
Kinda in your shoes minus living with all the people but MissCooth is right. You have to keep the faith. I use to roll my eyes when people would tell me that like "DO I HAVE ANY OTHER CHOICE??" DUH and the answer is NO! Just continue to pray and don't stress.
Prayed for you. :bighug:Your labor is not in vain; weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. God rewards those who deligently seeks Him.

Hi BD, You are in my prayers. Hang tight and know that a change will come. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."-Psalm 30:5. I pray that your breakthrough is right around the corner and God released ALL of his blessings upon you.

You said in your word that even the strong will grow weary and the young man will faint. But you also said that we should be of good courage, and take heart, because we know in whom we trust. Teach your child to trust your perfect will for her life. While she may not see the end, Father, we know that you will deny your children no good thing. Allow her to be strengthened, and in the small times she has to herself fill her spirit with praise and a quiet space to commune with you. Father give her that peace that she seeks, not as the world does, but that deep inner peace that causes her spirit to still and listen for your voice. Be with her, even at her weakest, so she may know you are strong. And Father, when it is time, bless her beyond measure, and show her where you desire for her to be. Let your love be like the gentle rain, falling softly in her dry places, filling her wil peace and joy when she least expects it. In Jesus precious name. Amen.
:kiss: It's going to be all right, precious one. It's truly going to be all right. Just close yourself away from every thought to the contrary and enter into God's arms and just rest. Rest in His loving arms. Receive the love and the peace that His has just for you and only you. And Angel, just Rest.

No matter what storm you may be in, you are shielded from the dangers of it; it may not seem so at this time, but God is truly lovingly protecting you, and shielding you from all 'unrest' and all of the effects that fear and stress has tried to hang upon you.

In His rest, you will not only receive His peace and the calmness in your heart, but you will also hear and receive His answers, his wisdom, and his guidance to take you through this journey and into your place of provision and promotion.

I pray for peace in your relationships, peace in your home, peace in your hearts and total peace in your health and in your postion that God has prepared for you, long before the foundations of the earth.

He is leading to you to where all of yours are met and each of your dreams are postioned to come true.

Angel... all you have to do, is Rest. Rest in Him. In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen....

:kiss: It's going to be all right, precious one. It's truly going to be all right. Just close yourself away from every thought to the contrary and enter into God's arms and just rest. Rest in His loving arms. Receive the love and the peace that His has just for you and only you. And Angel, just Rest.

No matter what storm you may be in, you are shielded from the dangers of it; it may not seem so at this time, but God is truly lovingly protecting you, and shielding you from all 'unrest' and all of the effects that fear and stress has tried to hang upon you.

In His rest, you will not only receive His peace and the calmness in your heart, but you will also hear and receive His answers, his wisdom, and his guidance to take you through this journey and into your place of provision and promotion.

I pray for peace in your relationships, peace in your home, peace in your hearts and total peace in your health and in your postion that God has prepared for you, long before the foundations of the earth.

He is leading to you to where all of yours are met and each of your dreams are postioned to come true.

Angel... all you have to do, is Rest. Rest in Him. In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen....


I am agreement. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm desperately trying to get my life back together. This week,I applied for 3 jobs within ,my field,the marketing field. I'm really interested in these positions.

I haven't heard any news yet. I'm begging you, please pray that I get hired. I have been off the work force 3 years and then started working at a part time job ( it's been a little over 2 years).

I want to get a full time job, and move into my own apartment.

I'm tired !!!!!!! Ever since my dad died(2005) I have been living with: my granny, mom, sister in law, older brother and nieces, I take care of granny and between caring for granny and work, I have very little time for me!I can't watch TV, I can barely eat what I like, I don't even have time to take care of me and look half descent when I walk out the door. Things like a bath have become a fantasy. When in the bathroom, I get interrupted called at, gimme this gimme that, do this , do that.

I want my life back!!!!!!! I'm tired of eating supper at 3 am. I want to be normal. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. The situation I'm in is out of control. I tried talking, asking and negotiating for help. Nothing never comes through. Therefore, I want to simply move out. I attempted to do my exams to go back to school and get my masters. Well, after 2 years of trying to study and trying to write the exam. The outcome is the same, It didn't get done cause everyone else's stuff is more important than what I need to do for me. Therefore, I have to walk out. Period!

I took longer to get my M.A. because of family crap too. It can weigh heavily on you and it seems that everytime you have an important exam or presentation, the pressure at home is on just before. So I know. I'm praying for a good end to this misery. You have to get your life back.
Luke 12:22-32

22And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.

23The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.

24Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?

25And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?

26If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?

27Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

28If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?

29And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.

30For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.

31But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.

32Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.