Please pray for me....


New Member
I have been hesistant to come here and ask for prayer but I don't know what else to do. I am tired ladies...really tired. And instead of hearing worldly advice, I came here for Christian love and support.

For those of you that don't know, I am recently married. Well I moved out of state and my husband and I live in Baltimore. 4 days after we got married, he lost his job and hasn't been able to find another one. I lost my job 2 weeks ago. I was working as a temp and not able to afford our rent on my own plus the car note, keeping food in the house, etc. So we ended up losing our house, on the verge of losing our car, and we are both jobless. Right now we are staying at my husband's grandmother's house in the basement. Which is were we stayed when we were dating and I would come and visit. This has been very hard on me and him too I am sure. Its frustrating because we just started out and have had everything ripped from us. We have both gone to our families to help us financially with things and that can get hard too sometimes. They help with what they can, but my parents, well I feel that part of them blames my husband for not being able to take care of me and then my mother keeps hinting at things and I am not sure if she is saying that I shouldn't have gotten married or that I need to move back home with them. Now it would be easier for me to move back home because I am more comfortable there and could be more of a wife instead of competing with my husband's grandmother (who is like his mother) and his real mother, who lives here as well with her husband. I don't cook much here and there is really no haven for me or my husband to go and spend time apart from each other. We are left sitting and looking in each other's face all day unless he is upstairs talking to his family for hours, which he claims to hate to do.

I have prayed for some solution and I am expecting something great and wonderous to happen for us, but saints I am tired. I am tired of things going wrong in my life. We have seriously hit the lowest points of our lives...and its hard to keep the faith when you don't see anything moving...but I am trying...

Thanks for listening, reading and praying..I feel better already!
Wow!! Hang in there as the previous posters have stated....keep the faith. You almost have to choice but to depend of Him. This could also bring you and your new husband closer together...learning patience, dealing with tough will also have a better appreciation for things once you get out on your own.
Thank you ladies for your prayers. I feel that this situation is going to bring my husband and I closer together but some days I feel his pain and know that he feels like he is failing and there is nothing that I can do to ease that pain for him. I hate feeling helpless but I know that God is going to bring us out of this, because only He can. I am expecting changes and that is what I am going to receive. I know that I will have a great testimony at the end of this journey.
Ugh :( I know tough times are, well, tough. When you're going through it, most advice doesn't sound good or helpful. You just want the discomfort alleviated now!

I want you to know that I have said a prayer for you. And I feel that some kind of way, this tough time is in answer to something that you, your hubby, or someone close to you all has prayed. Weird--I know. However, this season is going to strengthen each of you individually as well as your marriage. Not only that, but you'll be able to help another couple that goes though something similar in the future.

My advice:

Take this time to get to know his Grandma and mom (since you're right there with them). Hug Grandma periodically and just say thank you for letting you all live there while your situations are being worked out. If you want to move back home and your husband is amenable to that then do it.

Expect God to to bless you with at least 7 times what the enemy has "attempted" to take from you during this difficult season. Expect good to come from this.

Listen to some inspirational music about how wonderful and faithful God is to lift your spirits and remind you to have hope.

There IS more to come. This is not the end. Bless you sweetie!
Thank you all for your prayers, kind words and warm thoughts. I believe that there is some good that is going to come from this I just have to be patient and stay in God's will...its hard but not impossible....

Thanks again!
Stay on your knees, girlfriend. God doesn't put more on you than you can bear. Sometimes He brings trials and tribulations to test our faith. Praise and worship Him despite what your situation looks like today. God called for a man to leave his family and cleave to his wife so you best believe He will provide for yall. Stand firm on his word. Joy comes in the morning. I'm lifting you up.
I read yout post and just started crying. I feel your pain. I wish I could help you. I wanna pray for you but I'm hurting in my marriage as well. I'll just pray that you guys keep the faith and don't let anything come between your relationship. I pray that God covers you and your husband and make a way for you guys to make it through this hard time.
Oh sweetheart, when we take those vows of "in good times and in bad, in plenty and in want..." they take on a whole new meaning when it actually happens to you. My prayers are with you. I also agree with everything that Supergirl said- always let granny know how thankful you are to be there. Have faith in the Lord and He will carry you through this. Praying for blessings on you and your family.
One thing that stood out to me is that you said you have hit the lowest point of your life.

Not knowing your background, sometime that's where we have to be in order to look up to see God. There is a reason why God has allowed you to reach this low. Maybe you've been strattling the fence with him, or maybe you've been trying to work things out your way, or trusting in things and people before him.

Right now is the time for you to surrender, you and your husband to God. Both of you need to come together and touch and agree in prayer and repent to God for all the times you've trusted your decisons and not his. All the times you've done it your way and not his way.

Began to tell God all about the stuff you couldn't post here and come clean with him and then watch him work on your behalf.

God doesn't bring you down for nothing, but while you're down, pray and seek him and love on him until he brings you back up.

When you shall come forth you will have a wonderful testimony. Stay the course and get prepared to be blessed.
"Beauty for Ashes..." Hold on to that, angel...Beauty for Ashes. This is what the Lord has for you and your husband and for all of those in family around you...Beauty for Ashes.

Indeed I have you in prayer...

((( Loving hugs ))) ;)
I know how hard it is to go through, but God is just using these tests to see if you will draw closer to him. Your faith is being built up! Don't worry, God is still there in the midst. Try to look at the positives. Where God is showing up even in the worst of circumstances. Keep praising him and He will answer!
Praying for you. And remember thought it is really hard now, give thanks for the things that are going right in your life.

As supergirl said, when God blesses you its going to be overwelming.

Also, what do you and your husband do? I live in the Washington DC area and am pretty good at finding jobs, maybe I can help. PM me.
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1god1 said:
Wow!! Hang in there as the previous posters have stated....keep the faith. You almost have to choice but to depend of Him. This could also bring you and your new husband closer together...learning patience, dealing with tough will also have a better appreciation for things once you get out on your own.

The bolded is SO true. What else are you gonna do at this point BUT trust God. I'm praying for you girl and remember that if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. When He blesses you it is like no other so expect what He has in store for you to be better than what you had!!!!!

You are going in the right direction, after all you came in the 'Christian Fellowship Forum'...