Please pray for me


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies. Honestly, I can't complain because GOD has been so good to me. I am amazed at how much He loves me inspite of myself. I am honored and blessed to know I am a child of the most High and to know I can do all things. As of today 02/08/2008 I have 6 months before I turn 30. I already knew this year was going to be the year of completion and new beginnings for me and my family and it has already started.

My Pastor has told me that he wants to get me ordained this year so I have begun the preparations for that. I will going through a series of fasts and you guys on the board will probably start to see less and less of me as I spend more time in study and consecration.

We pretty much know dh is going to be cross-training thus sending us to another location. I am asking for God to work out some things to make the transition as smooth as possible, ie. job prospects for me, location, schools for the girls, and possibly selling our house.

I am also asking prayer for my grandfather who had to have emergency surgery to remove some clots in his brain. Also my mother's bestfriend son passed away the other day. He was only 19 and she is taking it really hard. There is more but just continue to lift me and those that I love up in prayer. TIA Q
When in testing, I always say to myself The Lord is my rock, and my shelter, my light and my salvation. Whom should I fear?

God is good, and I know that he will bless you, in your time of need and touch your grandfather and your son.