Please Pray For Me


New Member
Hey Ladies,

Please pray for me. Today I went to the doctor to get a TB test read for my schooling (I am a nursing major) and they said that my skin test, tested positive. I am trying so hard not to worry but I am slightly; even though the nurse told me it is nothing to worry about due to the fact that I do not have any signs of active TB. I go get a chest X-Ray on the 22nd.
And I feel like the worst thing is that I get all of this news on the day that I am fasting, I just feel so bad because this is a day I am suppose to set out to God and totally focus on him but I am finding myself not doing that because I am thinking about this whole TB thing. I know that this is just the enemy trying to get me off focus and just give up on my fast. So, Ladies just pray for me that the will of the Lord be done and that I get through my fast on today and that it brings Glory to God.

Hey Ladies,

Please pray for me. Today I went to the doctor to get a TB test read for my schooling (I am a nursing major) and they said that my skin test, tested positive. I am trying so hard not to worry but I am slightly; even though the nurse told me it is nothing to worry about due to the fact that I do not have any signs of active TB. I go get a chest X-Ray on the 22nd.
And I feel like the worst thing is that I get all of this news on the day that I am fasting, I just feel so bad because this is a day I am suppose to set out to God and totally focus on him but I am finding myself not doing that because I am thinking about this whole TB thing. I know that this is just the enemy trying to get me off focus and just give up on my fast. So, Ladies just pray for me that the will of the Lord be done and that I get through my fast on today and that it brings Glory to God.

Let it go, angel...:kiss: Just let it all go. For all that you've feared shall not not prevail, it shall not stand, neither will it come to pass.

Yet your prayers shall prevail, for they have been heard and received into the heart of God our Father in Heaven. And gently He whispers 'Yes'...

And why...because as you are so named, you are "Precious to Him" :giveheart:

God bless you, darlin'. It's 'ALL' okay. :yep: Everything you've been carrying in your heart (even for this 'Fast') is already answered, just for you.

It's all okay.... :grouphug2:
This is just one more thing that you can give to him while you're fasting. I'll keep you in my prayers and I know that he will work it out!
Percious2him, I am sure you are fine. My freshman year of undergrad I tested positive for TB. The chest x-rays were clear so they put me on a round of medicine just to be safe. A positive skin test means that you were exposed to TB and not that you actually have it. I was exposed to it by volunteering at a hospital. Since you are a nursing major, I am assuming that is where you were exposed. It is actually quite common for those in the medical field to test positive.

But here is the testimony-I was told once you have a positive skin test, you will test positive for the rest of your life. However, a couple of years after my initial positive TB skin test, I had to get a test to volunteer at a homeless shelter. I told them it probably wasn't necessary since I had been positive before but they took the test anyway. This skin test was negative.

What HE has done for others, HE can and will do for you.
^^Yeah my sister had tested positive too, but she got it taken care of. With God on your hard as it can be not to...dont worry!
Praise Report/Thanks For Your Prayers

So, on Tuesday I when into the Student Health center at mt school to get my chest x-ray and come to find out that I did not need to get the chest x-ray because my tb test was in the range of still being negative. Thank You Jesus!!!

Also, this week the Lord blessed me in a major way. This week I got a refund check from my school for $592 and some change. God is Good. BTW I go to a university that is about 30,000+ a year, and this semester I do not have to pay one penny and I got some money back. I just thank God so much. I was just thinking the other day I do not know why God keeps blessing me because I am a work in progress and I have not "arrived". His grace and mercy is kind of to much for I just do not understand. God is too good to me. That is why I got to stay in this race because He has done more for me than any man could every do. He has given me his Love, his peace, his protection, and so much more. I owe him my life and so much more. I am still kind of shocked over this whole thing. Every since I gave my life to him I can say that he has being taken care of me and even before I gave my life to him, he was taking care of me. Glory to God!! Thanks ladies for your prayers.
God is so faithful. I'm so blessed to hear of your blessings and that you shared it with us. God bless you, sweetheart. :grouphug2: Continue in love and blessings which will never cease to abound towards you. ;)