Please pray for me


Well-Known Member
I used to stay in this forum, especially the Christian forum all the time before I started medical school. I'm not sure what has been going on in here, but I'm sure you are all in here still praying and keeping the faith. Please pray for me, at times I feel sooo weak and tired from studying day and night. I have been immersed in my classes and only take breaks to do the necessary things, go to church, read some verses, etc. I don't want to burn out but I have sooo much work to catch up on and learn before my tests in 2 1/2 weeks and finals after thanksgiving. On top of that, I have some health problems that continue to persist that I haven't even had time to adequately follow up on. I know I need to take time for myself but I just can't...I have to keep going, praying that everything will work out for this semester. I know that the joy of the Lord is my strength and he will be strong for me when I am weak. I am just trying to meditate on His Word day and night and stay away from negative, complaining pessimistic people. But I'm just so tired.

Thank you in advance,

Praying too

just make sure you set amount some time for yourself and your relationship with the Lord, he knows already how tired you are, the pressure you are under, just take whatever time you can and keep the word in your heart and mediate on it
I used to stay in this forum, especially the Christian forum all the time before I started medical school. I'm not sure what has been going on in here, but I'm sure you are all in here still praying and keeping the faith. Please pray for me, at times I feel sooo weak and tired from studying day and night. I have been immersed in my classes and only take breaks to do the necessary things, go to church, read some verses, etc. I don't want to burn out but I have sooo much work to catch up on and learn before my tests in 2 1/2 weeks and finals after thanksgiving. On top of that, I have some health problems that continue to persist that I haven't even had time to adequately follow up on. I know I need to take time for myself but I just can't...I have to keep going, praying that everything will work out for this semester. I know that the joy of the Lord is my strength and he will be strong for me when I am weak. I am just trying to meditate on His Word day and night and stay away from negative, complaining pessimistic people. But I'm just so tired.

Thank you in advance,

Praying for you with all of my heart.... :giveheart:
Thanks guys I really appreciate it...I'm here slaving away at the library once again...on a Friday, but I know it will pay off.
You are doing right by countinuing to draw from His strength in your weakness. Just press on, and think that this season in your life could serve to be a testimony of how god truly carried you through by His strength alone.

Father I ask you in Jessus name to provide "Dream life" her every need and that you carry her through this time in her life. Please urge her to countinue find refuge in you even when her cicumstances take her else where. Place in her a desire for you above all else, to replenish her soul in your pure waters. And above all lead her to rejoice in your blessings and presence. In your precious name I pray, AMEN!!!!
You can do it, think about it, each day, each week is not another struggle, it is one day, one week closer to your goal.

I know law school is not as bad as med but I am always reading law! I even have law dreams! It is driving me crazy! Being in the library all day. I feel like I wake up, eat wash dishes, stay in the library all day, come home, eat, sleep. Every day!!!!

I noticed that when I look at it in terms of being busy makes it go by faster, faster means I approach my dreams faster.


and strength and caffeine...
I'm praying for you right now. I pray that you will have special favor with your professors and supernatural learning ability. I also pray that thay God would heal your body and for Him to bless you with peace.

Be blessed!